This post is in combination with the Theory of Infinite Smallness and 'c != c' relativity.
Time and Gravity
It seems that a large portion of these theories rests on c != c, and the resulting 'unique' time relativity . Since most of us are moving at the same speed, we experience uniform time.
But some things do move at very high or very low speeds, although none 'stop'. All things move at the speed of light, according to the individual's perfecption of time, but their unique vibration level is what determines what else they resonate with.
If you vibrate on a period of 147 trillion miles, about 1 billion light years, you will experience time about 1 billion times slower. This is incalculable to the average human's experience. Our consciousness is tuned for our local time frequency.
However, we are so small that there is no way we could react with or even realize that such atrsonomically sized particles even existed, let alone the objects they create in stable forms. We are very small subatomic particles in their eyes. And what are subatomic particles in your eyes?
note that if the earth were the size of a bowling ball, it would appear to be completely smooth. Is it? Are you?
Gravity. It appears that one unit of energy over one unit of time produces one unit of gravity. If this particle's period doubles, it will likely produce two units of gravity, but the doubling period means that it is moving twice as quickly.
If a particle were excited to the point of doubling its period [basically packing more energy into a wave, thus increasing it's 'mass'] would it produce twice as much gravity? I believe so. Would it be traveling on a wave path faster than light?
If two waves each cover a distance of 186000 mps as the crow flies, but one's period is 1:1 and the other's is 2:1, the higher frequency[2:1] wave is traveling twice as quickly, at 372000mps, along its snaking path. This is simple geometry. The particle traveling 186000mps at [2:1] is traveling at twice the speed of light.
The 2:1 particle/wave has half as much time to produce gravity, but due to double period/mass, produces twice as much gravity per time. This is undetectable from the result, but the internal physics are different, and important.
Experience [time perception] radiates from an event at the speed of light. If you can go faster than the speed of light/experience, even in a circle, and then stop, you will be waiting for the experience to show up where you are again.
The universe is quantum and relies on experience to define events. If you surpass this wave of time/experience/defintion and then experience it again, you can redefine events. Since the time goes out in all directions, you cannot be in all places [defined] to change all experiences, but you can move yourself to a place where that definition is history, and be somewhat unaffected by the theoretical quantum experiences you didn't experience.
Hmm. This means that quantum decisions are fractals moving in every direction, broadcasting universally their results. E=mc^2, where c = your speed + c. Hmm.
your speed + c, and not your speed plus 186000mps. This may have a second layer of relative change, allowing a mathematical formula to distinguish the size of the difference between astronomical frequency layers.
c-sub2 = the speed of the experiencer plus c. in a stable location, the speed of light would be the speed of the experiencer, which can be equated to 0 in any space, plus the speed of the rest of the universe below him in scale, which is infinitesmal, but real, and begins with the stable speed of the foundation of his particles, 186000mps. Add to it his own speed. It may be that tinier and tinier and larger and larger universes have geometrically equal upward and downward scaling levels of c, based on the speed of the experiencer, which varies based on scale, and the speed of light, which varies based on the experiencer.
this would mean that in a world where a hydrogen atom is ~1 billion light years wide, and an experiencer's ambient period was 1 billion light years, light would behave as though it moved at 1 billion light years per second.
the speed of light may be relative to the mass/period of the experiencer.
posted by William Bunker @ 1:42 PM
This post is in combination with the Theory of Infinite Smallness and 'c != c' relativity.
Time and Gravity
It seems that a large portion of these theories rests on c != c, and the resulting 'unique' time relativity . Since most of us are moving at the same speed, we experience uniform time.
But some things do move at very high or very low speeds, although none 'stop'. All things move at the speed of light, according to the individual's perfecption of time, but their unique vibration level is what determines what else they resonate with.
If you vibrate on a period of 147 trillion miles, about 1 billion light years, you will experience time about 1 billion times slower. This is incalculable to the average human's experience. Our consciousness is tuned for our local time frequency.
However, we are so small that there is no way we could react with or even realize that such atrsonomically sized particles even existed, let alone the objects they create in stable forms. We are very small subatomic particles in their eyes. And what are subatomic particles in your eyes?
note that if the earth were the size of a bowling ball, it would appear to be completely smooth. Is it? Are you?
Gravity. It appears that one unit of energy over one unit of time produces one unit of gravity. If this particle's period doubles, it will likely produce two units of gravity, but the doubling period means that it is moving twice as quickly.
If a particle were excited to the point of doubling its period [basically packing more energy into a wave, thus increasing it's 'mass'] would it produce twice as much gravity? I believe so. Would it be traveling on a wave path faster than light?
If two waves each cover a distance of 186000 mps as the crow flies, but one's period is 1:1 and the other's is 2:1, the higher frequency[2:1] wave is traveling twice as quickly, at 372000mps, along its snaking path. This is simple geometry. The particle traveling 186000mps at [2:1] is traveling at twice the speed of light.
The 2:1 particle/wave has half as much time to produce gravity, but due to double period/mass, produces twice as much gravity per time. This is undetectable from the result, but the internal physics are different, and important.
Experience [time perception] radiates from an event at the speed of light. If you can go faster than the speed of light/experience, even in a circle, and then stop, you will be waiting for the experience to show up where you are again.
The universe is quantum and relies on experience to define events. If you surpass this wave of time/experience/defintion and then experience it again, you can redefine events. Since the time goes out in all directions, you cannot be in all places [defined] to change all experiences, but you can move yourself to a place where that definition is history, and be somewhat unaffected by the theoretical quantum experiences you didn't experience.
Hmm. This means that quantum decisions are fractals moving in every direction, broadcasting universally their results. E=mc^2, where c = your speed + c. Hmm.
your speed + c, and not your speed plus 186000mps. This may have a second layer of relative change, allowing a mathematical formula to distinguish the size of the difference between astronomical frequency layers.
c-sub2 = the speed of the experiencer plus c. in a stable location, the speed of light would be the speed of the experiencer, which can be equated to 0 in any space, plus the speed of the rest of the universe below him in scale, which is infinitesmal, but real, and begins with the stable speed of the foundation of his particles, 186000mps. Add to it his own speed. It may be that tinier and tinier and larger and larger universes have geometrically equal upward and downward scaling levels of c, based on the speed of the experiencer, which varies based on scale, and the speed of light, which varies based on the experiencer.
this would mean that in a world where a hydrogen atom is ~1 billion light years wide, and an experiencer's ambient period was 1 billion light years, light would behave as though it moved at 1 billion light years per second.
the speed of light may be relative to the mass/period of the experiencer.
posted by William Bunker @ 1:42 PM