Time Vortex Activator

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<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 24-Jul-02 AT 10:14AM (EDT)</font>

I heard that there may be a way to get this machine to
work. Visit http://www.psi-tronics.com or
http://www.hdrenterprises.net and buy an L-Shaped Dowsing
Rod with a crystal point?

I've never tried this, and I don't suppose an aura meter
would do just as well.

From TTravel70 not JHarbor.
Time Vortex Activator, ed. note, historical marker:TIME TRAVLERS

timelevel July 24 2002

Dear MOP' Under your forum, I would only care to add these two brief editorial notes, under history markers, thank you.

Please note, in answer to the group of religious fanatics, try to pose a false fact, that, the Alpha Drackonians were what was termed as (the good guys), please note the following, that they are an old past warrior race, which at one time had lived here on Earth.

The reason for their leaving is not well known, however in comeing back to Earth and trying to make Earth a technical conquest, is not a tactically sound move.

These beings were not coded via their DNA into Earth's central sun.

Additionally these types of Dracks, are seperate from an out of frequency beings, known as (The Blue Dracks), which are actually sister to this human race.

An artist who was jogging had made contact with the Blue Dracks and was teleported into their dimesnion and shown the Dracks homes.

The artist was told that how well the humans did in part had empinged on how well their race would do?

This person was also shown the Dracks bedrooms, e.g next instead of beds), which are a very personal issue, involving trust and a friendship was struck up with the Dracks.

I had corosponded with this man and can verify to an extent what he had said was true.

Please note that some of Creedo's early motivation to try and save the United States was inpart, imparted from the asking of a pastor, who durring a couceling session, some years ago, had pleaded with me, not to let the United States fall.

I took this asking as a personal mission and had tried every way, to make the U.S. a better place to live, by my self invested civic involvment.

The problems of overpopulation were at fist relaied to Presdient George Bush Senior.

I had been trying to promote a system of near space transporation for this Earth based man, as the size of Earth's population was getting way to large.

I could see then, that the perril of overpopulation in part then was starting to short circut the ability of normal social intereactions and a myrid of problems were starting to come forth from this lack of proper recognition by formalized goverment.

There are now tellings, that there would be an attempt by the Alpha Drackoins who are said to secrtetly encourage parts of this hidden govermnment to do certain things, to try to take over the U.S. by force.

This action would be by using foriegn troops sneaking into the U.S. which would segment certain parts of the population away to preplanned concentration camps?See the web serch entry, hidden u.s. detention camps.

I have noted these sayings as a nutral ambassador, however can not substanicate these claims.

This if true would be an illeogical thing to do, as the Dracks are not DNA encoded by this central sun, where the Blue Dracks are.

There is also a symbeotic reltionship between certain Earth humans and they're sun.

So the presence of a new race forceing their way here onto Earth by subtrfugal invasion, might in part, case solar irregularitues, if this supposed symbiotic relationship does exist.

I am not against all beings who are dark matter orgiened, as some of the dark matter beings, who have been extra frequency, have shown some acts of acceptability within the social range of affairs.

I refer to the book, The Eastgate Affair, which had occured in England some time ago.

Please note, the Anomalies.net new section, THE MOON , MARS, AND E.T.s, as promoted by web site and manager at this realtive date in time?Complete assemblies are note by these sites, on the moon and Mars.

So at the 2002 level and probably well before this time level, the Earths moon and Mars were well inhabiated with at least two or three differinfg sects of both aliens and man in all probablity.

So at this issue of time, the colonization of near space by Earth based man, would have had to have been in the hands of organized governement as well as the people as set by said formal rules of people government realtionships in vote??

This is preciscley why my attempted past bid for the position of an offworld ambassador due to both genetic status, as well as semantical understanding of the many sides of this issue involved.

Note that this bid ambassador is not, I repeat not necessarily against all forms of reptoid bipedial humans.I am however against deception.

This is a reotrical posting to this board and thewre will be no further discussion of this issue.

Thank you MOP and special attn. time travlers.

Sworn creedo299
RE: Time Vortex Activator, ed. note, historical marker:TIME TRAVLERS

Typo' Blue Dracks should read, nest instead of beds.

creedo299 re-ed note
RE: Time Vortex Activator, ed. note, historical marker:TIME TRAVLERS

Yeah and? Your registered aren't you? You can edit your posts out now, instead of making excuses about your typo’s and bad grammar
. Remember you complained that you did not have that privilege? There's nothing stopping you now, is there?


I hate to see people taken in by scams and that's why I'm writing this post.

J.C.'s time vortex activator does not and can not work. Inside the "time selector device" there are 4 I.C. chips. The Earth's magnetic field cannot activate the chips as J.C. claims.