4+1+5, five is state of. / then / 5+1 is life on Earth as it was. / then an alteration 5+1+= 6 as restated life, / then / 5+1=6 life, re=add quanity of 1, meaning influences of gross creatures mankind and or others = 7.
Seven is output but is not unstable if mankind relocates to other systems as of now.
Currently mankind's gene status on Earth is in grave danger, if he does not break out of this locus.
*Man is accounted for as being here, but not in such gross numbers that he she disrupts the functioning of the planets.((disclaimer), this is a mathematical equation particular to this thread only and is not projected as a ruling method hence down from any attempt out of the borders of the thread.
Control statement 4.6 billions of years of age or held within that approximation of age is thought to be the rough age of Earth.
Second statement that 5 with two equals seven is not truly linked with 5 with one as an output, as in the creation of mankind it is secretly thought that in some phases of the developing of mankind, mankind's gene statis had direct tampering with.This was said predominant tampering starting in a landing in Africa 435,000 nd. years ago in African, see(abandoned uranium in Congo jungle area, complete with photograph), the natural reaction.Lethal to enter And step two, the same Anunnaki noted in Ancient Sumeria, having influenced mankind's gene, as told by Zecharia Sitchin, in book, (Twelfth Planet).
The Anunnakis instructions imparted to us humans had been, as soon as you are developed enough, then leave this planet and start colonies of your own.
Left out because of not enough knowledge, the Tall Whites aliens of the China Pyramid Systems, bodies, mummies found adorned in very intricate honorary vestments held in norther region of China.*Not enough is known about this past fragile relation with the Chinese.