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Epochal Historian

Proton flare! Xrays up 1000x in 10 days!

We are believed to be on the downside of the 11 year Solar cycle, where solar activity drops to near zero. Instead the Sun is waking up! It bears watching over the next few weeks because this could just be the beginning. Pole shift or killshot, anyone?

There are three speeds of particles which come off the Sun from which we measure solar activity.

The fastest are Xrays which travel at the speed of light and take about 6 minutes to reach Earth. Typically the first indication that something has happened on the Sun. The M6 Xray flare earlier today was the biggest flare in months and is well over 1000 times the levels of ten days ago.

The second fastest particles are called superfast of energetic particles, which are accelerated to high speeds in the solar explosion. These take anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours to reach Earth, and are measured as proton flux. Significant variations in proton flux qualifies as a proton flare. The levels of proton flux is up 10 times in the past few hours due to todays flare. The proton flare in progress is the biggest one in months.

The slowest particles contains the bulk of the matter ejected from the Sun in solar events, and take about 18 hours to 4 days to reach the Earth. These incoming particles are often spotted on satellite imagery and are known as coronal mass ejections (CME´s).

It is curious that NOAA´s Space Environment Center has not identified any CME from todays M6 flare, yet the superfast proton levels are noticably elevated. Usually if the superfast protons have arrived at Earth, you can bet the slower ones are soon to follow. Superfast particles are often the best indicators that something else is headed our way. Chances for Auroras will probably increase for Wednesday and Thursday night due to todays events.

Bottom line, we are undergoing the highest solar activity in months. From new regions just emerging on the edge of the Sun. These will be geoeffective towards Earth for the next couple weeks. And satellite imagery which can "see through" the Sun indicates there are even more massive sunspots on the backside of the Sun which will soon come into view.

Here are some graphs of this highly unusual activity. Note the extremely low levels on this 3 day plot beginning July 3rd-


Things were low until the mysterious backside CME observed visually on July 9th. This curiously did not register as an Xray flare, but caused an unusual smoothing of the Xray plot for 48 hours. I don´t recall anything quite like it-


Then on July 11th at 0600 UT, the Xray plot spiked dramatically in minutes to very active activity where it has remained since. The spike was almost like an Xray "shockwave". I don´t recall anything like that either-


And then todays Xray plot, which shows the biggest Xray flare in months, with levels over 1000 times that of 10 days ago-


Why haven´t we found evidence of other advanced civilisations in the universe? Some scientists say it may be because life may be more precious than we think, since our Sun is unusually stable. Most stars like our Sun have periodic massive outbursts of flaring, and the radiation from that would surely destroy all life as we know it. Could our Sun become like other stars, and emit deadly bursts of radiation? Xrays and superfast particals would kill all life on the sunside of the Earth in minutes. Then when the massive CME killshot arrives in 2-3 days, it will finish off the rest of us with even more prolonged waves of radiation, possibly even a poleshift.

This is how things work in the rest of the universe. Our star has been quiet so far, but it might be waking up. Keep an eye out for the next few weeks. We could be in for a bumpy ride!-

Very Fasctinating Post!
It makes one wonder...the celestial alignment that is just beginning and will peak in 2012. perhaps the combination of these factors will cause very unusual events within the next few + years.

I am ready though, I bought an old WW2 helmet for $5.00 at a flea market. Bet they wished they hadn't of sold it now!!!
I agree with OvrLrdLegion....thanks for bringing this to our attention, Creedo.

I also agree that this is likely a build-up to 2012. And... there are "some who say" that the increased solar activity outside the normal 11 year cycle is part of our evolution, and that it is affecting our DNA so as to prepare us for the next quantum jump in life integration... beyond the confines of earth. I dunno if I am believing that as yet, but I am keeping my eye out for evidence, and I have been feeling quite energized as of late.

Hello everyone, its been a while... I thought I would jump in here for a quick message...

Helioseismology! (Current Solar Physics), and the exciting new field of Consciousness Science , are able to scientifically document the mutually exchanged effects our Sun's activity has on the Earth and on us, and the effects that we and the mass consciousness of the planet has on the Sun and other aspects of our existence. An extraordinary example of related new research is a large scale ongoing experiment at Princeton University led by Global Consciousness Project Director Roger Nelson. Through a wide Global network of stations they record responses in the mass consciousness field by monitoring randomly generated computer sequences that become anomalously non-random and show marked changes in probability curves synchronous with major events being registered in the Global Consciousness . Random Effects Generators, or REGs reflect consistent and predictable non-random readings in synchronization with major mass attention focusing events such as the September 11th terrorist attacks, New Years Y2K, significant Earthquakes, and also large synchronized meditations that focus on thoughts of Peace. Striking comparisons in the graph charts, alongside the precise timelines of each significant event noted by the REG monitoring stations show results way outside the area of probability indicating a definite response of some kind in the mass consciousness, or "Noosphere" to events we are collectively conscious of, and emotionally react to. Further remarkable evidence of the true nature of our interactive biosphere where the Earth and Sun demonstrate their nature as a "living being with connected consciousness", was observed following the US Presidential Election that resulted in a inconclusive split in the voters choices between Al Gore and George Bush. As this divisive and emotional situation registered in the mass consciousness the Sun unleashed a tremendous X-Ray burst that triggered the second largest Proton storm of the peaking 11 year Solar cycle.

At this critical time in our history it is necessary to recognize how we are able to empower ourselves by combining our collective intentions and the psychokinetic energy of our positive thoughts and visualizations toward a more harmonious existence. Through meditations for Earth Healing and Peace for the planet and all her life forms, focusing on areas most in need of balance and healing, we can affect a positive change for the future!!!

Moreso the "power of prayer" has one of the most co-creative effects of the psychokinetic energy of focused human consciousness, and the demonstrated physical effect of our thoughts, in practical application...