Temporal Novice
Nough said seems johns story is full of holes. All information is speculative and unable to be proven exactly. pictures show a host of things but most definately not enough detail in the back ground. Lazer picture i have now discovered is from a web camera and not from a still camera. The image lattice shows that it's digital video.
So anyway for time travel to be possible people have to know that time is an energy that keeps on, so that the things we have on the planet can effect it's stability or course. Such as light which is an energy it needs to be harnessed and used and controlled efficiently enough to use it. This may take years or maybe we will have a miracle happen next month. The fact is that there is a universal law that binds our minds to thinking in a closed manner. Thus making it difficult for us to even comprehend the possibilities of time travel and it's implications. only when we try something will it be proven but then again only to one person. so lets all jump through a black hole hey.
Fact of the matter is whether your mind belives it's possible and if maybe if you have enough people beliveing in that certain subject , like a international though will a new idea become possible otherwise it's going to take a while. Sorry i tend to ramble. My point is that for the most of it life is so short and we must try to achieve as much as we can no matter how unbelieveble it might be. So in closing think of time as an energy that constantly flows like and electrical current. this might bring about other ideas as to how it's travel will be possible. Such as travveling on a light beam this in my mind is possiable by breaking down the body into similar sized particals that bind with the light so that we can travel along it and then at our destination we simply reassemble our body. And for the moment when we are travveling we are not alive as a combined module but alive as an energy needing not to breathe or to eat but just to exist as energy while travelleing. Think of the way a computer processor works the smaller the micron process the less energy thats allowed to travel through the wired thus if we stick to this process we will have to stop at.0021 microns because the size of an atom limits us .
Any thoughts would be welcome
So anyway for time travel to be possible people have to know that time is an energy that keeps on, so that the things we have on the planet can effect it's stability or course. Such as light which is an energy it needs to be harnessed and used and controlled efficiently enough to use it. This may take years or maybe we will have a miracle happen next month. The fact is that there is a universal law that binds our minds to thinking in a closed manner. Thus making it difficult for us to even comprehend the possibilities of time travel and it's implications. only when we try something will it be proven but then again only to one person. so lets all jump through a black hole hey.
Fact of the matter is whether your mind belives it's possible and if maybe if you have enough people beliveing in that certain subject , like a international though will a new idea become possible otherwise it's going to take a while. Sorry i tend to ramble. My point is that for the most of it life is so short and we must try to achieve as much as we can no matter how unbelieveble it might be. So in closing think of time as an energy that constantly flows like and electrical current. this might bring about other ideas as to how it's travel will be possible. Such as travveling on a light beam this in my mind is possiable by breaking down the body into similar sized particals that bind with the light so that we can travel along it and then at our destination we simply reassemble our body. And for the moment when we are travveling we are not alive as a combined module but alive as an energy needing not to breathe or to eat but just to exist as energy while travelleing. Think of the way a computer processor works the smaller the micron process the less energy thats allowed to travel through the wired thus if we stick to this process we will have to stop at.0021 microns because the size of an atom limits us .
Any thoughts would be welcome