Time Travellers from distant future.


Temporal Novice
I'm wondering are here any travellers from 2200-3000 or even from 4th millenia. What can you say about facts of our future?

Only REAL time travellers (I'm not interested in "want to be" travellers, story tellers or hoaxers).
Only REAL time travellers (I'm not interested in "want to be" travellers, story tellers or hoaxers).

Er, Sorry all we have for you are "want to be" travellers, story tellers or hoaxers.

Try next door!
I'm wondering are here any travellers from 2200-3000 or even from 4th millenia. What can you say about facts of our future?

Can you be a more specific, please? What kind of facts do you seek?

The World of the 26th is completely different from the World of the 21st. An adequate summary of half a millenium worth of progress and change is impossible. Only if you make your question more specific, will I be able to respond.
Hi there Sigo.

I think about facts in buildings, transportation, technology, social life etc.

What are the difference between 26th and 21st century in general?

That's all.