Mbelgedeshu Nktumbaba
Temporal Novice
Well, after observing so many threads I have concluded that some of this forum members are time traveller. I need to travel to the past. can anyone help me?
Travel to the past is possible, but you must understand that travel to the future is impossible, at least at this point. Further, you must understand that travel to 'the past' is in fact, more of a replicated experience, therefore, no information may be passed 'back and forth'. However!! We recently completed an experiment in France that involved a newly discovered type of process, that did produce results consistent with and 'actual' time jump to the past (1872). The experience was very brief, and extremely limited in range (focal point of a few meters), but, our data seems to clearly show that we did not experience any type of 'replicated past' or 'parallel construct'. I apologize in advance for this rambling reply, however, we are all so exceedingly excited about our recent experimental conclusions that I can not help but tell people about it.
To answer your question more directly though, I would have to say that I do not believe that you, personally, have much of a chance of visiting the past. Unless of course you were to join our team and then, who knows, it could be quite possible, especially if we are able to somehow increase the size of the quantum construct that we just experienced.