Time Traveling Meat Puppets Will Be Least Of Our Worries Soon!

Oddly enough, our own abilities to create sentient beings will someday act as the "proof" that there really is a God that all the atheists have screamed just cannot be so. However, this will act as proof of *a* god, but not necessarily the format of God that most religions want you to believe in.

God is a verb, not a noun. Creation is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
Wouldnt it be ironic if an atheist scientist created a sentient program thus becoming the living proof of the very thing he denies? Tell THAT to your shrink.
I wonder though, if the creation of sentient entities will satisfy the definition of God for many.

Regardless of whether it does or doesnt spritually, technically it does.

And with that, this has now become the subject of my next short story. I'm totally writing this; its just too trippy to pass up.