Time Travelers: Need a Place to Crash?


Temporal Novice
With all the recent chat about time travel, it is pretty obvious that a receiver has been made, and time travel is now (and will be) possible. Here is one way that you can help me out, and get a place where you can crash/hide out in my future and your past. I have two lottery tickets (7263153 and 7263154) and the draw date is July 26th, 2012. If you can arrange that one of them wins the grand prize, I will guarantee a welcome place for you to stay on any of your trips into the past.

Please help me, and in return I will help you. This is all I can offer now, and in a few weeks at least I will know for sure whether this time travel event has happened. I trust your ingenuity to make this potential actual, and I look forward to meeting you anytime after the 26th. For me, a matter of a week and two days, for you, infinite possibility. Good luck to us both!
If you can arrange that one of them wins the grand prize, I will guarantee a welcome place for you to stay on any of your trips into the past.

May be a silly question, but how does time travel give the time traveler any more ability than a non time traveler to arrange for a specific ticket to be drawn in the (Washington State?) lottery?
May be a silly question, but how does time travel give the time traveler any more ability than a non time traveler to arrange for a specific ticket to be drawn in the (Washington State?) lottery?
Thanks for the reply, and not a silly question at all. The time traveler will have knowledge in the future of what number has won, and in this case where the lottery tickets are assigned randomly, it is really up to this future traveler to control events in order to make sure that the one of the two numbers I received is the grand-prize winner. It's not for the Washington State Lottery, by the way, but then the time traveler will be able to figure out which one I mean. Finally, this person will also know where (and when) the hide-out is located.

Thank you for asking :-)
Hang on mate. If your lottery is like the one in the UK.

YOU go and buy a ticket from an outlet like a Newsagent, or Grocery Store or something- right?

ONLY AFTER you have purchased the ticket, only can you know (or indeed anyone) the Electronic ID number on the ticket- whether it wins or not!!!

How the hell, can you ask someone, whether they be from now, the future- or Timbuktoo to know how to know the winning ticket that comes out the network lottery machine with your lottery ticket ID???

If you are suggesting they come back and buy the ticket for you, then you will not know know (nor anyone) the ticket ID UNLESS YOU KNOW THE WINNING LOTTERY NUMBERS ALREADY!!! (because the TT has told you of course) - that destroys any reason for you to make any said offers.

You have, in the vernacular- snookered yourself!

They would not even need your offer of help, they could afford to live wherever they want, and accordingly get false ID/Passports and whatever cover they wish. They would have all the money they wish-without your offer!

Let me put this differently- ticket number 12345 wins the lottery. TIME TRAVELLER picks up the 10 trillion dollar prize. Then he owns a ticket and loadsa' money- unless HE bought it -IN ASSOCIATION with you at the point of purchase etc., how would he know who you are?... or indeed care!
What you are asking, if I get it? is for someone to come back, buy the ticket- then contact you!
so, they have to come back to a point BEFORE you bought those tickts and stop you- just to tell you, the winning numbers are incorrect!
So, you go out and buy a different ticket, one that will win!!! U got it?

You don't get it- how possibly can they buy the ticket with your ticket serial number ID on it and know that ID is going to win- unless you know already that your ticket is the winner? That means you know the winning numbers already, as you have already bought the tickets that will supposedly win! SO, WHY ASK FOR HELP?

The winning numbers yes, the TT could know these, but not the ticket ID or point of purchase unless they bought them (in association with you), knowing the winning 6 numbers from the future?

How could you, or anyone know the ticket ID (even a time traveller) from the winning six lottery numbers, unless they worked for the Lottery company- agents etc./or the acutal lottery winner!

In a Nutshell- you are trying to reverse engineer something that cannot be retraced.

In which case, your post wouldn't be necessary, as - you wouldn't have needed to make it!

It's late- hope this makes sense after a quite a few beers!

You could, if possible ask them to give you the winning numbers- the ticket number is totally irrellevant!

YOU Wouldn't want said TT to disclose the winning numbers openly, then EVERYONE could win, and your share would be a mere 50 bucks or so.

Do I read this situation correctly?
Methinks so....


Think about it.
Cheers, Dave R

PS: Thanks, I love these quandries, paradoxes- they are fairly easy to think out, but not easy to communicate to others so much! :)
Hello Dave,

Thank you for the reply, but "mate", "snookered", "comprendez"? If I didn't know better, this sounds like the start of an unnecessary flamewar over something not so difficult to grasp, as long as you abandon linear, cause-and-effect thinking. It is a theory I am testing out, and to reveal location, the lottery's name or any other personal details (asides from what is already available on-line) defeats the purpose. What good is a time traveler's hide-out if anyone can find it? It is a riddle of probability that some cleverer than I can solve, not that I am boasting of any genius-level intelligence. I just know whoever will solve it will need a place to crash from time to time.

How is the UK doing with her Olympic preparations, by the way? My hometown never really recovered from its games ;-)
Thanks for the reply, and not a silly question at all. The time traveler will have knowledge in the future of what number has won, and in this case where the lottery tickets are assigned randomly, it is really up to this future traveler to control events in order to make sure that the one of the two numbers I received is the grand-prize winner. It's not for the Washington State Lottery, by the way, but then the time traveler will be able to figure out which one I mean. Finally, this person will also know where (and when) the hide-out is located.

Thank you for asking :)


The problem with your question is that you asked the TT to (somehow) arrange for the lotto ticket numbers that you've already purchased to win. That doesn't imply pre-knowledge on the part of the time traveler. If we assume that the TT can discover the winning numbers before the drawing occurs all s/he can do is tell you whether or not you have the correct numbers for the specific drawing. I can safely tell you right now that the numbers that you have drawn are not winners. You posted two seven digit numbers so my above "prediction" has a P=9,999,998:10,000,000 chance of being correct (Because you have two numbers the probability that I'm correct is very slightly less than that mathematically. But the real numbers drawn are whole numbrs so decimal extensions out to 8 digits are meaningless).

If you already have the tickets it takes a criminal mind (not to mention the ability) to crack the lotto system and G it so your numbers come up. No TT ability needed there. Accomplishing the task does nothing to certify the would-be TT's bona fides.

Is this what you were asking? If not then I obviously don't get it. Where does time travel enter the scenario? It has to be more than simple quantum entanglement. Each of the individual 7 numbers that come up depend on a lot more than a simple 10-state per number quantum state. The numbers output by the lotto computer are not single electrons or some other elementary sub-atomic particle in a quantum system. And even if that was the case a time traveler would not necessarily be some sort of advanced quantum physicist. Based on the "usual suspects" that we see here, as I've said before, the typical TT is a Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson space monkey or ex-professional wrestler, his preferred choice for the first US astronauts, instead of highly trained, experienced and educated USAF, Navy or Marine Corps test pilot aviators. The "usual suspects" wouldn't know an entangled quantum state from an extra marital "entanglement". And that includes John Titor.

BTW: I'm going to ask MOP to move this thread to Time Travel Discussion. The "Suggestion" forum is for suggestions about how to improve the board.
Ah ha, Darb, the gig is already up, it seems

Yes, mathematically improbable to ask that an already-purchased ticket could be made into a winner. How mentally divergent! I would only ask that this thread not be mopped anywhere else, or removed in any way. The one "suggestion" to make is for more people to read and respond to other users on this site. Open network communities work best when a variety of ideas are thrown together. Why else would I ask such a far-fetched question but to stir up this engaging debate? Hopefully this post can stay where it is.

Thanks again,
"snookered", "comprendez"? If I didn't know better, this sounds like the start of an unnecessary flamewar over something not so difficult to grasp

I used those words as a way of getting the point across- that is all.
I apologise if they came across a little offensively, they were not meant to be.

"Mate" in the UK is used as a friendly term in the South anyway. Snookered is not regarded as offensive here at all either- just a term to describe that you have no options to resolve a problem.

The Olympics- a bit of a shambles, as you would expect with the UK gov't and associates.
All the best,
...as long as you abandon linear, cause-and-effect thinking.

If you can arrange that one of them wins the grand prize, I will guarantee a welcome place for you to stay on any of your trips into the past.

As you state in the above quote, you're asking that everyone (not just the would-be TT) by implication abandon "linear cause-and-effect" In the next above quote you invite, without specificity, any would be time traveler to stay with out during any [time travel] trip.

What will your response be, having abandoned linear time cause-and-effect, should a time traveler come along today - a week before the lottery - and tell you that it's done. You will win. Now about that place for me to stay during the coming seven days?

Your choices appear to be:

1) Accept the declaration by abandoning linear cause-and-effect and give up the rack for a week, or;

2)Demand that the pay-out will only occur after the drawing, thus falling back on linear time cause-and-effect. That is a contractual clause neither included in nor implied by the original offer, considering the requirement that linear cause-and-effect be ignored. You've actually made it a very specific exclusion in the contract.

It seems to me that no matter who contacts you and demands the place to stay for the next week you're obligated to make good on the offer. If you don't actually win you can file suit for fraud but try to convince a jury that it is something they can enforce. Not a chance.
Isn't it interesting, Dave, how so many people can get behind shady government deals to bring the Olympic Games into an overcrowded city, and yet imagine the sort of discussions we'd be having if as many people were to sign up on this site with questions and comments about time travel. I was impressed with how Londoners are coping with the changes to their city, and hope more than just the "Olympic elite" (so called by the cab driver navigating through soon-to-be closed lanes) benefit from the Games. The Diamond Jubilee was a nice example of a city coming together to do something remarkable!

I am familiar enough with the terms mentioned above and don't feel that they were used offensively; just a sense that I have when complete strangers start calling me mate and then go all caps lock, it seems less like a friendly chat, more of an attack. Could be my northern sensibility that caused the misunderstanding. It is great to see that Darby is entertaining alternative choices in how this future scenario will play out, so why not take on a freeloading "time traveler" for a week, even under the false pretenses that I will have won the grand prize in the lottery the following Thursday? The other question is why should I sue for fraud, if I'd be entertained for a week by someone posing as "a LBJ space monkey" from the future? It's not the money that I'm after, it's owning a place where actual time travelers could visit that is appealing. Seems like that inverted pyramid on the hundred dollar bill riddle, and it would be nice to steer this conversation towards the right hemisphere, and accept that nonlinear chaos can and will happen. Time travel itself is a break in the linear chronology of the universe, isn't it?

Appreciate any other thoughts :)
and accept that nonlinear chaos can and will happen

Who's rejected non-linear chaos? We live in a thermodynamic world. Given the proper scale the world is quite chaotic. On the macro scale it's not quite so chaotic as to eliminate the ability to predict, in general terms, how a situation will develop.

If its entertainment that you were seeking why didn't you just say so? I'm sure that if you want an elsewise anonymous guest for a week that you've invited from an alt-sci website who will pose as a time traveler I'm pretty sure that you can find a taker. Not my first choice for how I'd find a guest for a week, mind you, but I'm not making the offer.
Hi Kst...
Yes the Jubilee was enjoyed by most here- sad that the country as a whole though only went to see it as a free gig or just a day out!
The olympic's will do nothing for GB, except maybe show up as an embrassment, when it all goes wrong- as normally happens over here, mainly due to taking shortcuts and real lack of planning all the time- or just having Dumbo's in charge.
Then of course there is the "misery for all situation" caused by the adherence to political correctness- ok, you know what the terrorists look like- but, what the hell- ignore that, and just make everyone's life a misery.

Yeah, a few people will have part time jobs through the olympics, but when it finishes I can't expect anything to change for the better.

The UK was poor in the 60's when I grew up, but was a much nicer and happier place than it is now. The 60's and 70's in the UK were really quite special, and I am not saying that through Rose coloured glasses.

We had a sense of community and if you like togetherness... now, the trust has gone, and everyone is out for themselves.
I guess that is true of the US too in many ways?
Sad but true! Apologies for the rant too, and wandering off topic!
All the best, Dave
Hi Kst...
Yes the Jubilee was enjoyed by most here- sad that the country as a whole though only went to see it as a free gig or just a day out!
The olympic's will do nothing for GB, except maybe show up as an embrassment, when it all goes wrong- as normally happens over here, mainly due to taking shortcuts and real lack of planning all the time- or just having Dumbo's in charge.
Then of course there is the "misery for all situation" caused by the adherence to political correctness- ok, you know what the terrorists look like- but, what the hell- ignore that, and just make everyone's life a misery.

Yeah, a few people will have part time jobs through the olympics, but when it finishes I can't expect anything to change for the better.

The UK was very poor in the 60's when I grew up, but was a much nicer and happier place than it is now. The 60's and 70's in the UK were really quite special, and I am not saying that through Rose coloured glasses.

We had a sense of community and if you like togetherness... now, the trust has gone, and everyone is out for themselves.
In those days everyone had been through the war together, so had been drawn together- because they had to, in order to survive.
I guess that is true of the US too in many ways?

Sad but true!
Apologies for the rant too, and wandering off topic!
All the best, Dave
Hi Dave,

Thank you for the Olympic "rant" and definitely agree that it will be a lot of hullabaloo for a couple of week, and then someone's got to start paying for it. Great to find out more about you, and something common to most of the posts I've read on this site is an optimism for better time - not so much nostalgia, but a sense that things today could be better. If you are into sci-fi-ish books that deal with an alternate England, Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series is a fun read, especially First Among Sequels which talks about "mining the now" so that culture can barely remember the last 15 minutes of fame somebody had. Would like to see some future time traveler fix that problem!

Anyhoo, had fun with this thread, and if events don't shape up as I hoped, despite all reasonable arguments against, I look forward to reading more from you in the future!

All the best,
thats the vibe i got. alot of us are smart, bored, and lonely. if you want to be around people that appreciate a great mind, then this is the spot for you.
I'm sorry, kstoo, but you posted in the wrong section. How is a time traveller supposed to know if he doesn't look in the right place? Time travel claims is the proper section. Please read before posting. Thank you.

P.S. I saw this too late because of it being in the wrong section.
With all the recent chat about time travel, it is pretty obvious that a receiver has been made, and time travel is now (and will be) possible. Here is one way that you can help me out, and get a place where you can crash/hide out in my future and your past. I have two lottery tickets (7263153 and 7263154) and the draw date is July 26th, 2012. If you can arrange that one of them wins the grand prize, I will guarantee a welcome place for you to stay on any of your trips into the past.

Please help me, and in return I will help you. This is all I can offer now, and in a few weeks at least I will know for sure whether this time travel event has happened. I trust your ingenuity to make this potential actual, and I look forward to meeting you anytime after the 26th. For me, a matter of a week and two days, for you, infinite possibility. Good luck to us both!

There is something wrong with the logic of your plan. How would I be able to go into the past and force the lottery to use 7263153 to be the winner? You're better off playing a lottery where you pick the numbers. The number must have also not been submitted by another person before you submit it or you won't be able to. That way, I could rewind time and find out what the winning number is, then rewind it again to deliver you the information.

Here is one more problem with your logic. If I did all that, why would I chose you -- a stranger -- to be the winner? I would pick my lawyer or a family member, or a close trusted friend to win. Or I would just gamble on horses when I need money. I wouldn't need you. I wouldn't actually need money at all. In a future world where money and coinage isn't used, I would be given all the money I needed by my government. With future printing technology. With the actual historical U.S. Mint. With rotting money. With gold, gems and other precious items that could be exchanged for cash in this world.
If I were a time traveler, I'd take my chances with an unwitting stranger rather than someone actively looking for time travelers, especially one motivated by money.