Time Travelers from the future

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This is a common question:"If time travle exsists in the future, why havn't people from the future visited the past (our present)?". This is very simple. The future is not a reality that we can travel too. The future is not a place that can be reached. You cannot leave this reality and travle to an alternate universe that is the future of the reality you just left. You can, however, travle too a reletive future. In theroy (as i understand it), taking a spaceship to close the speed of light will slow down the atoms of your body (reletive to atoms of earth).You then decelerate the spaceship, return to earth in its future.

How did i come to this realization? Very simply: all of us and everything in the universe is made of atoms. These atoms move at a constant rate. If you slow the atoms down (reletive to the constant rate) the constant rate atoms will continue to move at the constant rate while your atoms move slowly. Then when you speed your atoms up they will synchronize with the constant rate atoms. Time is a way of mesuring movement. So if constant rate atoms move at one second per second, moving at .1 second per second for 10 seconds will make you go out of synch (and fall behind) with the constant universe for 9 constant seconds. When you return from .1 second per second time to 1 sec per sec time you will skip over those 9 seconds to synchronize with the constant universe. Congrats! You just time traveled 9 seconds into the "future".
How about travling to the "past"? First you would have to figure a way to have your atoms move faster than constant. I assume that going at 10 seconds per second for 10 seconds will make you 90 seconds older than the constant universe. When you think about it, this is a RELITIVE way of visiting the "past".
You wouldn't actually be visiting the past, just witnessing a slowed passage of time. Its like playing a tape in slow motion. Its not the same as rewinding the tape. Time travel to the past might possibly be impossible, unless the parrallel universe theory proves out (somehow). I think that passage through the Einstein-Rosen bridge into another universe proves the existance of parallel realities, the passage through the black hole being one way to effectively "fully decouple" oneself from his original reality.
Hello My name is Aaron.T.Kurtenbach of Lincoln,NE, although I am not a genuis when it comes to math and physics, that does'nt deter me from my interest in time travel.
To the subject of Time Cops, I think it's a good idea cause when science finds a way that it's possible for people to travel through time, it will be an golden opportunity for anyone to take advantge of history either by stealing or trying to change for good or bad.
Finally some people see things my way


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Let me know what you think.
Sorry, Website doesn't work (March29).

To the question: Why there's no visitor from the futur if it's possible? There's few possibilities that I asume, make some sens:

1. We can never find out how travel in time.

2. If once we do so, maybe we'll decide to be wise and pay attention to not mess up the history, by the way doesn't claim to people in the past that this is possible.

3. A last one, but not the least, If there's no way to create parallel world, it means that what your interferances in the past would directly modificates your present, if time is only one line(...). This means, that if one day we do find a way to travel in time, it need only one person to mess up and modificate the past a way that time travel would never be invented. Creating a king of vicious circle, a loop.

Anybody have an idea where I'm going?
(Sorry for my accent, I try my best!)

<This message has been edited by dob (edited 29 March 2001).>
This is a simple example of the third point in my last post:

Small story. John find the way to travel in time. He use it, and do it, he go in the futur, in the past, he try to be "invisible" to do not interferate what could make his present different(...) and people from the past and the futur does see him. But, later, nearly 5 years after he've started his experiments, somebody steel his plans and try his time-travel-o-matic to check the lotto's numbers. He mess-up the history, a way that John never born, and by the fact, time travel isn't discover(...).

I believe from my logical point of view, that that kind of situation would not create a paradox or a kind of big bug in the system, but just a small "reboot" to the moment before the whole thing have start, before John have found out about time travel.

The moral of this story could explain that we live in a kind of cycle, living exacly the same thing time over time, until a kind of "inexplained vision" show us in dreams or in dejavu how to get out of the loop.

TMAN: I could go further and deeper, but I really want you point of view before...


&lt; dob &gt;