Time Traveler meetings


Temporal Novice
Hello, is it possible for a time traveler to meet you and blank out your memory so you don't remember anything?

this really isnt a fantasy site. (unless you count hdrkid)

im sure you can yuk it up with ciggy in the conspiracies section though. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
since recall wants to try to scare you silly, i'll go ahead and explain it to you. but let me tell you this, you should be able to easily figure this out on your own in 10 minutes of pondering upon it.

"Hello, is it possible for a time traveler to meet you and blank out your memory so you don't remember anything?"

"if you are between his agenda, the short answer is YES"

the short answer is no...

the long answer is if they blanked your memory on that, they wouldve blanked the memory of that question out too...

that is, if they werent idiots. in which case, howd they get a memory blanking device being an idiot and all?

1 more point towards machine recall...
Thanks, the reason I asked is because I think I actually met a time traveler when I was in elementary school. I do remember my memory getting fuzzy but there was an older guy dressed in a white outfit almost like what a doctor would wear and it just seemed strange and I seem to remember him saying he was a time traveler but I'm not sure. I admit it could've been my imagination but since that day I've had a deep down interest in time travel. I don't know and I don't have any proof that it happened but I do know it was almost like he tried to blank that out from my memory of our meeting. So here I am on here trying to make sense of whatever happened years later.
it's sound more like MK Ultra plot!!!

but on the other hand sound like Blank Slate Tech...



I don't know, but what I do seem to remember is that he was an old man wearing a white outfit that reminded me of a doctors uniform and I really to this day think he was a time traveler. I just wante to know more about who he was and why he was talking to me back then IF indeed that happened, it would've been in the year 1986. I just can not say in solid stone that I met a time traveler for sure back then is all. That would be neat though if I did meet a time traveler.

"That would be neat though if I did meet a time traveler."

yeah, that would be pretty cool, but the odds of that happening are slim to none. i try to ground myself in reality and not worry about things that do not matter.
btw, did you notice my sig at the bottom of my posts?

"The most perfect technique is that which is not noticed at all."

Pablo Casals

im sure that if there was aliens, or people with time travel capabilities, they would be far more advanced than me. and if i can do it, they should have mastered it. if you remember, then that should tell you something.
Hey there, yea I just now noticed it, sorry my minds been busy lately. Thanks for your signature message I appreciate it! ;-)

Do you supposse theres any way of finding out who it was IF it was indeed a time traveler? Maybe I could undergo hypnosis? What do YOU think?

i think there is nothing to fear except fear itself.

if i were you, and i believed what you do, i would sit there and wait. "wait for what?" you may ask. wait for them. you are obviously of great importance to them, and me being the helpful person i am, i would wait to help in any way i can.

now the question is, what is so important about you that they would want? is there anything special about you?
I don't know if there is anything special about me, one of the reasons I'm here is so that "they" can see me posting on here and maybe contact me if they need to. I have been waiting for someone to contact me but so far nothing has come about. The only thing I can think of is maybe they are suppossed to help me invent a free energy device?

Needless to say I'm very curious about time travel.

I don't know, but what I do seem to remember is that he was an old man wearing a white outfit that reminded me of a doctors uniform and I really to this day think he was a time traveler. I just wante to know more about who he was and why he was talking to me back then IF indeed that happened, it would've been in the year 1986. I just can not say in solid stone that I met a time traveler for sure back then is all. That would be neat though if I did meet a time traveler.

Those pesky CERN Operatives!!! or GM PRO7 experiments!!!

your setting yourself up to tumble down the rabbit hole alice. hoaxers come to this site all the time and i guarantee you will get someone pm'ing you real soon saying that they are a time traveler. it happens all the time on this site. they will literally try to screw with your head. i suggest extreme skeptisism. its great to be open minded, but you can easily be taken advantage of in this way.

"The only thing I can think of is maybe they are suppossed to help me invent a free energy device?"

huh? your not a scientist by your own admission, and you are asking how to build a free enrgy device. free energy devices are easy to make, but all of them use energy in some fashion. solar power uses just that. hydroelectric energy is the same, so is wind power.

when i first came to this site, i had similar questions, and then i was taught about overunity. i have had several scientists tell me that overunity is unachievable.
Oh I know about all the hoaxers out there, I fell for it one time on the Time Travel Portal and needless to say after that I've been skeptical, at any rate I'm curious about the free energy device because I'm into free energy using the sun, wind or water, I think it would just be neat to invent something that could take radio waves and use them to produce electricity somehow that's all I was saying.

look up tesla and wireless energy.

"... at any rate I'm curious about the free energy device because I'm into free energy using the sun, wind or water..."

if its using the sun, wind, or water, its not free eh?
these Telsa Patents...

Link to Patents


Understanding the analogue between these electrical impulse effects and the behavior of high-pressure gases was of paramount importance. This gas­eous aspect of impulse electrical radiance was perhaps the most mystifying aspect of these newfound energies. Those who sought out Tesla's every lecture were very aware that a new electrical species had been discovered.

While yet a student, Tesla had became aware of certain scientific imperatives enunciated by Johann von Goethe. One of these was the preservation and extension of all activities-natural. Goethe implied that when natural con­ditions were preserved during experimentation, then nature itself was in the best configuration to reveal more unified phenomenal exhibitions to qualita­tive observers.

Tesla recognized that his new discovery of impulse, the result of an accident, was a total departure from Polyphase alternating current. While his original vision of the vortex was applied by him to the designing of motors and generators, Tesla now realized that this was not its primary message. In fact, taken from the viewpoint, which Goethe expressed, Polyphase was a most unnatural form of energy.

end quoted
from Given site... :oops:
in that case, rip the paddle off a paddleboat, stick it in a river, hook a generator up to it, and viola! instant power that costs nothing except the court costs for ripping the paddle off a paddleboat! :D