Time Travel


Temporal Novice

This document is a simple explanation of how time travel is achieved.


A time machine is built using the effects of two micro singularities in order to travel backwards or forward in time. In order to understand how the machine works, you have to understand some basics.


In order to make a time machine operate properly, two microsingularities, or mini-black holes have to be used. Contained within electromagnetic fields, these micro-black holes are bombarded with electrons in order to increase the radius of their gravitational effects on dimensional space.

These effects will be used to generate two phenomena;

1. Creating a Tipler Cylinder in order to prepare the time traveler and machine for traveling in time.

2. Flipping the light cone of the time traveler and machine backwards on the timeline for backwards time travel.


In 1974, Frank J. Tipler theorized that an infinitely long cylinder rotating along it's longitudinal axis creates a frame dragging effect which warps spacetime and tilts the light cones of objects so they tilt backwards along the axis of time. An object in the vicinity of a rotating Tipler Cylinder travels along a closed timelike curve toward the past.

The easiest way to create a Tipler Cylinder is by rotating a micro-singularity or mini-black hole. The axis of the rotating micro-singularity becomes the infinitely long Tipler Cylinder.


The generation of the Tipler Cylinder is required for both backwards and forward time travel. The cylinder generates a hyperspatial separation barrier around the time machine in order to make time travel possible. This hyperspatial separation barrier isolates the dimensional space of the time machine itself from the dimensional space of the Universe, thereby allowing the time machine to easily move along the timeline.


According to physics, every object in the universe has a "light cone" where all past events lead up to the current state of the object while all future events project outward from the object.

This is illustrated by two cones spreading outwards from an object along the timeline; one cone spreading out backwards toward the past and one cone spreading out frontwards toward the future. The central axis of this double light cone is the timeline.

Perpendicular to the timeline are two other perpendicular axes forming a hyperspatial surface. The easiest way to imagine this is to imagine the axes of X, Y and Z. Imagine the up/down Z axis to be the timeline while the X and Y axes are on the hyperspatial surface.

Imagine one cone spreading upwards away from the center of this hyperspatial surface along the positive Z axis while the other cone spreads downwards away from the hyperspatial surface along the negative Z axis.


The first microsingularity generates a rotating Tipler Cylinder with a large amount frame dragging which flips the future light cone of the time traveler and machine backwards on the timeline as well as creating a hyperspatial separation barrier around the time machine which causes it to disappear from the dimensional space of the Universe.

The gravity of the second microsingularity tugs on the future light cone of the time traveler and time machine, pulls them toward it's event horizon and backwards along the timeline. As this happens, everyone else's past in the surrounding Universe becomes the time traveler's future.

The length of time the machine is activated determines how far back in time the time traveler moves.


When the second microsingularity is shut down, the future light cone of the time machine and traveler quits moving backwards through time.

When the first microsingularity is shut down, the future light cone of the time traveler and machine flips forward on the timeline and the hyperspatial separation barrier ceases to exist, thereby causing the time machine and traveler to reappear in dimensional space at some point in the past depending on how long the machine was activated.


At the moment the time machine reappears, either in the past or the future, the time machine and the traveler becomes a new variable which branches off a parallel universe from the original timeline in accordance with the theory of the multiverse where every variable and decision branches off an alternate universe.


The first microsingularity generates a non-rotating Tipler Cylinder with no frame dragging which keeps the future light cone of the time traveler and machine in the same alignment as the timeline as well as creating a hyperspatial separation barrier around the time machine which causes it to disappear from the dimensional space of the Universe.

The gravity of the second microsingularity tugs on the future light cone of the time traveler and time machine, pulls them toward it's event horizon and forward along the timeline. As this happens, everyone else's future in the surrounding Universe becomes the time traveler's future.

The length of time the machine is activated determines how far forward in time the time traveler moves.


It takes more energy to travel backwards in time is because the first singularity has to generate a rotating Tipler Cylinder in order generate a large enough frame drag in order to flip the future light cone of the time traveler and machine backwards on the timeline.

When traveling forwards in time, a Tipler Cylinder still has to be generated but there's no need to rotate the cylinder in order to flip the future light cone of the time traveler and machine because it's already in alignment with the timeline.


In order to get back to the original point and timeline in which the time traveler and machine originated, the time machine has to be sent backwards in time to a point a fraction of a second just before it arrived and branched off the alternate timeline.

The machine is then sent forward on the original timeline before it branched off and the machine arrives at the point in time and timeline from which it originated.

If there has been multiple time jumps, each and every point of arrival has to be backtracked in order to get to the original timeline.
Are you running through ALL the forums posting this?

What may be new to you is second hand to a lot of people.

I heard when the LHC Opens back up they are offering a 2 for 1 sale on micro-singularities.
As long as he doesn't claim to be a time traveler, this is fine (albeit stale and boring).

I am just amazed that with a finite machine we can create something "infinite"...no paradox there! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

And the microsingularites have to be positive to feed any singularity with electrons since a negative black hole feeding with electrons (which are negative) would not work as stated. Singularities are neutral according to scientific papers as of now - which is only theory - since they have not been created as of yet. And funny, now you sound like Titor.

And also, you are just an Inmate on this Planet, because really no one can really "Escape from Planet Earth!" or from the inertial frame of reference regarded as Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and all that jazz. (because you really can not get far enough away with anything that has been built unless you claim you are also a spacealien from another star system and have some type of UFO then perhaps, because dimensionally, you just seem to be virtual like the rest of us so far?).

Does a dance that you can not see? Is that reality then? Did I, or merely did I just state that?
(waving arms and hands around like some maniac on this Planet, perhaps just giving directions in a sense?)

Oh, my, another 24 hour day!
It's the rotation, around and around and around and around, travelling through spacetime at the same time doing all the spirals this Planet goes through with travelling along with the Sun and the Galaxy and in this Universe.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Time travel is impossible. If you could invent a machine that would do such a thing, only half of the problem is solved. You would also have to calculate and be able to travel to the location in the Universe where the earth or any other place was at the time you wish to travel there. The earth rotates around the sun at a given velocity, the Sun travels around the Galaxy at a given velocity, and the Galaxy travels through the univers in an unknown direction related to what? These are calculations that we do not have the ability to do at this time. We do not even know how to plot our current position in the galaxy related to at least three points in the univers. Where would those points even be located? Are those points static or are they moving as well -- the problem is, where are we now and where were we or where will we be in time/space.
Funny you should mention that---RMT has been stating it for the longest time.

Now-- I went on eBay -- and found a couple listings for a time machine..

Never mind--I lie... the joke was a failure before i even started it..

I apologize for anyone having read this... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
And the microsingularites have to be positive to feed any singularity with electrons since a negative black hole feeding with electrons (which are negative) would not work as stated. Singularities are neutral according to scientific papers as of now - which is only theory - since they have not been created as of yet. And funny, now you sound like Titor.

You're correct in that astrophysicists and cosmologists would agree that stellar mass black holes would be neutral or close to neutrally charged. They were originally stars composed of hydrogen, helium and a few other elements where the number of protons and electrons were in relative balance. The resulting black hole should also be virtually electro-neutral.

You're also correct about pumping electrons into a micro-mass black hole. It doesn't take too many new electrons to cause the hole to be negatively charged. At that point the thing comes to a screaching halt. Gravity might appear to be the know all, end all of a black hole but the EM force of 10^42 times greater than gravity. We don't know precisely what occurs in a maximally charged micro-mass black hole but it isn't good - and it's surely not stable. The best theories note that the hole, at least mathematically, "blows up".

Titor's black hole is a bust. It just happens to follow one of the Kerr-Newman class BH solutions that are posed in idealized universes that are not at all similar to our real universe. As far as we know, and it's probably very good knowledge, there's no way to have a grossly negatively (or positively) charged black hole that will stay that way for more than a few nanoseconds.
you leave out some important details such as what is teh lasing medium of the coils? and what frequency are they running at/ or what measures and controls the frequency?

Unfortunately "Tipler" is yet another one-time-wonder. They post one time, disappear, and you're left wondering why they bothered to post at all.
Well, it's one the best written descriptions I've seen.

From my point of view, it is almost like a primer to an instruction manual.
Well, it's one the best written descriptions I've seen.

From my point of view, it is almost like a primer to an instruction manual.

Yikes. The guy got it completely wrong in his description of a Tipler Cylinder (frame dragging) and the rest is borrowed entirely from one of Titor's early posts.

BTW: Tipler's paper dosen't state that global causal violations caused by his gedanken-cylinder is attributable to frame dragging. The paper says that it is a result of the creation of a CTL. And as Tipler notes in the conclusion of the paper

Thus we expect causality violations to occur in the matter-free space surrounding a rapidly rotating infinite cylinder. As Thorne has emphasized, it is risky to claim that the properties of such a cylinder hold for realistic cylinders.

Note the constraints on the experiment: matter-free space; infinitely long cylinders; not real cylinders. It's a bit tough to time travel in matter-free space...unless the time traveler is one of those metaphysical unwitnessed trees a falling in the forrest. Otherwise, real time travelers are made from matter, thus no matter-free space.

The experiment and paper are just fine. It's the Internet fruitbats that don't take the time to read The Paper (or more likely don't want to know what it says) and rely on Alt-sci websites to "interpret" the paper for them. It works out a lot better that way when they don't have to rely on the scientist who wrote the paper to explain what it actually says.

A primer to a manual indeed.
Must you.....really????

That was one of OUR one liners.

Forgive me folks, I been getting really pissy with a Lotta people lately.

I, seriously, do not feel bad about saying this though, paladius.