Time Travel


Temporal Novice
I believe the only way to time travel is by going the speed of light like einstien said but the only thing i know can travel that fast are photons so why not use photons as fuel to travel that fast. the only trouble is is catching the photon
Here we go, people misunderstanding Einstein. Listen, nobody is ever going to go the speed of light. Ever! you can go faster, slower, but to go the actual speed of light, to speed up to that, would require more and more energy and also, You'd have to be energy you couldn't be mass. I'm not going to explain this to you. as for photons, they're all around us, I doubt a photon is ever going to be powerful enough if it is generated from a craft. Solar sails look interesting.
how can you go faster than the speed of light if you cant go the speed of light even if its for a brief momentyour not just gonna skip over it. sounds like your confused and just makin stuff up tryin to make it sound like fact. its alright though