Time Travel


Temporal Novice
I have seen the claims made by others proving to have come from "the future" and have found them very comical. I am here to prove to you that I have am from "the future" but instead of trying to prove myself to you all in the way others have, I will show you how time travel really works. There is a thing called "string theory", it is what everything in the universe is made up of. Atoms, molecules, and everything else is made up of these strings. Think of these strings as pixles on a computer monitor, you may see an object move across the moniter, but in reality pixles are simply lighting up and changing color to make the illusion that something is moving. This is also how these strings work. Billions and Billions of strings "activate" with a certain information inside of them similar to the binary system that composes of all matter. Take your hand for example, hold it infront of your face, the strings infront of you have activated with the information that makes up your hand. Your hand dosent actually move, information is simply being trasmitted throughout billions of strings that make up your hand. The information in these strings is not much, its similar to the binary system, a string is either "charged" or not "charged". If you can somewhat understand what I am saying(the actuall system is much more complex), then I can begin to explain to you how time travel works. Now, a "time machine" is no big futureistic looking machine, it is simply a computer that is fast enough and can hold enough memory to record the information of a selected area of strings. When the computer records the strings information, it uses a device to send the information to the location of a recieving device. With this known, the limit of time travel is from the time the first recieving device is placed, you cannot tavel back further because there is no device to recieve the information (for security reasons I cannot tell you the date of the production of the first "recieving system"). This "time machine" first started out as a transportaion device of recorded string information (pretty much a device to transport objects to different recieving stations). So to make this "transportaion device"(its not really called a "transportaion device", but for sake of understading thats what I call it, it's designation is "TT One") into a "Time Machine" you simply wait to send the information, so if you take the information of an apple and wait five years to send it to a recieving device then the apple has just jumped five years into the "Future".
well this is pretty much simplist way I can describe the system to you without giving away any improtant information.
Feel free to send me any questions you may have and I will try to answer you as best I can.
You spent the entire post talking about string theory, which I already understand. so I kept reading and reading and there was nothing else. Where's your time machine, why did you come to this time, when are you due Back, what year did you Come from, why are you Here.

Whats the purpose of your trip.
What are you going to do if we prove this to be a hoax.
what proof can you provide other than ramblings about string theory which you complicated MUCH more than simplified.

How do you compensate for Red Shift?
What is the effect of Neutrino's on time travel?
How does your time machine calculate coordinates in space/time and how do you specify these Variables that are in constant Flux.
How far back can you go, how far forward?
Why are you posting on This forum and not another forum or another website?


Have they been able to solve the grand unification theory using string theory as it relates to the quantum nature of the universe and How does this relate to Alf and his new TV sitcom?
Isn't string theory like really old news?
We've moved on from that theory 'Jon'.
Maybe you'd like to see a rerun of Quantum Theory as well, that really is cool. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Oh and the timemachine where is it?

'String theory' is more complex than you can comprehend, or indeed alot of people. It explains time travel just as well as current Newtonian Physics, The Special Theory of Relativity and Quantum mechanics, but it has more major flaws in it. The others were and are, more convincing because they did not attempt to explain the science of their time travel, you should really try that approach from now on.

Good Scientist

Now you are helping people by telling them how to appropriately Hoax on the time travel institutes forums? lol.

Yes Rule #1 if you are from the future, pretend you don't know anything about How you got here. Other than your time machine works once you punch in the date.

Rule #2 you should know nothing about String theory or time travel dynamics, quantum mechanics, etc etc.

Rule #3 you can't claim you know or Are John Titor, this has been done to Death.

Rule #4 your predictions must be accurate enough, but also Vague enough to cover all possible outcomes. This is what keeps the mystery alive.

Rule #5 When the Jig is almost up, thats when you must Suddenly, unexpectedly, need to return to the future for some life or death matter and you cannot come back here again.
I have been able to move in time forward in what seems to be instantaneously, however I have never thought about measuring it or even trying to understand it scientifically. Can you help me?
True, i've noticed that, and I agree, but they don't need my help, they have been doing fine before I came along to this forum. When I say it explains time travel, it explains the possibility of it, in many ways, in many interpretatons and likewise disproves it in others, it just a matter of which you think is the correct theory. Example: Roger Penrose does not think time travel is possible, whereas Stephen Hawking does. Although, personally I think this is the old 'Oxford - Cambridge competition'.

Good Scientist
I am Native American Indian and it was a gift given to my ancestors back during the times when tribes fought against each other. I can't explain it in some scientific and intellectual way so i am not sure what you want to know exactly? As a child I could see into the future by going to this place. I'm not sure where its at all I know is that it exists somewhere and that other people are there to and we can talk to each other and even get information about stuff. As I grew older I realized I could read mind and move through time. By the way I don't believe in time as most people do. In fact I would rather call it timeless travel than the other way? Now that I am older I realize sometimes I can control but not always. I also realize that the elements like water and wind and earth all play some kind of roll in it too but like I said I'm no scientist. I just want to understand it and maybe even go farther in the future physically.
A scientific answer is based on theories and evidence that has the solid, amountable proof, I will reserve that for when I know a bit more about your time travelling situation. In the mean time, how do you know you are time travelling? Don't prove it to me prove it to yourself first. Why is it into the future? Not the past? Is it not just another dimension? I will admit that what you describe sounds like astral travel or astral planing.

Good Scientist
I guess I need to explain that it is not what I call the future it is what I would call the current time but after it happens wouldn't it be considered the future. I start from one place and when I get there I am in another place physically not mentally. What would you call that?
By the way I'm not sure why you want me to prove it to myself or anyone else....I am not asking you to believe me I am asking you to explain how and why I can do it! If you can't do that than can you please give me an email address of some one who can?
You are making more sense than you realize, you just can't put it into words... Sometimes the most brilliant people, couldn't relate their Revolutions to the world and were dismissed as Quacks.

Please keep attempting to explain yourself to the best of your ability. Its very interesting reading.
The longest time I ever remember doing it can only be measured by road miles. For example I was on my way to Las Vegas driving thru the desert on the reservation. I had no air conditioning and it was about 102 degrees outside. I wasn't sure how far the turn off was to the main road so I kept wondering when it would come. My mind wandered off thinking about how i wished I was closer to Vegas than I was and the next thing I knew I was already in the next town on the main highway. I don't know how it happened I can't even explain it I just did it. To be quite honest until just recently I did not know that science even believed it was possible to do. I mean I always knew I could do but its not like I know anybody else who does it. A couple of years ago I wanted my son to really understand his cultural heritage and be able to experience the powers and gift he had. I took him out to the desert and we moved from one spot to another. He was disoriented at first and once he realized what had happened he got pretty shook up and wouldn't get out of the car. To this day he will tell you it is possible but he is pretty much afraid of it.
Hey I just realized something.. I think everytime I have ever done it it involved moving speed.. Got to go see you all later!!
I know you not asking me to believe you. If you are capable of moving physically, through time, to another dimension, place etc or otherwise, this is possible and has been achieved on a very small scale. Though only with simple molecules.

Here goes. First consider two identical waves/particles these will be used to scan the molecule we want to 'teleport' in a sense. The particle/wave that someone desires to 'teleport' through space has to be of the same type as the scanning particles/waves called 'a', is arranged to collide with one of the scanning particles/waves called 'x' and not with the other called 'y', this only one of the particles/waves of the 'xy' pair. This creates a disruption to the original molecule to a different state 'b', the scanning particle 'x' can be sent back to its identical unused partner 'y' and allows the particle/wave 'x' to be send back to 'y' the information reguarding the molecule 'a'. The reunited identical pair can then undergo treatment, and travel (propagate), before being separated, then it is found that 'y' is identical to the original condition of the original particle 'a' and that 'b' has properties of 'x' and 'b'!

This has only been achieved with small high energy single particles, not molecules or anything more complicated, though it could probably be possible in the future. The thing that limits this kind of 'teleportation' is how far 'y' travels from 'x', while 'x' scans the particle 'a', and how far before they are brought together again.

I do however, start to wonder what you are seeking answer to. I am travelling into the future as well, we all are, and as soon as you reach the future it becomes the present for instant agreed, then it becomes the past. But are you able to travel into the future faster than 1 day in 1 day, 1 year in 1 year?
First it was Instantaneous travel into the future, which technically, we can all do, without a time machine, then its a sort of mental place/forum, with others in it. Then we have plain old teleportation, then mental focusing? to shorten journeys. What do you want to anyone to investigate first???

Good Scientist
This has only been achieved with small high energy single particles, not molecules or anything more complicated,

This part is no longer true, in two different experiments we have been able to get multiple atoms not just single particles, to act as if they were one atom. Taking on the energy, spin, and everything else from another excited particle. The research is in the basis of quantum computing, but the idea is that you can compensate for heisenberg uncertainty. you can measure speed/direction of an atom without affecting the atom.

in one of the experiments however I believe the atoms had to be super cooled, something along the lines of .000001 above absolute zero (0 Kelvin). In this instance they all acted as one.

This could mean in the future its possible to manipulate (with a very powerful quantum computer) all of the atoms in our bodies, and Voila Transporters are born. I hate having to drive everywhere.
Well sinse you guys seem to be on to my case I have decided to help you all. To make a time machine is simple, Take an everyday toaster oven and a fork(its not rocket surgery), then when the toaster is plugged in and you have turned it on, simply stick the fork inside the toaster, that is all you have to do. POOF you will have jumped years into the future, maybe then you will be smart enough to have stopped waisting your "time" trying to learn how to make time machines, and go outside and do something productive, Simper Fi.
well on a more serious note, if you guys are really interested in a time machine you could try asking my neigbor if you could borrow his DeLorian.
maybe then you will be smart enough to have stopped waisting your "time" trying to learn how to make time machines, and go outside and do something productive, Simper Fi.

Simper Fi? They must have changed the spelling in the future huh?

I would love to hear more about your Time Travel adventures, I believe I asked you a bunch of questions. If not I will again.

Why are you here?
Why have you come onto these forums?
What does your time machine look like? Why are you such an expert on String theory?

the reason everyone is giving you a hard time is, probably 10 times a month we get someone saying they are a time traveler, they never back it up, never provide proof, and whats the Worst is that they can't even answer a few simple, BASIC questions about time travel. Oh, and then they always make some rule up about Why they cannot answer.

but I ask you this, if you came here claiming to be a time traveler, and then won't answer questions about that statement, Are you not Full of it?

Its like me claiming that I am God. and if someone asks what powers I have or what I can do or why I chose this forum to post on, I just say "I can't tell you that." then everyone would think I was full of it. So, how about answering some questions for us Jon?