My theory has always been if you cannot send a human through time to either change it or whatever how about sending a radio or television signal a hologram sattelite communications world wide web through time could you send a radio signal within solar radiation then reflect it back from a star calculated to show its light at a certain time on earths past then directing it like for example when Moses was on mount sinai sending a high intensity audio signal to a BUSH and give him some Words to write down in a book that later can be deciphered into the bible code 5 books of moses torah septuagint.Sept 11 2 a giant. septuagint was translated to Greek from hebrew around 700AD. How about Nostradamus and his brass bowl picking up television signals and his visions of flying machines and Hister might have come from that his thin blue flame . Most bible prophecies about the end of the world describe high technology items like the whole world watching these two prophets killed in Jerusalem and the whole world watching Jesus returning to earth at the same time or eagles flying in the air with praises to god 24 hours a day sattelites? flying locusts look like helicopters. you can beam a television image to a reflective surface through a telescopic device. ?? I dont know I am just searching for this type of phenomena. Thank You, james K. Sending radio signals through light