Time Travel


Temporal Novice
I have looked at a few theories on time travel. I feel it is possible and you would have to be narrow minded to believe there to be no possibility.

I was thinking on the concept that the faster you go the slower time goes. I suddenly thought that we are all moving very fast at the moment just by standing on the planet. As the globe is spinning. Space flyers travel faster so they travel in time at a faser rate than us, so this must mean that we are travelling through time at earths time and if we were on another planet we would be on that planets time, am i right in thinking this?

And i also believe that we are not the only ones in the universe, but my farther asked me a good question he said if we aren't the only ones in the universe then how come nobody has contacted us from another planet?

It got me stumped has anyone got any idea's on this and can anyone tell me if i'm right with the idea that time flutuates through the universe?
I think you've pretty much got it right, if I'm understanding what you're saying correctly.

If, for example, a spaceship leaves Earth for a round trip that takes, say, ten years from the astronauts' perspective, then more than 10 years will have passed on Earth. So, yes, in that sense, time travel is not only possible, it is unaviodable.

It's actually been done with Bluebird planes and two atomic clocks. Make sure that the two atomic clocks are exactly in sync with each other, then leave one on the ground, while putting the pother in the plane. Fly the plane very fast for a significant amount of time and then check the clocks again. They will now show different times.

As for alien contact, let us not forget how vast the universe is. The nearest star is 21 million lightyears away. That means that any radio signal that we sent out would reach it in 21 million years. And the same applies to any signal we were sent by an alien civilisation.

The scale of time in the universe also cannot be forgotten. Now, whether humankind has come near to the end of it's lifespan is a debate for another time and another thread, but let us assume that humankind is a dying race that will soon be gone. An illustration of the timescale we're talking about is that if you imagine the Earth as having existed for 24 hours, then humankind has existed for 1 second. On the scale of things, we've only been around for the breifest of breif times. And it's most likely that the same would be true for other races. Now what's the chance of those two seconds happening at the same time? Especially bearing in mind that the Earth is very young compared to the universe as a whole.

I find it credible that there is, has been or will be intelligent life on other planets. That we will ever know this for sure I very seriously doubt.
Thanks trollface your explanation sounds good. I'm new to this site and one thing i like about it is you can discuss time travel without being called a nutter.

Friends I know laugh at the theory and yet they don't even listen to the facts. I mean I say to them that a little over 100 years ago we didn't have computers, Mobile Phones, Cars, Aeroplanes, washing machines etc, and i say imagine back then if you were told that this is what the future is going to be like in 100 years time, would't they tell you your a nutter? My freinds then reply well thats different, mobile phones are pretty straight forward and all a computer is, is a chip thats send and recieving electrical pulses (I just look at them in disbelief).

I say well don't you think that if we are constantly developing technology then in 100 years time from now we can almost expect to be flying from one side of the world to the other in a quarter of the time and we'll be able to live with a life expectance of 300+ and then in 500 years time then we might be able to make clones of our own body parts and live for ever (personally i think it will happen sooner), they just look at me and say no chance, what we've got now is close to the limit of what we can develop.

So i look forward to reading the theory's and discussing them in here with people who are not narrow minded.

May the force be with you all!
many of this planet's greatest thinkers were considered to be crazy by the general public. Keep on thinking the way you do.. it's healthy and will only promote a more open minded society... which is what we need, especially in America. Check out some of the posts about perception limitation and perception of time on this forum. I'm sure you will find them interesting and will help you understand how many people, including your friends, do not realize that their perception is dictating their opinions or assumptions about time.


I would agree that the closer to the speed of light you acheive the more perceived time gets skewed, well for those on the outside looking in I would say. The standard texts say that if you were to travel as close to the speed of light as possible then your journey to a star say 200 l.y. away would take you maybe 300-400 yrs, but ship board time may have only been 4 years. Please forgive me if my math is wonky, but I think you catch my thinking?
This does not even begin to say how many centuries would have passed on earth!
So as well as time travel, of a sort, you have near immortality!