Temporal Novice
Okay, so the most powerful computer to date is the human brain. Many people seem to think that time travel can only be possible if some nuts and bolt machine is created. What if the means is already among us? The human brain. So far it seems that all senses are electrical signals that are translated into chemical signals that are then deciphered by the brain. When we see something we are not really SEEING anything at all. The light is captured by the eye which is then turned into electrical signals which is then sent to the brain and then chemically broken down and then decoded by the brain, so is sound, touch and smell. What are we really seeing? What are we smelling? What are we touching? What if the mind is the only way to time travel or travel through vast distances through space? Would psycodelics be a possible gateway to this mode of travel? I pose these questions simply because it seems logical to me. Any feedback would be grateful even if it is from a mean faceless troll that wants to spew hate and venom, while hiding behind the fact that his or her identity is veiled. But I would much rather hear from sound, nice open minded people.