Time Travel Theory


Temporal Novice
I have tried to take my ideas about time travel out of the box. For me the box is physical existance. It seems that most concepts of time travel occur at the physical level. I don't think time travel can happen at the physical level. Lets think of time as an artificialy imposed perspective necessary to experience existance on a linear timeline. Thinking in terms that our lives, with all their possibilities, exist in total already and we are programed to see time only in cross-section moments.
In order to travel in time, we must discover the mechanism in our brains that define our concept of time. We then learn how to affect that mechanism, thus allowing us to experience existance from a quantum perspective. In doing so we are able to "travel" the expanse of quantum existance, not as a physical beings but as a consciencous beings at the quantum level.
Is astral projection a forerunner experience to time travel? Do things like precognition and psychic abilities have a connection to accessing the quantum field?
Since I am new to this forum and have never had a chance to discuss my ideas with anyone, I don't know if this concept has been expressed before.
Any comments?
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 07-Aug-02 AT 08:44PM (EDT)</font>

Well the future cannot already exist,newton would have said everything is deterministic,
but heisenberg will disagree,the uncertainty principle put an end to deterministic reality,that means my future is not planned out.

Remember this;
for you to go back in the past,for instance go back to 1960,1960 must still exist right now for you to go there,otherwise where would you be,youd end up knowhere.
If i want to go to america,i cant see it right now,but it must exist for me to visit it.

Time is confusing,but you do have to think differently,but the future cannot exist,technically going to the future would not be a problem under einstien,but that is relativity,and not the same as time travel,it is like biological time travel,relativity is limited to forward motion at quicker speed,no going back.

Its hard to imagine a younger version of yourself as living and breathing in the past,the stupid part about that is that as an observer from the future the past,or whats gone IS determined,but only determined after the event?.

Maybe the future does control the past and the past controls the future,like a ball bouncing from future to past,past to future and so on....

Perhaps the real problem,the biggest problem is in our heads,
how many days pass where you wish you did something different?
all the time:
"oh if only i put them exact lottery numbers"
"oh if only i had taken that other job instead of this one" etc

Yeah "if,only",
perhaps the biggest step mankind should take is learning not to go wrong in the first place.

Prevention is far better than a cure!.<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">http://www.ezshots.com/members/cacodemonskull/images/cacodemonskull-7.jpg

Im watching you,hahahaha!
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 07-Aug-02 AT 08:50PM (EDT)</font>

Hi Wildwoman, (Like the name!)

<<we must discover the mechanism in our brains that define our concept of time.>>

Such a mechanism does exsist in the human brain! It is an exact measurment and replica of the Merkaba mentioned in the Bible.

You see the Human Brain during the thought prosess activates these fractal spaces in the brain,(exsibiting the Merkaba patern) THIS IS QUANTUM! A plasma of charged particles interacting with the electromagnetic field where membrane channels open and close and ions rush back and forth between the two layers down electrical and chemical gradients. It is in this perimembranous bioplasma state where the quantum fields interact.

The Merkaba is also viewed as the devine throne or chariot of the creator. And through the Merkaba are the dimensional doorways to the heavenly realms.

From the earliest origins of culture, it was known that the entire structure of the universe is based on the eternal laws of creation which are mathematical and geometric in nature.

quote:"From the earliest origins of culture, it was known that the entire structure of the universe is based on the eternal laws of creation which are mathematical and geometric in nature".

Well i studied metaphysics and the one thing that is constant in nature is PHI and rectangles,the golden ratio,all things in nature seem to work on the same principle,interesting because it is mathematically correct,i cannot digram/draw it here though unfortunatly,but the numbers work 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 etc

as you can see all structures follow the pattern after 1,1 by adding the preceding two numbers together:2+3=5,5+8=13 and so on.

Without a doubt the structure is constant within tress,plants,humans etc.
>"Well the future cannot already exist"
I would agree that the future does not already exist on a physical level, but suppose that the past, present and future (all possible futures which allows for free will and choice) already exists at the quantum level. It is our attention that brings into the physical level that which we experience. We then get to play a role in how our future comes about. The potential for all possible options that we can possibly take already exists at the quantum level.

"Remember this; for you to go back in the past,for instance go back to 1960, 1960 must still exist right now for you to go there,otherwise where would you be,youd end up knowhere."

Imagine this, 1960 does not exist for us at the physical level, however the experience that was 1960 is still a quantum level potential that was expressed at the physical level and became an experience of all of us.

"Time is confusing, but you do have to think differently, but the future cannot exist,technically going to the future would not be a problem under einstien,but that is relativity,and not the same as time travel,it is like biological time travel,relativity is limited to forward motion at quicker speed,no going back."

Your description of Enstien's perspective of time travel(relativity) as biological time travel, is on track with my idea. Enstien's idea is probably the only way time travel can be conceived on a physical/biological level.

To travel in time like most people would hope to do, cannot happen at the physical level. We need to tap into the quantum level somehow.

"Perhaps the real problem,the biggest problem is in our heads"

Or our brains. I suspect our concept of time is a function of our brains. Affecting that mechanism might be a means to access the quantum level and allow travel of our conscienceousness.

I have to say that I don't think the human conscience is evolved enough to handle this kind of experience. But maybe someday, if we don't nuke ourselves first.
What you are saying reminds me of the series "quantum leap"

sam becket doesnt actually physically travel,but somehow his mind ends up in another persons body,although for him he was rewriting history from the appearence of others without physically being there,so no paradox occurs,
what you are saying is very close to the concept of that series.

Now we are getting somewhere! I have total faith that your mind is being prepped for higher understanding!

I read your posting in the other recent thread and saw your pic. You look like a PUNK!
But a little word of advice, you really need to curb the bloody swearing because it shows your immaturity! don't be offended, its just my observation. You seem to be very intelligent given your age. People would have a whole lot more respect for you if your language etiquette showed some manners.

Now on to your posting above, you say,

<<Well i studied metaphysics and the one thing that is constant in nature is PHI and rectangles,the golden ratio,all things in nature seem to work on the same principle,interesting because it is mathematically correct,i cannot digram/draw it here though unfortunatly,but the numbers work 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 etc as you can see all structures follow the pattern after 1,1 by adding the preceding two numbers together:2+3=5,5+8=13 and so on. without a doubt the structure is constant within tress,plants,humans etc.>>

Very good like I said above, you are advancing nicely and your thoughts are headed in the right direction! In your studies of metaphysics and understanding the nature of pie and rectangles THIS POINTS DIRECTLY TO THE BLUEPRINT OF ALL LIFE!

DNA consists of four bases: A,T,C and G spin out patterns of chemical recipes for the creation of life! Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G) and cytosine (C).

These 4 spin out patterns symbolize the Hebrew letters of the name of Yahovah (YHVH). It comments in the biblical books that GD used his name as DNA in creating the world. (if you can remember reading that from some of my past postings I referred you to?)

So in essence the Human DNA in itself replicates GD! It is the creators humorous way of saying look here I am!

The DNA spiral is also the spin out pattern of the Merkaba!

Is this making any sense to you? CAN YOU SEE A GD IN ALL THIS?

Granted but what about dinosaurs,cats,dogs,birds,cockroaches,stuff that was here way way before us,weve only been here a few million years,
and what about aliens im sure there is other life out there,
what makes us insignifacant spots on a planet among billions in the universe so special?.

The universe is 15 billion years old,and us HUMANS have inhabited the earth in only a fraction of that time,way after other species on the earth had died off.

Special,if you can call us that,if we were made in "his" image he cant be benevolent,cos we are certainly not.

WE are absolutly adament on damaging this planet,not all religions are good,youve got your fanatics,and the one you are trying to spell out does not agree with my moral fibre of allowing all creatures to live EVEN if it means a blood transplant,
not only that but i pay good money out of my wages to hospital treatment to support the NHS,i dont like to think that if a doctor does his job of saving lives one of these jahovas will sue the NHS,thats money out of my pocket and another nail in the coffin of our what used to be a decent system.