Time Travel Theory


Temporal Novice
Like many of you I have studied time travel and its possibilities. Like most of you who have studied know traveling through time is not a simple task and 90% of it is theoretical. Not only are the majority of the theories improvable by most conventional standards, they are impossible for the layman to understand.

I have taken a different approach to studying time travel than the average student of the science. I have decided to study the human aspect of time traveling. I too have theories which for the first time in my life I will reveal to the public.

I have been writing a paper and I will post it here when I am done. I know it will stir many people up, maybe even turn some people around in the way they think of travel. I am not trying to debunk time travel, I believe it is possible theoretically, and someday we will be able to work with it, but I think you will be surprised how it will work.

People like John T, and a few other overly dramatic Role-players on this board and on many other boards like this one are only good for amusing us with their entertaining views and charlatan like “prophecies”. Belief in something is essential for a human, that’s why we have religion and science. Anything to give us hope that someday, somewhere, everything is going to be better, more stable, and utopic. That is what we desire, a high-tech star-trekish society where there is no pain, no disease, nothing bad.

Still time travel will be possible. I will offer you another way, something we could do in 30 years. I'll post my brief soon.
That is what we desire, a high-tech star-trekish society where there is no pain, no disease, nothing bad.

From Star Trek, I'd pretty much settle for a holodeck that could accurately recreate Jennifer Connolley, myself.
From Star Trek, I'd pretty much settle for a holodeck that could accurately recreate Jennifer Connolley, myself.
No matter any difference of opinion we have had in other posts...

You have excellent taste in women, my friend. And the fact she is not the hugely famous actress that everyone would know impresses me more. Yes, I would give up a lot of what I have for some Time with her! :oops:

Talented actress, dark hair, killer body, pretty face, gorgeous eyes...yup, she's close to my ideal woman. I've just not yet seen her do comedy (and funny women make me die).

This is probably the most OT discussion I've been in here yet. But, seeing as the OP basically says "if you guys wait around for a couple of months, I'll tell you something", it'd be hard to post much that was on-topic. shame she's never actually been in a time-travelling film, though. Reality-altering, for sure, but no time-travel.
You have excellent taste in women, my friend.

I'm glad you two agree, but for some strange reason I've always liked Jennifer Lien... But hey, that's just silly me... If I ever get stuck in a temporal anomaly , I hope it's with her.


Hey, I'm not a "one-fantasy-woman" man. I wouldn't say no to Kes. Ever see that episode where she dressed in leather and acted all evil? Nice.

Most attractive Star Trek person to get stuck with in a temporal anomoly with? Ezri Dax.

Character most likely to make me question my sexuality? Odo. Sure he's ugly, and he's male, but he's a shape-shifter. Just imagine the possibilities.
Tell me you wouldn't be just a little bit curious...

Besides, that nose thing seemed to be something that all of his species did (along with the boring clothes). He seemed to be able to morph into anything else with 100% accuracy.