
Temporal Novice
I want to hear the best time travel theories, in fairly good detail. If they are good, then i will credit and possibly include part of them in my novel. Thanks to all who help--

ps---legit theories only please...
Simple: I going to answer you how to get the best theories, go back in the post (the bunch of messages posted before) and take the time to seek.

You may find many intersting things down there. Then I suggest you to come back up here and ask for the people who had write logical stuff that you liked!

Don't take it bad budy, this question have been posted one hundred time already!

Good luck and good work for your novel!

There are many time streams, but not an infinite number as TT_O claims.

In some streams time travels faster than other streams. These fast streams have a lot of turbulence (wars, famines, etc.) Slow streams however, can dry up and disappear though. If a stream splits up into too many streams, a bifurcation, the resulting streams travels move slowly and some branches disappear because of inadequate flow.

People who live in tiny little streams try to move to big fast streams with lots of “volume” and try to move before the tiny streams dry up.

You are in luck. I just happen to have a far out time theory up my sleve that I save for such occations.

Here goes: Time is alive. It appears as a blueish gasious cloud, that shows up when you LEAST expect it. Sightings are rarely reported because the vast majority of whitnesses are killed instantly in the act of observation. Being a living entity it has a personality, which can be summed up as a "do it my way right now or cease to exist" type attitude. Well actually its a bit faster than that. its more like "since you didn't do it my way your are gone already". Gone before you even know it,

This is the reason time has 'speeded up' since 1962. Half the world perished int the Cuban missle crisis but a deal was struck with the blue thing that the surviving half would not be informed. They were however required to give up half their time.

Warning: do not pursue this theory. The blue thing does not want to be known and WILL NOT be known. It can incarnate incogneto in any species of spider....usually large white ones....I say... as this hyperactive black spider drops in front my computer screen and running in circles about the key board gets chased off so I can finish this post...no kidding! Fastest little bugger I ever saw.

I can speak of these things because I have been warned off already and the blue thing knows it. Better to stick with human time and leave the real thing alone.
I heard of that blue thing, but I taugh nobody would talk of it oppenly, it's very dangerous. I'm not shure Shadow is going to comeback anymore on this forum, the blue thing is maybe already looking for him. Until now he was living a normal life, now he'll have to hide himself because the bluething will be looking for him.

sunzfan326: it's a good start, I hope you'll denunce the bluething, together, we can do it!

(where are we going?)
Maybe each biological species has its own time matrix. These matricies mix together like different gasses in the atmosphere. "Co-existance of collective unconsciousness". Who's BOSS? Maybe human and canine collective unconscious team up against say the wasp unconscious kinda waiting for the next war. Like I say don't mess with thems spiders, there are more of them than there is of us. Maybe we are allowed to exist because certain other species are hungry all the time.

There you go. TIME HUNGER! Pop that one in your mathmatical equations. Just knowing about it will make us safe.......maybe.....maybe not. Its a big world out there, so don't be thinking you can know all the answers and still survive to tell about it.

Do I actually believe any of this? Lets just say I find it quite handy to dispense with belief and disbelief altogether.