Hi xsuit. I am also a young student (college sophomore) and new to this site. I believe that it has happened (time travel to this time-line), but the person that travelled would not affect our reality because of the sheer stubborness of the human race/conciousness.
We are a civilization that is extremely rooted in the physical at this point in time, and what we have experienced throughout our lives as concrete interactions with this physical reality is the only thing that we recocgnize as legit (this is a generalization).
anyone who claims to be a time traveler will not be allowed to reach a point in our world were they have the power to alter our perception of this universe any more than what the collective conciousness is ready to accept as the next step for humanity. By this I mean that we as a whole can, WILL ONLY ALLOW OURSELVES TO, see only that which is considered necessary (materialistic consciousness adheres to the path of least potential) for the timeline to move forward. I believe that reality is actually created by consciousness.
without consciousness (as meek as an atom or as powerful as jesus christ) there would be no existence. And yes i did say that the atom is a conciousness, like the quark, the electron, and all physical entities. This consciousness may be no more than the committment to follow a set of given rules, but is still there in my book.
Now, with that conciousness comes the creation of reality - one conscousness interacts with another, causing a transfer of information, and the rise of energy (which is just a change in potential, that potential being the available direction/ state of the conciousness/conscious entities which make up the lattice).
This is the fundamental reality, which gives rise to the macro world. Now whenever you have a vast number of interacting conscious entities, and ample time is given for the inescapable ordering of those entities, the evolution of the collective consciousness arises. Now you have human beings, and other complex creatures.
Each set of entities follows a prescribed set of fundamental laws, until their complexity reaches a limit. then they are free to manipulate the very interactions which make up their spirit, and choice/free will now enters the picture.
Youre perobably wondering how any of this relates to time travel, but bear with me I'm gettin there. I believe that each conscious entity exists out of time. time exists for this entity (the entity is an observer), but it does not exist in time. time for it is the rate of interaction between it and its environment. remove the interaction and you remove the entity from that time line. Now, when this removal occurs, that entity exists as an imprint on the dimension which it occupied due to the resonance of its consciousness. It is now virtual. whenever the pattern of its existence is called upon however, (by a particle interaction, etc.) it comes back into existence, now in a different timeline.
this is the mechanism of time. We are made up of a seemingly infinite amount of these particles, all zipping in and out of existence. If we want to travel in time (actually, time doesn't exist, only location on the bandwith of available resonant states) all we have to do is zero in on the resonant state we would like to assume, and then make a choice to become this state.
This "small" act has proven damn near impossible, however, for our logic hasn't found a path that leads in this direction, all while maintaining the smallest jump in the resonant state of the collective conscious.
This "relative resonance bandwith" that I spoke of earlier is the drawing board of god. It is where his creation takes place. Time is an integral part of the creation, but I think it can be manipulated. all we would be doing is travelling through the fabric of existence, to the point of our choice - with a heck of a lot of computing power needed to get us there (or we could use technology to amplify our grasp on the incredible power god has already given us - the power to directly influence consciousness)
This is the hypothesis I keep returning to in my search for understanding.