Time Travel the death of a universe.


Temporal Novice
I know the subject has caught your eye and that is why I entitled it so. I have been studying time travel for about two years now and am entering into the actual experimentation
phase. I have a limited income, but a drive to try old an new ideas.

I just have to let you all know that I have looked into a lot of the so called time travel devises and find them to be just electro-field coils that by themselves could be fatal if mis-handled. As for them effecting a electric clock and saying that it effected time is crap. All they did is effect the electronics keeping the time in the clock. You couldn't put a steak in the field and it not spoil as fast as a steak outside the field.

I have not come across any real data concerning these devises. It seem strange that the data is not even near complete. "It can do this or that" is not data. It is just plain sloppy.

I am looking for someone who is really trying to work toward a goal of effecting space/time on a scientific scale. That means complete data of failure and apparent success.

Anyone that has a project they are currently working on or planing to work on I would like to hear about and even talk about.

I have a few ideas in the works, but have to get a few pieces of equipment to start.

Now what you all have been waiting for! Why I feel time travel will be the death of the universe. Simply put time is not a thing that can be seen or truly measured because it is not made of matter. It has no mass. On the other had time does have an effect. And it has been shown that you can messure the effect of time not time itself.

I know you are thinking we messure time every day. But truly we are not measuring we are putting time into a way we can deal with it. If it makes any sense a minute as we see it is not a minute in another place. This truth is what makes time travel possible.

I pose that if we were on a planet that did not spin as fast as the earth time would have a different speed at which it would effect our lives though we would not be aware of such a change unless we had a way of being both here and there.

In other words time travel has the capacity to destroy our universe as we know it, because understanding it would blow some of our highest ideals right out the window. So it may not destroy it for the rest of us, but for the time traveler it could be his [color:red] Death of The Universe. [/color] .

I hope this isn't to choppy for you all, it is my tid-bit on many involved ideas. Hope to meet some real researchers here, there, and anywhere our dreams can take us. Travel to the moon was talked about as crazy as time travel at one time, but we did it.
Allow me to be the first to welcome you to this board, and introduce my self. I am TimeTravelActivist, TTA for short. I read your post, and I like your ideas already. It's rare for someone who's into Time Travel to consider it something deadly. For I have been the only one here who's been saying that Time Travel is wrong for the past 3 years.

I welcome your fresh new approach in the matter, however I am no scientist; my understanding of Time Travel is all based on instinct and visions. And with a sense of humanity and responsibly on my shoulders, I see right through the Time Travel scheme, and speak out against it.

Once again, welcome aboard TTwise, I look forward to reading more of your Time Travel opposition /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Though not a very popular topic, it needs to be known, to truly understand what Time Travel is all about.


You bring up some good ideas. Suppose we take it to its logical conclusion; time has *no properties at all* and is therefore the guage against which all other properties can be measured.

And time travel destroys only those who endever to use it. Cool!

We have proof of this very thing. Look at what happened to Homer Simpson when he rewired his time traveling bread toaster. The truely frightening part is that no one noticed anything was amiss. I certainly haven't noticed anything either by the way.

POPULAR TIMECHANICS: Be the first kid on your block to zzzzits zap ph ph ahhhhhaaaaaaaaa

I don't know how much of your post to take to heart but it was worth a laugh none the less. The last line killed me. Boy, it must of been a real shock!
Friend TTwise of EarthTR125.0121

I fail to comprehend why you believe that tiem travel could be a fatal event to the universe. In my opinion it is not, if it were that way the universes would have already demised.Yet they have not. Time travel has been taking place for a very long time, not only in this reality but on many others. I know that it might seem fearsome, but it is not. Time travel is not harmless at all, as long as the ones traveling are serious and honorable.
You see, when you time travel you must do it in order to better understand the occurrences of the past in order to perfect the future, not to change anything, that would be egotistical, selfish and utterly mistaken.
We simply observe,record and then report to the Conclavinaculum. We never change anything, not even personal eventfulness.
I welcome you as well, I hope you can encounter fresh ideas and new insight into your research, dear friend.
About your ideas of temporal dissimilarities, you are right. In other realities the ratio of temporal advancement is very different from the ratio of this reality. What you have conceived is the actual speed at which chronotrons, which are temporal elemental particules,are accrued by a given temporal field matrix, or better know as a quantum density or reality.
If you wish you are welcome to read the other posts we have developed concerning the Prime Temporal Point, it might seem religious but it is not. After you read it with an open and conscious mind you will realize. Again I bid you welcome.
Until later becomes now.
Re: Time Travel the..Get rid of all saucers

If dis da case, Tra001, then get rid of all dem saucers, cause dey all have electromagnetic outer sheaths placed on them, so they's actin much like a time machinen!?

Why'd ya go and half to make everthing so complicaited!??

Oh' no no, oh' no no

You'r wathcin your back, like you'r somebody else, you seem like such-a fool to mee-uh-aeea. Tell me,.. why'd ya half ta... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You said:
"I fail to comprehend why you believe that tiem travel could be a fatal event to the universe. In my opinion it is not, if it were that way the universes would have already demised."

Your reading comprehension must not be so good. Number one I did not say that time travel would destroy the whole universe. I said it would be that way for the person doing it. Plus I was talking about how the time traveler perceived
his universe not how the rest of us would. The universe would in still exsist just not the way the traveler once knew it. Hence this is why I stated it as "a universe" not the universe.

I take it you are a would be time taveler. I find that hard to believe seeing you being here would upset things greatly now if you were in phase shift then I might listen to your talk about "We" do it only to observe. Number one you have changed any number of thing just by telling what you have. You seem to be a regular on this board so you have told a lot of info that would in effect change history.

If I had the time I would talk more on how I do think time travel can be done. I am not talking how to travel, but just the things that would have to happen in order for it to be done.

Right now I want to meet some of you and to get to know who I am dealing with. I hope I don't come off in a rude way, but I have a low tolerance for B.S.! I am not totally discounting your being a time traveler, but something sure doesn't smell quite right.

TTwise, bravo /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif... I've also come to that conclusion of Trans001, as well as a few others who have e-mailed me in private
. It seems that he's drafted a few posters into some sort of biased fanatical religious alliance, dead set on proving God to everyone, while dismissing possibilities of anything else having responsibility to unethical manipulation.

My past encounters with Trans001 and his posie have proved far from being God sent, but more of deception and hostile towards anyone who challenges their sincerity and consistency.

But don't take my word for it, read for your self the thread he recommended you read
you'll see.

In there, he challenges me with these words:
<<Let us see your true brilliance, show us your theories, share with us your visions of the future, or are you afraid I might refute them and then let you know how wrong you have been all this time, and then in an instant realize that your visions are not such thing but the result of a paranoid and infirm mind.>>

If that last post of his was any example of him refuting someone's theories (clearly not listening to what you specifically said) and proving them paranoid, I can only imagine what his true brilliance is like? After all, he has to pretend he's from the future, and make grand entrances when he's gone for more then 2 days, after this only being his 2nd week here.

Nice to have someone like you around to help deal with the B.S., I can tell your going to have a nice time with those who do the spreading /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Re: Time Travel and metephysical properties.

I will be leaving the posts for some time, but I wanted to comment quickly here.

Why would it seem that somebody COULD NOT be a time travel? That would depend on what
science actually knows about time travel, and as how we would perceive it at this given time and date
in history...

There is an unseen worlds available to us on earth. Take for example, Radio is
a method of sending out sounds for long distances by the use of electricity.
The radio waves are sent out from a tower. The waves travel out in all
directions and they are everywhere. That is why you can travel down the
highway at 80 miles an hour and clearly pick up the signal at all times. But,
you must have a receiver! One of its parts is the antenna. The radio waves in
the air strike the antenna and are carried into the radio set. of course, the air is
full of radio waves broadcasted by different stations. The place where you sit
as you read these lines is literally filled with radio waves. Music, voices, and
noises of various kinds are all around you, passing through the walls, and
even your body. Do you feel them? Can you hear them? Do you see them?
NOOOOOOO!, but they are there, co extensive with every visible thing,
occupying the very SAME SPACE! Yet each wave EXISTS IN
FREQUENCIES. Therefore they DON'T INTERFERE with each other, they
don't mix and become all scrambled up. THEY ARE NOT IN THE SAME

That is what is meant by a "realm" or "dimension." It is like a frequency. It
can occupy the same space and yet be another world altogether. That's how
the theory of GD (theoretically) can be in heaven and in the room where you
are sitting and in your heart at the same time. He is simply on a different
frequency, in a different dimension or realm, but occupying the same space.
The same could apply to the place called Heaven. I believe this is a separate
place but may have nothing to do with a "place," (so to speak) but could
apply to a place either here or beyond the stars. Heaven is a REALM OF
REALITY, A Dimension OF LIFE. It is as omnipresent as GD is
omnipresent, as omnipresent as the universe is omnipresent it is where He

In order to hear the radio sounds that are in the air you must turn on your
receiver. But you want to select only one of these wave lengths. For that
purpose the receiver has a tuner. As you turn the dial, at each position a
different frequency will flow into the condenser and then be translated into
sound heard by your ear. The radio waves exist as it were in a different
"dimension" than the things you naturally see, feel and hear, but they are right
there, nevertheless, and can be heard if you are able to "tune in" to them. In
this same manner, other dimensions are all around within you IF ONLY YOU

The definition "three dimensional" is used to express a law of physics which
mathematically proves the length, height and depth of the universe. All
physical things have these three dimensions of height, length and depth. And
yet the three are ONE! They are not three separate "places" but three
"dimensions" or realities occupying the SAME SPACE!

So this is where Transient comes in. He says that he is as his name says,
"Transient" and that he can phase temporally!

Is it possible that one can actually phase to other dimensions quite simply by a
process known as meditation or frame of mind elevating or tuning in oneself
to other frequencies. If one could possibly "tune" into a frequency like what I
explained above using the example of radio waves. So in a way Transient isn't
lying! He hasn't said that his body actually disappears, it merely phases by the
could technically be in China and glimpse your astral body (in its same form but
reconstructed with light, looking normal but slightly noticeable) to Texas? (much like television works) or
for that matter skip whole dimensions and phase warp in time backwards or
forwards, blinking in and out of existence. Maybe one would appear
physically visible but would not have the mass to interact on a full scale and
so therefore could not change any sort of history but only BE AN
OBSERVER as Transient claims to be!

BUT THERE IS AN HONORABLE WAY, (as Transient puts it.) AND
THAT IS THROUGH GD...By using the teachings along with
the meditational properties of the Bible, such as the Torah, Kabalah, Sefira
Yetsira, Dead Sea Scrolls, and if one is innocent, loving and with meek
obedience, (as the dally lama says.) These are the very tools in which one needs to be able to "tune in"
and synchronize with a "frequency" and ride the "wave". Without these
substances, NO GOOOOOOOOO!

Re: Time Travel and metephysical properties.

Sorry we will not be seeing you around for a while. I just want to tell you that I just think T-001 is not a time traveler. I do believe time travel is happening. I don't think it has originated out of our point in the time line but some time in the next 100 years or so........again I may be wrong. T-001 has said some things that smell funny. If he is just looking then he has broken his own rule by interacting with us on this message board. Getting an e-mail account, and so on.

I do believe that looking is the limit of time travel. You can't interact with anything because you are not there, but yet you are at the same time. There are some strong reasons I think this way and may be wrong all together. I am only starting to see how space/time can be effected so I am no expert.

I guess I just want you to know that I do believe you can time travel. More on this later.

Setting up my lab today and have a lot more work to do. Some equipment has not arrived so I am kind of at a stand still. Chat at you all later.

tta and ttwise

I beg to differ with you guys but it is you who are wrong about your own posts. Transient had it right when questioning your ideas. The thread starts off as death of A universe then the first mention of universe is death of THE universe, then it goes on to mention death of OUR universe and finally to the death of his PERSONAL universe.

As far as hypocrite tta is concerned, here is a perfect example of how he will jump fences even in the middle of a post to make his nonsensical points. He difinitely has tunnel vision. Ttwise is ACTIVELY seeking ways to time travel. He is in the EXPERIMENTAL PHASE. He is determined. But because he mentioned the danger involved, and spurned transient's explanation, the old caped crusader saw only what he wanted to see and jumped on the bandwagon to claim friendship with a fellow disbeliever in time travel who is actively SEEKING a time travel device. Is this hypocrisy or what? My senses are telling me that he only saw a way to get back at Cat and secondarily me for spurning HIM and his idiotic ideas. I don't trust anyone who would look up IP addresses like he did with creedo and personally phone him to harass him. This is bordering on criminal harassment and creedo could probably have pursued this avenue with the police. Someone emailed me and told me that he is trying to track down Transient and this is reprhensible-especially when he hypocritically posted to Mop that IP addresses should not be listed because some inscrupulous individual could do damage. He was talking about himself!! I understand he has a hacker program to track IP addresses. This is wrong!! If he wants to dispute this, perhaps we can get copies of personal email to prove it. No matter, it just seems that someone who is speaking so highly of himself can be plotting and planning in the background. He has the gall to actually BRAG on the forum about calling creedo and made many blackmailing comments. Talk about calling others fanatical. Does this mean that anyone who disagrees with tta can expect to be hacked and called with harassing phone calls. Is his Christian girlfriend a fanatic? I have no respect for him or his ideas. In some ways, I see him as going off the deep end and should be watched.
Re: Time Travel and metephysical properties.

Friend CAT

I could have not explained it better myself, BRAVO, but I am of the inclination that some posters will still not understand. Not because of a lack of intellectual prowess but due to a lack of vision and insight. Yes, many are phasing through time at this very moment, quite similarly as you have just expressed. Some employing the Kabbalah, others by studying the Devanandas, others still by opening up to the great ancestral spirits of nature and yet others by assimilating science with the premier laws. Remember, what we find to be religion at this point, was actually science misunderstood by our forefathers.
Regarding the astral body, this one vibrates in a frequency akin to that of the Temporal Stream, however it is not the one used. The would be traveler , either employing technology or not, needs to prepare his/hers consciousness. Thus enabling his/her vessel to expand and resonate accordingly to the temporal resonance factor of a given quantum reality.
Do not think that this is the exclussive form of temporal displacement, to think in such a way would make me categorical, no, this is only one of the many ways that could be utilized by a an individual to timephase.
There are many, many others. But as I stated in my early posts, if lifekind does not unites as one, there will not be further insights of significant importance in any scientifical field. Think about the early ages, how fast science evolved, it were great leaps, now as people took less interest in each other see for yourself how Earth´s science is evolving. Only in the communication field and the military(meaning aggression) are developing. The medical field is slowly advancing but not as it should, with so many advances we should have found cures for illnesses a long time ago. Or maybe they were found but malignant thinking kept them from disclosure.
So you see, if we do not start to cooperate and work as one, there will not be much advancement for Earth.
But once again CAT, BRAVO, I really expect to find you somewhere in the Temporal Stream one of this days.
One last thing, TTwise, I have never said to be a time traveler, nor alien, nor strange cultist being, God forbid!.I am an observer who is starting to interact with you. Remember, not divine, nor heavenly, not a recruiter, nor a preacher, just a simple scientist and maybe a little of an explorer, just that. You can ask the others, I simply would like this forum to be employed for the sole discussion of temporal displacement, in order to help others with little pieces of information that we might share as one team. Yes I understand that human nature is prone to discussion and discrepancies, but If it is being done in a respectful and scientifical way I will not mind. However it does worries me to read posts of people refutting others with nonsense commentaries and a lack of scientifical weigth, in the past this has taken place and plenty a phylosopher/scientist had gone away, only we being the ones lossing a possibly brilliant and fascinating mind. I hope your ideas are not met with such scorn and misdeamenor.
Until later becomes now.
destroying angel,

I see your point about my post. Again I didn't mean to be rude. I must point out that my conclusion was that it would be the death of a universe not the universe as a whole. Yes a personal universe of sorts. Again i am sorry for being rude. I just couldn't see how he thought that I thought it would destroy everything. In context of what I said, even thought my word structure leaves a little to be desired, I Was trying to make the point that it would not destroy the whole universe.

As for TTA I can not say weather he is for real or likes problems. I will state my opinion when needed, but will stand up when I make a mistake.

Say T-001 is a time traveler and he some how proves that........I have no idea how he would do that.............I would be behind him all the way. If I said I was a time traveler wouldn't you all need some kind of evidence that I was not just crazy or somehthing. Like I said before I do not discount that he might be a time traveler. I just feel that there are some things that don't fit.

Friend Time Travel Wise

I see that you are a mature, responsible and sensible nature, I like that in a colleague.No do not go thinking that I am passing judgement, this is my impression. But I sense this when you state that you are sorry for being rude and thinking that your word structure leaves a little to be desired of. TTWise, it takes a real person to say those words. I think is my turn to say that I may have not read your post as thorughly as I have should, for this I am sorry. I want to let clera fro everyone in this respectable forum that it is not my intention whatsoever to initiate conflict nor discomfort. In my last post to TTA I said I was not going to answer any of your thought regarding myself but I do believe that it is meritory to say that I am sorry if my last comments towards your being were rude and caused any discomfort or disdain towards my person. For all this TTA and TTWise I am truly and verily sorry. I did not engaged into this forum to instigate nor bother anyone. Again I am sorry if my words could have caused this akward and beriddening feelings to protrude in anyone.
Mayhaps TTA I did not understood what you tried to explain, I must confess that although considering myself knowledgeable in the language of English it is not my firts tongue. That could account to my lack of understanding of your thoeries and cerebrations. Excuse me again, it is not my intention to be rude neither.
Now maybe what you reffered to universes were was I have been explaining about alternate quantum realities. As far as I understand there are a number of proto realities that stem forth from the Prime Temporal Point. This Proto Realities as a result to temporal ann quantum mechanics developed lesser realities were infinite possibilities revolved and permuted themselves, resulting in a myriad alternate universes. This lesser quantum realities, each due to timephasing of an unlimited sort and tampering with each and every timeline, stemmed even more minor quantum singularitic realities.
Whenever a reality is altered, depending at which reality state it was tampered with, creates yet another reality. This creates a resonance effect that if not properly assimilated by the Prime Temporal Point it could rupture the myriad links to this prime source of chronotronic arrangements. With this links, or more properly called Coronal Tubes, severed a protoreality or minor reality could suddenly experienced a Sine Wave augmentation like effect were it could actually be destroyed. Some think that this event if it were to occur will not destroy the arrangement of the quatum reality but in effect give raise to the creation of an entirely new multiverse. Honestly speaking I do not know what could really take place, but my instructors tell me that the latter event is beyond possibility. Nonetheless the debate is still warm in my country.
Have a nice weekend and until later becomes now.
PS TTA I would really like to stop arguing, I offer my cyberhandshake to you, it is not in my nature to have conflicting relationships with people. I would like to get to know you better.
Until later becomes now......again.
If Time Travel is truly deadly, then I must interject that Space Travel is deadly.

Because, there is no way to escape the fact that to travel through the cosmos is travelling through space/time.

Has anyone seen the video "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon", where the filmographers put forth that the Apollo Missions to the moon were a grand hoax?

Any opinions on this?


Talk about jumping fences to make nonsensical points. And you ask me why CAT thought I betrayed her? Your mentioning things I've spoken to her in confidence, are you then not betraying her trust of you? And how does that make her innocent of the charges of not betraying someone she was once a close friend with? Does that not make you two hypocrites?
I have not, and will not disclose any information my friends have told me in confidence.

<<My senses are telling me that he only saw a way to get back at Cat and secondarily me for spurning HIM and his idiotic ideas.>>

Your senses are paranoid. I would never try and get back at CAT, she was a good friend to me. I know that she may want to get back at me, and obviously is using you to do so. At least now I know the kind of friend she is capable of being.

<<I don't trust anyone who would look up IP addresses like he did with creedo and personally phone him to harass him.>>

I beg your pardon, I think you got that backwards /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif, I didn't call Creedo first. I didn't go through the trouble of finding him... You need to get your facts straight boy. I only called him as a favor to her, and she has the audacity to tell you, that I looked him up and harassed him?

<<This is bordering on criminal harassment and creedo could probably have pursued this avenue with the police>>

Haha /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif right... Obviously you weren't here. It would have been the other way around.

<<Someone emailed me and told me that he is trying to track down Transient and this is reprhensible-especially when he hypocritically posted to Mop that IP addresses should not be listed because some inscrupulous individual could do damage.>>

Oh please... hypocritically someone accused your buddy Trans001 of the same thing. I was only speaking out in concern for everyone. I am not wasting my time looking out for people here. I have no reason to. Again, I was just looking at for my friend at the time. I had no idea she would interpret it to you in this way that I would be looking to do some damage.

<<I understand he has a hacker program to track IP addresses. This is wrong!!>>

Hardly a hacker program, and hardly wrong. It came with my firewall. I think this is what your paranoid about. Check it out:

<<If he wants to dispute this, perhaps we can get copies of personal email to prove it. No matter, it just seems that someone who is speaking so highly of himself can be plotting and planning in the background?>>

Haha, no one is plotting anything, especially me /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif you're the third party DestroyingAngel, inspiring there to be some conspiracy. Perhaps to divert attention from you being the one who's the hacker /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif? You have nothing on me. You can't pin what CAT has said about me, because obviously it's misinterpreted.

<<He has the gall to actually BRAG on the forum about calling creedo and made many blackmailing comments. Talk about calling others fanatical.>>

Actually that's the other way around too. Did she tell you this? Man, what is with you CAT, I only called him because we agreed to. He was doing the blackmailing, not me. Remember?

<<Does this mean that anyone who disagrees with tta can expect to be hacked and called with harassing phone calls. Is his Christian girlfriend a fanatic? I have no respect for him or his ideas. In some ways, I see him as going off the deep end and should be watched.>>

Your words speak pure evil DestroyingAngel, per your name I see no regard for the understanding of man, only deception. You would have the TTA be named a hacker simply because someone disagrees with me? And tell me, what have you done to deserve to be called harmless? Just look who's feeling threatened, and pointing fingers. That's the Trans001 possie, the TTA is just doing his job.

Next please.


<<PS TTA I would really like to stop arguing, I offer my cyberhandshake to you, it is not in my nature to have conflicting relationships with people. I would like to get to know you better.>>

Haha /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif, I'm sorry Trans001, but you had your chance. You want to send out your henchmen to try and mess with the TTA credibility, you gone and started something now. You want to be friends and get to know me, earn my trust first /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif then we'll talk. The same goes for DestroyingAngel and CAT. And CAT, you should already know my sincerity, or was our reign of TTA&CAT tag team all for nothing?

As i said in my own little forum im no scientist but i find it common sense that you cannot possibly perform any kind of experiment in time travel without having at least some basic facts straight.1:There are no facts.2:Where would you begin.I dont consider using quartz and a bit of copper hooked up to some hotwired refrigerator gizmo to actually function as a time machine.Im not trying to put you down but i think if there is going to be any advancement in the technology of time travel there should be a group of people working together to accomplish the same thing all in their respective fields.When man got to the moon it wasnt done in a basement.It takes a lot of dedicated people with a great idea and some goverment funded $$.What im trying to say is devote your energies to getting 1 solid theory down that is generally accepted and move in that direction.If you look at history all the greatest thinkers were everyday commoners not highly payed think tanks (Einstein was a patent maker).

Just my 2 cents..if u actually develop something in your basement be sure to mail me one:>

>>>Talk about jumping fences to make nonsensical points. And you ask me why CAT thought I betrayed her? Your mentioning things I've spoken to her in confidence, are you then not betraying her trust of you? And how does that make her innocent of the charges of not betraying someone she was once a close friend with? Does that not make you two hypocrites?<<<

What makes you think that Cat is at the center of this? Obviously, you have made lots of enemies here because of your insensitivity. Hey, thats the price you have to pay for being the caped crusader. Maybe you're the butt of jokes being passed around. Funny how you can be the last to know. Friends don't treat their friends as EQUAL TO EVERYONE ELSE, especially on a public forum. You have stated this enough times to make it perfectly clear. Maybe you have to do a little research on what FRIEND means.

>>>I would never try and get back at CAT, she was a good friend to me. I know that she may want to get back at me, and obviously is using you to do so. At least now I know the kind of friend she is capable of being.<<<

Nobody is using me to do anything. Why do you need to bring others into this? I am doing this-period. Your paranoid thinking turns it into a conspiracy, just like your double-digit nonsense. I am playing your game and it is working perfectly!! Your last two posts to me shows that clearly. I am playing YOU like your CELLO, and you are biting into it like any good conspiracy theorist would.

>>>I was only speaking out in concern for everyone. I am not wasting my time looking out for people here. I have no reason to.<<<

Now if this isn't a perfect example of your double-mindedness, nothing is. How can you speak out in concern for everyone and NOT WASTE TIME looking out for people here? Oh, maybe it's just bad wording. Sounds like a Freudian slip to me. Now let's look at it at what it could POSSIBLY mean. Nah, you're long return posts would make the second statement totally untrue. You're wasting LOTS of time looking out for people here.

>>>Your words speak pure evil DestroyingAngel, per your name I see no regard for the understanding of man, only deception. You would have the TTA be named a hacker simply because someone disagrees with me? And tell me, what have you done to deserve to be called harmless? Just look who's feeling threatened, and pointing fingers. That's the Trans001 possie, the TTA is just doing his job.<<<

Who ever said I wanted to be harmless? Who are you to classify pure evil? Who are you to identify what the understanding of man is or what deception is? And why do you always talk of the tta in the third person? Ego, pure and simple. Who's feeling threatened here? Who's pointing fingers? And what the hell is trans possie? You're good at turning things around on others, but take NO responsibility for your own GAFFES.

>>>The same goes for DestroyingAngel and CAT. And CAT, you should already know my sincerity, or was our reign of TTA&CAT tag team all for nothing?<<<

Reign as a tag team? REIGN?? SINCERITY?? Give me a break! Is this what you are trying to accomplish on this forum-to reign? I thought this forum was set up to SHARE ideas-not to lord it over others with your elevated, inflated opinion of yourself.

>>>It seems that he's drafted a few posters into some sort of biased fanatical religious alliance, dead set on proving God to everyone, while dismissing possibilities of anything else having responsibility to unethical manipulation.<<<

Now you have trans drafting Cat into a biased, fanatical religious alliance and would have us believe that you are NOT talking about Cat, and secondarily me because we have been having a discussion together about things pertaining to TIME TRAVEL. You don't have the cookies to even name us specifically and play your little game of deception by saying A FEW POSTERS. Accusing us of not having responsibility to unethical manipulation when this is YOUR paranoia and specialty conspiracy theory. Is this how you look at all the other posters on this forum? Are all these people forming alliances when they talk about specific things? Are all these alliances plotting against you? Are they trying to undermine YOUR responsibility to (ha ha) unethical manipulation? You're not sounding very mature here. As I mentioned before, I really don't know why I'm wasting MY time with your nonsense. Why don't you present something that's interesting instead of playing the same broken record over and over again. We all know where you stand. Now where are you GOING?
<<What makes you think that Cat is at the center of this? Obviously, you have made lots of enemies here because of your insensitivity.>>

Because your bringing up stuff that I have only told her. And you want to question me about my insensitivity, you're a bigger @$$hole then I ever was DestroyingAngel. And that's a fact

<<Hey, thats the price you have to pay for being the caped crusader.>>

I'm not complaining. As if your any trouble for me to take care of anyways /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I been handling worse off jerks like you since age 16, both physically and mentally. Just bring it on!

<<Maybe you're the butt of jokes being passed around. Funny how you can be the last to know. Friends don't treat their friends as EQUAL TO EVERYONE ELSE, especially on a public forum. You have stated this enough times to make it perfectly clear. Maybe you have to do a little research on what FRIEND means.>>

My work as the TTA is to maintain the principles of Anti-Time Travel and Manipulation current in the discussion of those things that hinder humanities chance of keeping them. Even friends need to be reminded of that once and awhile.

<<Nobody is using me to do anything. Why do you need to bring others into this? I am doing this-period.>>

It didn't stop you from bringing her name into your post, now did it /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif? If you want to make this your solo debate with the TTA, just bring it on with the facts that you know. Not with what you were told, which is obviously misinterpreted.

<<Your paranoid thinking turns it into a conspiracy, just like your double-digit nonsense. I am playing your game and it is working perfectly!! Your last two posts to me shows that clearly. I am playing YOU like your CELLO, and you are biting into it like any good conspiracy theorist would.>>

The only thing that is working perfectly for you DestroyingAngel, is assuming that the TTA is falling for your posts. I have been busy, and haven't read the posts until now. Your amusing to me, /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif just like when you said "I shouldn't let someone as pretty as you get me angery" I didn't think you found me attractive. But I don't swing that way

<<Now if this isn't a perfect example of your double-mindedness, nothing is. How can you speak out in concern for everyone and NOT WASTE TIME looking out for people here?>>

I meant in reference to looking for people's information you doop. Read before that, you would see.

<<Oh, maybe it's just bad wording. Sounds like a Freudian slip to me.>>

No, it's called being in a hurry cause I got more important things to do on my weekend then to deal with an @$$ like you /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<Now let's look at it at what it could POSSIBLY mean. Nah, you're long return posts would make the second statement totally untrue. You're wasting LOTS of time looking out for people here.>>

You wouldn't know what looking out for someone other then your self, if your life depended on it. Why not go destroy an ant colony or something, you seem to be the type to find pleasure out of that kind of stuff.

<<Who ever said I wanted to be harmless?>>

One question at a time…

So you don't want to be harmless, thanks for making that distinction clear /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<Who are you to classify pure evil?>>

Well let's see, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, obviously. But in your case, a person speaks of destroying the TTA because he thinks he can, trys to emphasis that he has found him in a loop when he's only made one him self, is an @$$hole with no regard for humanity, and his name is DestroyingAngel. Yeaap, I think that classifies as pure evil.

<<Who are you to identify what the understanding of man is or what deception is?>>

I am the TTA, I just know
. Nah j/k, I worked a lot with people growing up, I have a pretty good understanding of my fellow man.

<<And why do you always talk of the tta in the third person? Ego, pure and simple.>>

Simple. Cause sometimes I'm Clark Kent in disguise, and I want to keep that secret
. Caped Crusader to the rescue /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<Who's feeling threatened here?>>

You are.

<<Who's pointing fingers?>>

You are.

<<And what the hell is trans possie?>>

You and CAT obviously.

<<You're good at turning things around on others, but take NO responsibility for your own GAFFES.>>

What should I take responsibility of? This is your debate with me, can't handle it?

<<Now you have trans drafting Cat into a biased, fanatical religious alliance and would have us believe that you are NOT talking about Cat, and secondarily me because we have been having a discussion together about things pertaining to TIME TRAVEL.>>

So why did you ask me who's Trans possie was, if you already knew who I was talking about? Please, don't waste my time /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<You don't have the cookies to even name us specifically and play your little game of deception by saying A FEW POSTERS.>>

Why, was it so difficult for your little marble of a brain to figure it out?

<<Accusing us of not having responsibility to unethical manipulation when this is YOUR paranoia and specialty conspiracy theory.>>

Is Time Travel being brought to the table with both sides being considered, I think not.

<<Is this how you look at all the other posters on this forum?>>

Look at how?

<<Are all these people forming alliances when they talk about specific things?>>

As a matter of fact, they do tend to get a little fanatical at times and do forget that there is a separate world other then what they propose. I am just aspiring to keep the discussion balanced and with 2 sides to prevent self disillusion from occurring. Stick around for a few years, you'll see what I mean.

<<Are all these alliances plotting against you? Are they trying to undermine YOUR responsibility to (ha ha) unethical manipulation?>>

Not against me per-say, but against the whole. The whole needs to know that Time Travel has it's consequences. Not just buy into it thinking that it does not. That would be taking no responsibility at all.

<<You're not sounding very mature here.>>

Why thank you /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif, and your not… hehe

<<As I mentioned before, I really don't know why I'm wasting MY time with your nonsense. Why don't you present something that's interesting instead of playing the same broken record over and over again. We all know where you stand. Now where are you GOING?>>

Because my lame brain friend, this is another side that is rarely discussed. You can discuss Time Travel in many ways as you might have already seen. But discussing the principle behind it, and humanities stance on it is something that cannot be done mathematically or scientifically. For everything else, there is the TTA.