Time Travel+Teleportation=Travel to the past?


Temporal Novice
If it were possible to fuse time travel with teleportation, would it be possible to travel back in the past because you would create a new time line or would that just make it possible to pick a destination in the future. If time travel was possible without using teleportation then the machine would stand still while the earth was still moving around the sun, you might end up in the future but not where you want to be. If the machine was to be in space in that place when the planet returns to that place it would collide with the machine. The Earth does not have the same exact path. Planetary pool anyone? This I base on the fact that if something travels fast enough everything else stands still, like in those fancy restruants where they pull the table cloth out from under the dishes without moving them. the same would be applied to time travel without teleportation to counter this inbalance.

please reply I think that time travel might be possible but without teleportation it might create undesirable results, and the calculations for both when and where would have to be correct, which would include the exact location and where that location is from the rest of the universe. Remember computers only know what we tell them is true(computer programing). After thinking about it I don't think time travel to the past is even possible.
Wouldn't want to make the try. Uncle Max says that there's no certain way to get all your ducks in a row, so you might end up as part of a row. In the Forum in Rome, I mean...
If it were possible to fuse time travel with teleportation, would it be possible to travel back in the past because you would create a new time line

It happens when time travellers go back into the past and change the future just by being in the past.