Relating to this article and it's context my own subjective experiences: Revolutionary Quantum Entanglement Superposition System with Time Travel Aspect already developed and working: Life is Living Art website states: "My own personal subjective experiences around the idea of Quantum Entanglement shows wonderfully through many examples, that the scientists are never able to understand it all - unless they experience it subjectively themselves. After experiencing Quantum Entanglement themselves, they can bring the awareness and inner wisdom gained from the experience to the equation. Suddenly many missing links just seem to appear out of nowhere and wholeness becomes Crystal Clear: In Randomness there is Divine Order - Structure, which is contained within everything and no-thing at the same time. Here on this page I have demonstrated how the idea of Quantum Teleportation actually works and I have a solid proof of this system in action." -
Life is Living Art ~ Art of Conscious Living: Quantum Entanglement System
Relation to Alexander Graham Bell (Inventor of the Phone) & John S. Bell (originator of Bell's Theorem in Quantum Physics)
Life is Living Art ~ Art of Conscious Living: Quantum Entanglement System
You might be wondering what does the inventor of the Phone (Alexander Graham Bell) and the originator of Bell's Theorem (John S. Bell) have to do with all of this. Let me clarify it a little bit: We are of the same Family Line: Bell. I'm continuing their work (you could think of it as legacy from that was left for me to find in proper time/space). You can find out more about these connections throughout this website, but this is a good place to start: Yoga, The Importance of Breath, Seane Corn, Batman & Bell connection + Empire Of The Sun & DNA, Phoenix (Re-Birth), Anastasia Sokolova, Dancing in the Rain, Unstoppable Wild Woman .
In short Graham Bell invented the phone, that was a catalyst for the modern day Computers, Programming languages, Networks and Internet (Bell Labs). John S. Bell In the other hand proposed in 1964 a test to settle once and for all, whether quantum mechanics really is as weird as it famously appears to be, in that it allows for instantaneous communication between two particles, no matter how far apart they are, on condition that they were once entangled together in the same place. The short answer, as experiments carried out over subsequent decades have shown, is yes, it is. Bell's test also led physicists like Dr. Ekert to a remarkable insight: Made sufficiently sensitive the Bell test could be used to guarantee perfectly secure communication.
In actuality there's nothing unusual, strange or bizarre in Quantum Mechanics. It may seem strange for those, who only use logical left side of their brains to observe and understand this wholeness. John S. Bell stated in his theorem:
"No physical theory of local hidden variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics."
This simply means, that Quantum Physics and it's underlying mechanism can't be understood and measured in traditional, orthodox ways of viewing things (level of consciousness and thinking). In order to understand subtle nature of Quantum World and it's operation, one would have to utilize both hemispheres of their brain. In Quantum World this becomes that - likewise the observer needs to become inseparate part of the observed particle, to fully understand it's existence and properties it helds.
~ Quantum Physics - Bell's Theorem, Alexander Graham Bell ~
Facebook update 4th of July 2014: "Somewhere within the quantum foam of existence, amongst the very building blocks of reality, there is a universe where you ... are Batman"
This is quite much so see the following links below Christian Bale (Bell family lineage) was 13 yrs. old when he got his first acting role in the film "Empire of the Sun". I was 13 yrs. old when Ukrainian born Elen Levon was born (13th of July 1994 [I explored this year on my blogpost about Quantum Entanglement with Brazil, Ukraine and Romania]). We all have a Life Path Number 7. Christian Bale was born 7 years before me and my little brother 7 years after me exactly same day.
links to these:
Novaspace Time Travel + Elisabeth (Ayahuasca), 808 Beat, Nocturnals, Fox, 33rd Parallel
Novaspace Time Travel + Elisabeth (Ayahuasca), 808 Beat, Nocturnals, Fox, 33rd Parallel | Life is Living Art ~ Art of Conscious Living
Cosmic Dancer (Bell[y|You] Dance) ~ Time Traveling Healing Bell ~ Wave ~ From Deep » WithIN « under the surface
Cosmic Dancer (Bell[y|You] Dance) ~ Time Traveling Healing Bell ~ Wave ~ From Deep » WithIN « under the surface | Life is Living Art ~ Art of Conscious Living
Message from the Future: Let there be Light ~ Reality IS » WithIN « Your Consciousness
Message from the Future: Let there be Light ~ Reality IS » WithIN « Your Consciousness | Life is Living Art ~ Art of Conscious Living
Interesting Developments: Romanian Language, Time Travel, Quantum Non-Locality & Entanglement
Interesting Developments: Romanian Language, Time Travel, Quantum Non-Locality & Entanglement | Life is Living Art ~ Art of Conscious Living
Time Travel Experiences with Romanian Singer Antonia + Continuum
Time Travel Experiences with Romanian Singer Antonia + Continuum | Life is Living Art ~ Art of Conscious Living