Time Travel Regulations?


Temporal Novice

I am a newer member. Not only do I believe that time travel is real for a multitude of reasons, but to put in to smaller details I’ve witnessed first hand encounters with fate that I believe have shown me behind the curtains of the type of reality we live in.

What I’ve always wanted to learn more about is who regulates timelines and who oversees the broad spectrum of events to make sure no anomalies occur?

I am really passionate about this and I hope i’m not coming off to forward or direct, I would appreciate any insight you all might have to offer!


Mr Jacobs

I am a newer member. Not only do I believe that time travel is real for a multitude of reasons, but to put in to smaller details I’ve witnessed first hand encounters with fate that I believe have shown me behind the curtains of the type of reality we live in.

What I’ve always wanted to learn more about is who regulates timelines and who oversees the broad spectrum of events to make sure no anomalies occur?

I am really passionate about this and I hope i’m not coming off to forward or direct, I would appreciate any insight you all might have to offer!


Mr Jacobs
Nobody would be able to regulate timelines your presence alone in the past is already a Change to the timeline itself.

I am a newer member. Not only do I believe that time travel is real for a multitude of reasons, but to put in to smaller details I’ve witnessed first hand encounters with fate that I believe have shown me behind the curtains of the type of reality we live in.

What I’ve always wanted to learn more about is who regulates timelines and who oversees the broad spectrum of events to make sure no anomalies occur?

I am really passionate about this and I hope i’m not coming off to forward or direct, I would appreciate any insight you all might have to offer!


Mr Jacobs
What do you mean by "...[W]ho regulates timelines and who oversees the broad spectrum of events to make sure no anomalies occur?" You should probably include a definition of timelines and anomalies. I know, in terms of Special Relativity, what Minkowski termed worldlines and I know what, in physics, an anomaly is. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you define the terms the same way.
Nobody would be able to regulate timelines your presence alone in the past is already a Change to the timeline itself.
Good answer and I agree with you.

But to play Devil's Advocate one can always take the position that the fact that a time traveler appeared in the past didn't change the past but fulfilled it. The world from that point evolved to whatever point you want to make "the present" based on the fact that the time traveler was present in the past, i.e. nothing was changed.

Just because I can play Devil's Advocate doesn't make my argument particularly strong. I can envision scenarios where changes could be noticed. I assume that the people who notice the changes are also fully aware that time travel is occurring - it eliminates the incredulity factor. 🤠
What do you mean by "...[W]ho regulates timelines and who oversees the broad spectrum of events to make sure no anomalies occur?" You should probably include a definition of timelines and anomalies. I know, in terms of Special Relativity, what Minkowski termed worldlines and I know what, in physics, an anomaly is. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you define the terms the same way.
When I say "include a definition" just say what your meaning is - no need to get technical. It's just so everyone is speaking the same language, so to speak. Pun intended.