Time Travel Question


Temporal Novice
What would you do if you once going into the past, coming back you brought with you a virus, lets say the black death, or you took with you simple cold bug, what would happen? Is your resistance stronger now to viruses or did you somehow contribute to the black death.

Supposing you sneezed on your ancestor, innocent enough to you, deadly to him.

here's a scarey thought...supposing only those people with least impact on others lives, could travel in time, what I mean to say is for example a good intelligent teacher decides to travel in time, in the present her students no longer have that impact of being taught and go on to otherwise different carears.

My chest hurts and I have a tingling sensation in my left arm
If you're operating correctly, then your travel downline is already protected by the current medical sciences.

Interaction with the local indigs is always suspect and should be kept to a bare minmum.

Call your doctor.
If someone from your timeline was to bring the BD from the past.. it wouldnt be anywhere near as devastating Medicine has come so far while our immune systems have developed significantlty since then..
As you are the children of the suvivors, there is a mutation to a certain strand of DNA that makes people immune to such things..the virus cannot get into the cell and therefore becomes harmless..
I AM not a biologist or even a scientist for that matter, but this is the research that finds a prevention for Aids.. this has already been found at the current time.