I was sitting yesterday watching television around 10:30pm. I was watching "something about mary", then I changed the channel to discovery channel and was watching "mythbusters", specific scenes on both shows. I decided to change back to "something" and I could not find it, so I figure it is in commercials. I kept surfing, and finally found it. Probably 5-10 minutes passed. I was watching the same scene again were I left off at 10:30pm. I thought that maybe it was another channel playing the movie just minutes delayed. So I got to commercials, like the previous time, and decided to go to the Discovery channel again. There it was playing "mythbusters" the same scene were I left off the first time. I freaked out. Unless it was my cable company doing something to the programming, I cant understand it. I suffer deja vus every other week, but this thing took the cake. This wasnt deja vu because I lived it (in real life, not in memory). I have also lost a day back in '92. Went to sleep on Tuesday, woke up on Thursday. I dont sleep that much but I don't remember Wednesday to this day. Anything similar happen to anyone.