Time Travel Mechanics...


Dimensional Traveler
"Time is a mathematical component of a 10 dimensional superuniverse, a variable used to define location and existence.

Here are the basic systems for a gravity distortion system that will allow time travel:

1. Magnetic housing units for dual microsignularities.
2. Electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of microsingularities.
3. Cooling and x-ray venting system
4. Gravity sensors (VGL system)
5. Main clocks (4 cesium units)
6. Main computer units (3)

Temporal space-time is made up of every possible quantum state. Every possible thing that can happen or will happen has already happened somewhere. In a universe made up of infinite worldliness (superuniverse), everything is possible and has a 100% probability, therefore there are no paradoxes.
end quoted.

TT Mechanics


In a universe made up of infinite worldliness (superuniverse), everything is possible and has a 100% probability, therefore there are no paradoxes.

That is a misleading statement about quantum physics and MWI. Though in a quantum interaction there might be an infinite number of theoretical outcomes that doesn't mean that the outcomes include any and all imaginable outcomes. The result of the interaction is confined to a domain of outcomes.

Here's an example:

I place one atom of radioactive carbon-14 into an enclosed system that is otherwise a "perfect" vacuum. I also place two atoms of hydrogen-3 (tritium) into the system. Tritium is also radioactive.

Based on the half-lives of C-14 and H-3 and the volume of my enclosed system I can make a graph of the possible results over time. It should generally look like a Bell Curve.

One result, that will be unstable over time, is that the three atoms will form a molecule of carbon dioxide. Other results will include the decay of tritium decaying to He-3 (helium). Helium is a noble gas and does not readily react with carbon.

I can't say for sure when these outcomes will happen or when which specific atoms will interact. How those outcomes occur might have a number of permutations that border on "infinite". But I can say with a high degree of confidence that only a certain general combination of outcomes will occur. That defines the domain. The graph will tell me what the chance of certain outcomes will be at some time. The most likely outcomes will be strongly grouped in the middle of the curve.

I can rule out completely the outcome that the three atoms and/or their decay elements and particles will form a lump of cream cheese. Cream cheese is not included in the domain of possible results of the interaction of these three radioactive atoms.

Titor's arrangement of cesium clocks won't work - at least not for the stated purpose in his story.

His cesium clocks are a part of his gadget and they are enclosed very near to his black holes. They are subjected to the same distorted spacetime as is everything else in and about his Chevy pick-up.

At best they will only give the TT a very accurate measure of proper time inside his craft. They won't be of any use at all relative to measuring time outside his craft.

The worst is this: Titor gave us diagrams of his device and a photo or two. It won't work. There's no possible way for it to work even if the physics was correct.

Titor described the start-up sequence of his gadget "spinning up". The gravitational field gains energy and expands. This means that as the field expands to eventually engulf the entire truck that the event horizon moves out from the black holes. The problem is that the components of his gadget are between himself and the black holes. The components that make it all work are piece by piece overtaken by the event horizon and disappear from this universe. They're gone, no longer physically connected to the components outside the event horizon. The gadget no longer has any integrity as a machine. Circuits are cut, battery power has open circuits, control components are isolated from what they are supposed to control, whole components disappear...in short the reaction grinds to a halt a few nanoseconds after it begins. And the schematics clearly show that this is what would occur.

Plus, If I recall correctly, the whole circus is powered by an on board battery.

I think you'd want some of those rabbit-with-a-drum drycells to keep from getting stranded in transit.

Cesium? nahhh..

When a supposingly "time rift" appears, its usually water in the surrounding environment being effected. If Caesium gets effected by even a hint of moisture adaptation, its highly volatile and it will explode when reacting with water. When that explosion occurs, any ingredients which has water in it, will also offset a hydrogen atomic explosion. A natural based H2 splitter.

Caesium clocks would not work at all. The only way it would work, would be in a vaccummed space container like a large tube, but with no moisture whatsoever. This makes it impossible because the human body has water and moisture. The compensation of time dialation using such atomized clocks requires non water associated instruments.
2. Electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of microsingularities.

Sounds so much like star trek transporters! lol
""Time is a mathematical component of a 10 dimensional superuniverse, a variable used to define location and existence."

Haven't you heard? There are 11 now :P

Caesium clocks would not work at all. The only way it would work, would be in a vaccummed space container like a large tube, but with no moisture whatsoever

That's exactly how cesium is used in an atomic clock. There's only a tiny amount of cesium and it is in the form of a gas. It's enclosed in a vacuum tube and irradiated by lasers.
Well gravitation is nice and all you need a crushingly lethal amount of it to slow and bend ST even slightly. Gravity is not your friend with no way to shield your self from it. I propose we look @ a different source one thats far less lethal let's toss UH EM fields into the mix to be picked apart as one would wish to.

History has proven that incredibly high EM fields tuned properly can have dramatic effects Thanks to the work of John Hutchinson. Those effects were both dramatic and across the spectrum of probability. In effect it's my belief that Mr Hutchinson was the 1st living person to create what I lovingly refer to as the crap magnet.

Crap happens anyhow But more improbable and impossible crap happens when his devices was in full swing.
That being said I "believe" that what was actually created was a quantum event generator with variable frequency control. Further more I "believe" that with proper tuning such a device could manipulate events to create a quantum event triggered time shift.

Would I personally test this myself "Never" I'm not insane and only the most foolhardy would personally test this theory on themselves as it's not controlled completely random and wherever you go your stuck.

But if you do want to try the impossible knock yourself out if your electrically savvy it should not be a huge stretch just make sure to use a Faraday screen as to not fry your neighbors, neighbors, electronics let alone your own....
Hold on a sec...

History has proven that incredibly high EM fields tuned properly can have dramatic effects Thanks to the work of John Hutchinson. Those effects were both dramatic and across the spectrum of probability. In effect it's my belief that Mr Hutchinson was the 1st living person to create what I lovingly refer to as the crap magnet.

Exactly what part of his goofing around was quantified enough for anyone to know that there were "incredibly high" EM fields created? The fact that there was a lot of solid state electronics (has anyone ever seen a CATALOG of every piece of equipment that was powered?) that may have been powered at the same time is NOT the same as having even a first order approximation to what the E-field and B-field looked like around his equipment. I mean let's be real here.

Beyond the fact that I have seen no evidence that backs up any of his videos, and beyond the fact that no one can ever seem to even "accidentally" reproduce whatever he thinks is called "the Hutchinson Effect", we also have the problem that he NEVER wrote ANYTHING down about his setups or what knobs were set to what positions. To me, THAT is the part of his goofing around that is rightly labeled "crap".

The analogy would be if I played with bricks in my yard and set them up in a strange, seemingly random pattern, and then all of a sudden a meteor just happened to hit the guy's house next door to me, would I then be able to take credit for creating this highly improbable "effect"? Could I then call this the "Hudson Effect"?

Okay rainman thats exactly the kind of scrutiny I was hoping for. True to date no one has been able to recreate this effect. But yes there were written notes that were confiscated "allegedly" with most of his equipment so the story goes.

I'm only proposing an idea far more safe and sound than attempting to place ones self into an atom crusher to gain what 2 minutes of the past oh joy I get to watch myself experiencing morning breath all over again :P

You can take my statements and do what you wish shred them, stomp them ,print them and make an origami stork. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. It's all the same to me and I'm not offended, but until you can give me proof that this is impossible. I stand by my belief that it is.

But yes there were written notes that were confiscated "allegedly" with most of his equipment so the story goes.

And allegedly Bob Lazar had a degree from MIT in physics... but allegedly the guvmint wiped out any and all records of his education. Funny that a guy with a degree didn't keep a copy to prove it. I still have my original BS and MS. Why doesn't Lazar? Anyway, I believe I saw a History Channel show on Hutchinson (where the narrator made the mistake of calling him DOCTOR Hutchinson, which is simply untrue), and in that show "allegedly" it was claimed that Hutchinson did NOT write anything down. So if we are constantly wondering who's allegations are true, does that really mean it is something which should be believed? :eek:

You can take my statements and do what you wish shred them, stomp them ,print them and make an origami stork. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Naah, nothing quite so artsy-fartsy for me. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I'd prefer to just discuss them and refute them(where I can). That is what discussion boards like this are meant for, right?

It's all the same to me and I'm not offended, but until you can give me proof that this is impossible. I stand by my belief that it is.

Glad you're not offended, and you are welcome to your beliefs. But if I asked you to give me proof that it is impossible for Santa Claus to exist, or the tooth fairy, would you be able to do it? As I say, if you wish to believe have at it. But I'll tell you that as a person who tries to educate students in science and engineering, I do get a bit offended (not by people on internet forums!) when people make wild claims of unheard of events for the sake of garnering a little publicity, and then have no means to support those claims. It leads to ill-informed people calling people like me (honest educators who wish to promote good science) "government disinfo agents". It is already a shame that American students are already FAR behind their asian (and other regions) counterparts in math and science. But it is truly putting the final nail in the coffin of American technological dominance when silly crap "internet legends" are entertained as if they might be true without a modicum of evidence to support them. I work at the highest tech levels of the American aerospace business, and we can all see the writing on the wall. Students don't like and are not studying science and engineering. They'd rather "get rich and famous" and for that they just need to tell some good stories, or scam people out of money for HDRs! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif


It leads to ill-informed people calling people like me (honest educators who wish to promote good science) "government disinfo agents".

I wouldn't go that far. Maybe just too skeptical. And you might as well leave Lazar off your skeptical list. He is starting to look like the real deal to me.

And also watch out for the CigMan now, after making a statement like that.
And you might as well leave Lazar off your skeptical list. He is starting to look like the real deal to me.

I wouldn't go that far. Maybe you're just too gullible. What sort of facts or evidence do you have to support this belief? You are aware, I hope, that he has been asked (several times) many basic questions about physics that he cannot seem to answer. And you are also aware, I hope, that one of the more prudent UFO investigators (who also happens to be a "believer") Stan Friedman, has already massed enough evidence to write Lazar off?

And allegedly Bob Lazar had a degree from MIT in physics... but allegedly the guvmint wiped out any and all records of his education. Funny that a guy with a degree didn't keep a copy to prove it.

Yeah, that's a funny one, Ray.

Let's suppose for a moment that a school like MIT (or any other college or university) somehow was convinced to wipe out every trace of a record that a student had ever attended. Paper is paper. But how do you get the entire campus, students, staff and instructors, to somehow forget that the student was ever there?

Its not as if there aren't a few hundred thousand people who have heard his name. His classmates and professors are strangely absent.

Its the same thing for "Doctor" David Anderson, "former USAF officer". No record. In fact it's strange that when he changed employers back in about 2003 and they posted his bio in the press release there was no mention of "Doctor" David Anderson and no reference to a PhD. It didn't even list a BA or BS degree. Like Lazar, he's always avoided direct questions about his education. I did discover one tiny scrap on hs PhD a long time ago. It was a PhD in "metaphysics" from a no-name college somewhere - not physics as he would have had everyone believe.

Detection Systems Welcomes New VP
Detection Systems, Inc., is pleased to announce David Anderson as the newly appointed Vice President of Global Product Management for Intrusion Products, based at Detection Systems' corporate headquarters in Fairport, New York.

With more than fifteen years of experience in the security industry, Mr. Anderson also has experience as an officer in the United States Air Force and as a scientist. His educational background includes physics, philosophy and engineering, allowing Mr. Anderson to bring with him a vast and well-rounded wealth of knowledge to his position at Detection Systems.

Mr. Anderson comes to the company after several years with Newmark Technology as their Vice President of Marketing and Business Development. He has also worked in the security industry with ADEMCO, developing their commercial and government business. Mr. Anderson has extensive experience in strategic planning, market research and customer relations.

Mr. Anderson's responsibilities will include development of market programs for the company's intrusion products worldwide as well as the design and planning of new products. Additionally, he will assist in directing strategic support planning with the Bosch Security Systems group.

"We are very excited to have David join our executive team," stated Peter Ribinski, President/CEO of Detection Systems, Inc. "David's background includes the technical and security industry experience necessary for success in this position. We are certain that his influence will strengthen our ability to produce quality products and build upon our well-established brand equity in the marketplace."

Detection Systems, a member of the Bosch Group, is a leading supplier of equipment to the electronic protection industry, with facilities in New York, California, Argentina, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The company designs, manufactures and markets electronic detection, control and commnunication equipment for security, fire protection, access control, and closed circuit television applications.

This is the guy that Art Bell touted as "the world's foremost authority on time travel research". He's a burglar alarm salesman with not a single reference to his formal education in his company bio. And not a word in his bio about his work in the USAF on time travel - something that was always present in his personal bio when it came to TTRC.

These guys are a dime a dozen - except that they charge a bit more than a dime for their "story" - books, CD's, DVD's, t-shirts, coffee mugs...

It's bad enough to realize that no one has been able to recreate The Hutchinson Effect - a base requirement of the Scientific Method. But John Hutchinson hasn't been able to demonstrate the effect. The last time that I saw something along thiat line it was a video of Hutchinson in his "laboratory" (it looks like a tiny apartment) surrounded by 20-25 electronics gadgets. He flipped the switch on and nearly burned the building down. In that case the Hutchinson Effect was a meltdown of his equipment and an electrical fire.

I wouldn't go that far. Maybe you're just too gullible. What sort of facts or evidence do you have to support this belief?

There was another statement Lazar made. Something to this effect. "They use the weak force to access the strong force." You see I'm very interested in the story he told. Is it true? Maybe someone could actually verify some of these statements. That particular statement seems to be an area of research that I am currently going full steam ahead with. And if I verify that piece of the puzzle, then a whole lot of doors that I can explore will open up to me. And building a time machine just might become a reality.

At any rate I have been writing down the rules of operation as I go. And there is a startling relationship between the E field and B field. But the two other fields also relate a well. Also I came across another term which seems to describe you in much greater detail. "The Pedantic Pessimist" That's much better that goverment disinformationist. Don't you think?

You really need to get away from that armchair. Maybe give remote viewing a try. Or maybe a visit to the Mystery Spot.
Alright let me toss this into the ring if and when it's possible to travel forwards, reverse, or any other Point in time. How do you propose it can be achieved, Rainman until thoroughly tested is one theory significantly better than an other I guess I'm simply stating that we should thoughtfully test avenues even those leading to a possible dead end instead of dismissing them outright and waiting for someone to bottle black holes or create an fanciful Zero point energy source that contains the power of the universe in their Ipod.

I,m not an unreasonable person And I guess the only true way really find out is to undertake this myself and see what happens. Heck I needed a hobby anyhow as it will probably take years just to amass that much equipment if it ever happens @ all, but if I do get results of any type that defy the current definition of the properties of high EM field modulations. I'll happily you tube it for the world to see why.
A: I have better camera equipment than he did
B: I can. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif