Time Travel Maxims

John Thomas

Temporal Navigator
You can not enter your original past.

You can not alter it in any way.

If there was even the possibility of killing your grandfather, and you did kill your grandfather, you would not exist to kill your grandfather so this can not logically be possible.

You can enter an alternate past.

You could more easily view the alternate past without even entering it. For example, it is easier to view Mars right now than actually go to Mars. Possible reasons for entering this alternate past? You may wish to retrieve something valuable to you for your original future.

You can alter an alternate past.

If you enter this alternate past knowing that you can not alter your own original past, then why would you bother to help people in this alternate past if it does not benefit your original future? The answer is, what if you reread a book several times and wanted to rewrite it with a different ending? Or what if you wondered what it would be like if things were different for you in your past? Well trying to alter this alternate past would be like exploring these possibilities -- "What ifs". It would be a form of entertainment. You know what happens at the end of the book and so you inform characters in the book and they do something different. Then it's like you're writing then reading a new book.

You can live out your life either in your original future or your alternate future.

And here is yet another reason why you would alter this alternate past which does not change your original future. You can always chose to live out the rest of your life in this alternate past and your alternate future -- rather than going back to your own original future.
A lot of what I'm doing is just repetition until I find a way to get past the deja vu. My Uncle told me that he got past his deja vu at 35. I'm still in deja vu. Someone said that I will live somewhere specific. I still have the opportunity to not live there, but do I want to live there? Yes. Will the same people that will be there that lived there before? No. Not everyone will choose to be there again but a lot of the same people will be. This is because of the messages from an alternate timeline and people that know my alternate timelines or my possible futures as well. I know what will happen with one major choice and another major choice. I will just not choose to go about those things like it stated before even though I still want to do them but it's best not to do them and I will still live a happier life. These are changes from people and messages from an alternate timeline. I've been in Salem in many timelines and I know this because people have told me and because of messages from the other timelines. Some of it is good and some of it is best to change and not be repeated.
How would you go about viewing your alternate past? Wouldn't you have to enter the alternate past before viewing it? Spot on for the rest of it though.
For me, I left messages from other timelines. Some of it still came true though and some I choose not to repeat at the moment although a lot has been repeated as in meeting the same people, but Situations changed because they read the messages too. The messages were history of my alternate past present and future.
Interesting Maxims, however I do believe you can enter your original past....the thing is that should you cause a paradox as the one you state you will return to an alternate time line, while your timeline stays the same.