Time Travel Machine- Testing and then Building


Temporal Novice
I'm looking for somebody who would be able/willing to fund the building of a time travel machine which would probably take approx. 2 years to build and a few million- ie 2-3 million- to make. Time-travel could be tested beforehand by building a minature version of the time travel machine to see if the concept worked. You would not be able to use the actual version of the time travel machine before building the minature version as the facets on the actual time machine, the one that could hypothetically transport people, would need to be ground and polished to the necessary precision based on the performance of the small model. This time machine, believed to have been existed in the past, (in a society that not much is known about, which could have been highly developed) works via the method that a university professor believes we could use to time travel and is currently investigating.

So I am looking for somebody who would (currently) fund the building of a small working model (of the time machine which supposedly existed) to test and verify the concept, and somebody who would fund the testing of that. I am, at the same time, looking for somebody who could spend a few million building a version of this time travel machine which could transport people, if the concept worked
I’m not interested in funding your project, but I do want to offer some suggestions, if you don’t mind.
You would not be able to use the actual version of the time travel machine before building the minature version as the facets on the actual time machine, the one that could hypothetically transport people, would need to be ground and polished to the necessary precision based on the performance of the small model.

Exactly, but keep in mind, if you are successful and are at the stage of transporting people, you will need to implement measures to study the physical, psychological and behavioral effects of the travelers on return. Negative psychological or behavioral effects could be immediate, or take many months to see surface. These negative effects one experiences can ensue accidental or intentional violations. This is of utmost importance for visits into the past. Anyone who travels should be in good physical health. Also, during initial testing, subjects should proceed with minimal contact with others.
Good luck on your endeavor!
I think the first step would be to test the concept via sending subatomic particles through time, I'm trying to find out about that
I'm looking for somebody who would be able/willing to fund the building of a time travel machine which would probably take approx. 2 years to build and a few million- ie 2-3 million- to make.

Really? Strangest thing, me too.
I'm trying the Blue Peter method - I shall attempt to make my time machine out of used toilet rolls and sticky-backed plastic. My total funding...£12.63 ±50p.

Come on..surely you jest? If it was that simple to build a time machine, some of us wouldnt be posting on this site. We would be off in another time(line).

The way things go, it probably will turn out to be something simple, but that time is not now.
The only thing is the shot where the cat goes back and then the leap looks like the flash was turned off.

But it never hurts to try!