Time Travel is impossible!


Temporal Novice
I'll get directly to the point.
I was thinking, our future is the consequence of things we've done in the past, so if we travel back in time that means our future is already written!
anything we do in the past wouldn't change the future.
we can't travel to the future because for us it hasn't happened yet but we could go to the past because it has already happened.
to travel back in time, time would have to be in a negative velocity state
anything (machines, etc...) that could make time become negative would have to pass through "0 velocity".
that means whet it reaches the 0 it will stop time
let me explain the 0 velocity thing:
let's supose time's normal velocity is 100
if the time machine sets it to 50 we will be 1/2 times slower than normal
in the same way if it sets it to 200 we will be 2 times faster than normal
so if it sets it to 0 we would stop in time and space
the machine cant set time directly to 0 so it has to come descending form 100, 99, 98...
we would be slower and slower until it stops on 0.
so now lets think if it coud get it to -100.
we wouldn't be traveling through time with the same age.
we would be becoming younger and younger
so i've said what i wanted.
i dont know much about quantum stuff so if my thinking is wrong, please someone explain it for me
i'll be glad to know more about time travel since i dont know much about it.
I agree that time travel is impossible...... If you think it is you have too much imagination. That is my opinion.

I'm not gonna talk about time traveler' wannabes yet. Don't get me started. :mad:
I also agree with you, Sanji, that time travel, as what you stated it to be, is impossible.

But i think that the Multiverse theory is correct, and if it is, then that means that someday
there could be a way for us to travel to other universes and thus through "time".

That way, no paradoxes can occur, and time travel is 100% possible.
bomberman, i agree with you too but i also think that if we travel to the past we would be stuck there because the future we was before traveling didnt happen yet.
and yet if we could go to the future or the past by traveling through those black holes, that would be limited because if we traveled to a past when we didnt discover the way to travel through black holes we would be stuck in the past too.
That is where i dont understand what you mean, because you see, its not literally traveling through time,
but more like, you APPEAR to be traveling in time. But in reality, you're just traveling through
different universes, wich are very similar to your own (multiverse theory).

Therefore, i cannot see how any paradox could occur.
now i know what you want to tell me but the only thing you got wrong is that traveling through universes similar to ours isn't traveling through time
so if u change anything in another universe nothing specific would occur in ours
changes would occur only if the universes were connected somehow(i cant explain how)
that multiverse theory is only traveling through universes and not time itself
Exactly ! ;)

It is NOT traveling through time, thats exactly what i meant (and what it is).
It is just traveling through universes, making you only appear to travel through

We could still make use of this though, we could for example, go back in "time",
and get something that we don't have in our current time (like the John Titor story).
I'll get directly to the point.
I was thinking, our future is the consequence of things we've done in the past, so if we travel back in time that means our future is already written! Anything we do in the past wouldn't change the future.

There is another way of looking at this. It's not a pleasant POV and I'm not suggesting that it is the correct answer but...

We tend to look at the implications of time travel from an anthropomorphic POV. The past can't be altered because we humans have a memory of the past - a consciousness of the past if you will. But the universe as a whole is composed of nothing more than a collection of subatomic particles. And the universe is rather huge buth in extent an volume. If we were to travel far out into inter-galactic space and look around everything in every direction would look just about the same. If we were to also magnify some part of the universe to where we could see nothing but atoms and subatomic particles it would, likewise, look just about the same no matter where we were when we made our observation or what direction we looked. On the super macro scale and on the super micro scale the universe looks like a thermodynamic mess whether we run the clock forward or reverse it and run it backwards. On those scales there's really no way for us to distinguish what direction the clock is running or if we have altered the past.

Surely, on the "normal" scale that we view our infinitesimally tiny portion of the universe we can discern a difference but it is likely that that difference would have no real affect on the universe as a whole. The subatomic particles would be perfectly happy running forward or backward in time. Like the Tin Woodsman of Oz, they have no brain.
Subatomic particles just don't stay in one place at one time because place and time really starts to lose its meaning when these very subatomic particles create place and time. Particles obey the laws of space and time but subatomic particles establish those laws. Space and time and gravity are even smaller particles that are also waves of force that help subatomic particles to interact. There are 3 different kinds of Photons. There are 3 different kinds of Gluons. We've already discovered the 3 kinds of Neutrinos. When we learn what the different Photons do and what the different Gluons do, then we will master time and space. One day we will be able to travel to the far edge of the expanding universe in the blink of an eye.
Subatomic particles just don't stay in one place at one time because place and time really starts to lose its meaning when these very subatomic particles create place and time. Particles obey the laws of space and time but subatomic particles establish those laws.

That's true, but it isn't the point. The point concerns entropy - information and organization.

The main argument against time travel to the past - on sites like this - is that the past can't be changed; that there will be some sort of paradox that prevents changing the past or a set of physical laws (like the Chronology Protection Conjecture (not really physical law - its as it states, a conjecture), that prevent either traveling to the past or changing the past. How does one go about offering proof that the past was changed? It boils down to something akin to "because the past doesn't look like we remember it." What's implied is, "because the past doesn't look like we remember it here on Earth."

Relative to the universe, however, "here on Earth" can neither be viewed as a closed system nor representative of the universe as a whole. As I pointed out, the universe, if viewed from inter galactic space looks virtually the same in every direction. That implies maximal entropy - no distinct organization thus no distinctive information.

If that's the case then changing the past here on infinitesimally tiny Earth has no effect on the universe. It's already in a state of maximal entropy, no distinctive information, it has been that way for a very long time, thus changing the past (which already contains a minimum of information) alters nothing of consequence relative to the universe as a whole.

I said it was ugly and I said that I don'r necessarily believe that it is the case. But for those who believe in time travel to the past it should be a bright beaming light of hope.
Entropy to me is nothing but neutrinos in action.

Here is a summary I posted on another forum for you to read Darby.

Here is a summary of what can be found on the HowStuffWorks website about time travel.

Inconsistent Causal Loop
John Titor can't kill his grandfather because then he wouldn't be born and go back in time to kill his grandfather.

Consistent Causal Loop
John Titor could go into the future and get a time machine and bring it back to the past where he would use the same time machine to go into the future to get a time machine for the first time.

Sanders' Post-Selected Model
When John Titor tries to kill his grandfather, a distorted probability force steps in and makes John Titor miss the shot. Grandfather is death-proof when it comes to John's attempts and any attempts before John is born.

Parallel Universe Model
John Titor can go back and shoot his grandfather because it is an alternate time-line. John Titor's grandfather on his own time-line is safe so that John can be born on his original time-line.

Here are some of my notes.

Predestination -- That is the belief that the universe or God or whatever knows what you are going to do before you do it.

Determinism -- That is the belief that the universe has no sentient idea what you are going to do before you do it. Each choice is a surprise. Sure you act based on your behaviors you were born with and the environment you learned from. But you can ultimately decide to act differently based on no factor at all other than random human behavior.

Some psychics seem to know exactly what is going to happen before it does in great detail with names, dates and exact events. I know this from personal experience, I don't expect you to also believe it. It seems to suggest predestination. And if predestination is a reality, then.. predestination makes my actions and behaviors inevitable. I have no choice. I must act according to my genes and environment. Hrrmmmm. Makes you think...

Here is my Back to the Future Model.
John Titor goes back in time and shoots his grandfather. His grandfather dies and John disappears.