Why are you mocking Richard for? He didn't say anything wrong. He's just pointing out the other side of TT. You guys just can't accept someone telling you other wise and wanting to give their 2 cents. This subject was created for those who believe that Time Travel is impossible. Right? That's the subject, isn't it? He has a right to be pessimistic if he wants. This Subject doesn't represent the whole Bulletin Board system, you guys think it does.
And that's just it. It's a Bulletin Board, He can post what he want's, and he's doing it in it's appropriate place too. Can you say the same?
Would you go to an Atheists Bulletin Board, and tell everything God Exists and that they should too or they will go to hell? Would you go to a Jewish bulletin board and say racial remarks about them?
I didn't think so...
But I guess if you really wanted to, you'd respect their subject in their boards, and create another just for yours to say whatever you'd please about them.
He created this subject, I'm sure he had it in his mind that people that shared his perceptive will come and post. Not make fun of him. That's disrespectful...and cold.
You people need to respect people that may not think all like you, and if their posting it in their little section of the bulletin board, why should it bother you. At least he's not invading your subject and spreading his ideas. He's respecting your space and doing it in an appropriate place just for it... Think about it.
Javier C.
<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 22 April 2000).>