Time travel is impossible without...

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I think it would be worth pointing out that time travel is completely pointless without first finding a way to localise your destination.

The universe is constantly expanding and of course the earth is always moving. So if you were to go back it would be necessary to make sure you don't end up in the infinity of space, as it is most likely you will end up at the same universal co-ordinates as you started out from.

Excellent, Excellent, Excellent point!

By the nature of relativity, it is now IMPOSSIBLE to precisely define a GIVEN fixed point anywhere in space (think about it, because it really CAN't be done) and that in itself makes it impossible to define EXACTLY where the Earth, or YOUR position on it WAS at ANY GIVEN MOMENT in the past. How are you going to go somewhere in the past OR future when you can't even define the actual position of WHERE that was or would be!!!!


If anyone needs more convincing, try this: Hold up your index finger. See the end of it? Say the word "NOW". OK. Exactly where is that point that WAS at the end of your finger when you said "NOW"? Be careful... this is not nearly as easy as it seems. In fact, it really can't be answered with absolute certainty. Only approximated. The longer you wait the harder it gets.

You'll eventually have to factor in the precise direction our position in the Universe is expanding "from" and to date, NO ONE can do that.

That is a very good point as Lee pointed out.

If you travelled back six months to the precise location that you are currently occupying, the Earth would obviously be on the other side of the sun - slightly uncomfortable without a spacesuit..

Perhaps if time travel were possible, the machine would need to be a spacecraft itself, or maybe it would simply need to be located on a space craft, so you don't end up 'spacing' yourself.

Could you actually predict what would occupy the location of your arrival with any certainty? Or would you just have to pray that you don't arrive inside a star?..Ouch.

There is a bigger, more fundamental problem though.

How do you define any specific location in the universe? Is it the 'exact' position of a given elemental particle? Somewhere in between 2 given elemental particles? Will we ever be satisfied that we have found the smallest unit possible, the most fundamental way of identifying a precise point? This has strong parallels with the problem of identifying any given point in time, given the limitations of our perception.

Add to that the factor of the expanding universe. As the universe is effectively growing, are universal co-ordinates moving apart with this expansion, or they truly static, with new ones being formed?

But if you were to travel back in time, what is it about the destination that are you actually targeting? Simply telling a machine that you wish to travel back to next Thursday is not enough. Are you somehow using the 'history' of a particle to effectively map your destination? If so, would you automatically be drawn to it's 'location' at that 'moment'?

(I don't actually know very much about sub atomic particles and the like, even their 'lifespans', so using them in that way may be nonsense. I think it illustrates my point though, that human 'timescales' are meaningless when tring to operate outside of them..)

Maybe the universe is something like the surface of a balloon. If you blow it up a little and then draw two points on it, they are a certain distance apart. Blow it up further and the distance increases, but they still occupy the same point on the suface. This almost seems paradoxical, but while the distance relative to each other has increased, they are still anchored to the same points relative to the medium in which they exist (ie..the surface). The 'medium'/surface has simply stretched.

We still just don't understand the nature of the medium/universe that we occupy. We tend to assume that space can be defined in simple terms, compared to time, the nature of which which we spend inordinate amounts of 'time' deliberating over. Maybe the two are similarly problematic, or similarly straight forward. Locating a point in space and a point in time might actually be parts of the same overall problem.

Good point. That's right.

It would be impossible if there wasn't an exact, reachable destination.

With the concept of 'chronons', (very small time intervals that separate wuantum evetnts <10^-24/10^-46 s> ), time travel could then be achieved by travelling to a 'place' between the chronons, consciously.

There is a definate destination (still frame), therefore travel to it can be achieved.

Maybe this is how to time travel, but it is not strictly time travel as if you remember making the journey and indeed everthing preceeding the event, then you have not switched times, just places.

Maybe the new dimension is part of the multiverse? Maybe the whole multiverse is already in all of our subconsciousnesses/consciousnesses?

Maybe we all hold a hyperconscious???


This "Now" position doesn't need to be calculated at all as there is an easier solution. Quantum superposition allows "us" to know the position without it being relative. Take for instance an apple on a tree, you can pick any apple from the tree and eat it but how do you get that apple back? Easy you don't, just pick another apple.

Wow! I am impressed with the quality of the people that can think outside the box here! For a very long "TIME" I did not believe it would be possible for humans to move around in time. Then one day I heard Andrew Basiago give an interview and started to give it a second thought. You guys are luck not to have waited so long as I to give thought to the idea of TT. After lunch I'll share more about how I re-entered the idea about TT.

OK, here it goes: Way back in the year 1965 I was lucky enough to have a science teacher that was Phil Corso's brother-in-law that shred super secret information that he got for Phil. At the time I was given this information I did not believe it to be true. One of the things I was told was that our government was given the time travel information from non humans that crashed and the help continued at the Los Alamos labs. I also did not believe what he told me about the anti-gravity drive system we were given either back in 1965. It took a phone call to my teacher's son to say that I was sorry for using his fathers name on a radio show interview I gave in 2012. I was told that it was OK because his uncle wrote a tell all book in 1997 and died a year after. That is when I first learned that my teacher got the secret information from his brother-in-law Phil Corso. Now I do think that time travel may be real. Not 100% sure until I do it myself, but I can see why many other folks may never think it is true.

Knowing our reality is not how it has always been, it makes me sad to think of all the suffering and greed in the world post-WWII, knowing that technology exists that could have allowed the human race to be prosperously colonizing other planets right now. I think of all the human equity lost in wars of greed that could have been better invested to expand our race into the solar system... We have weak-minded & short-sighted leaders... possibly humanity's single largest flaw...that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

As for flinging yourself into the vastness of space during time travel... well, yes, that is what would happen if your time machine has a propulsion system and no navigation system. Don't do that.

The thought that some Time Travel researchers are inclined to think that Travel in time in the context of this subject matter is somehow separate from Travel in space (Propulsion) is curious to me.

I do not see them to be separate interests.

As for human suffering, and lost human equity, isn't the exceptional learning curve to get past this, up to us? We are FAST getting to a point where our technology outpaces Some peoples ability to process the new abilities we are in development of. I see this as the real problem (Don't allow people who are unready for Reality to have reality without expecting them to react badly-and be scared)..


The thought that some Time Travel researchers are inclined to think that Travel in time in the context of this subject matter is somehow separate from Travel in space (Propulsion) is curious to me.
That depends. If you feel that time travel requires one to physically travel faster than the speed of light, then of course space travel would be one in the same. And if you believe that in order to space travel long distances in short periods of time you need to involve time travel, then yes, they would be the same. But if time travel involves something completely different and accessing another timeline has nothing to do with speed, then they would be two different topics.

The reason you end up in a distant future or past location where the earth was located is because the earth's rotation and it's time energy(aether density) form a wormhole with the present earth. It's the foundation of teleportation technology. It's intimately linked with time travel tech...usually ya get both with a generated time field. A wormhole and time travel.

If you replicate the same 'field' that the Earth is creating to allow this wormhole to be generated from the past or future Earth with the present Earth then you can build a teleporter without time traveling.

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