Time Travel - Interesting Dream


Super Moderator
Had an interesting dream the other night. Involved a time traveling machine. The machine looked like a little booth that had a touch screen control panel, and a rubber type plate that one had to stand on while working the control panel. The machine would then scan my body and my awareness of the present would fade away and the time period I selected would begin to appear until all my awareness was there. Someone asked me how the machine worked and my reply was.." The computer scans my DNA and emits an electronic field that alters the chrono-memories of the DNA strands and then adjusts the energy system within the body...to place the (awareness?) to the date I selected."

Don't remember the exact wording, guess I should of written it down. Was thought provoking, hope it strikes a note in some of you. Will try to remember exactly what I said in the dream..until then..this is what I can put on the table....
Re: Absolutely remarckable


It is simply interesting, the machine you describe is being used right this very moment somewhere in the Mediterranean. It works by expanding one's consciousness and projecting it into the proper temporal line. If i am not mistaken, up to now they have not been able to bridge the gap between alternate world-lines and or parallel universes.

Try to remember the entire dream, or mayhaps you during the night when you feel the most tired, re-envision the dream over and over un til you fall asleep, it you induce a similar dream if not a continuation of the last one.

Truly amazing.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Absolutely remarckable

I tried last night to remember exactly what I said on how it worked. The wording described it perfectly and made total sense as far as being workable. I had another dream long ago involving time travel. There were two computers, one named Leah and the other was named Cheri. Leah had a memory bank that consisted of four clear cylinders that contained a primordial type soup. The mechanism for retreival and storage of information was polarity based instead of on/off as used now in the binary systems. The particules within the tubes where either negative or positive allowing a greater capacity and instant access by shifting of an electrical field. The entire thing was a biological/mechanical creation. Leah also drew her energy from some type of grid connected with the plant life in the surrounding area, I remember the palm trees, grass, and shrubs were all part of some kind of photo/ synthesis system powering up Leah. Wife calling me to dinner...will continue later.
[...]The machine would then scan my body and my awareness of the present would fade away and the time period I selected would begin to appear until all my awareness was there. Someone asked me how the machine worked and my reply was.." The computer scans my DNA and emits an electronic field that alters the chrono-memories of the DNA strands and then adjusts the energy system within the body...to place the (awareness?) to the date I selected."

I wonder where you could go in time with that. Anywhere? Or just the chrono-memories of the DNA?

I wonder where you could go in time with that. Anywhere? Or just the chrono-memories of the DNA?

Just read the reply, been so busy with the God? thread and all. I think this was my first post.
I couldn't really tell you, so much of the dream I just don't remember. I wish I could remember how the darn thing worked. The explaination in the dream made total sense. It seemed so simple, too bad I didnt write it down.

This has happpened more than once. I even dreamed of a super computer named Leah. She was actually powered by biological feeds to the plant life surrounding her location. Somehow tapping into the processes of the plants and converting the photosynthesis into powering her systems.

Her memory banks were several cylinders that contained a primordial soup that utilized an energy field within the cylinders to manipulate the data stored within. Leah also had time travelling capabilities. Once again, somehow altering vibrational frequencies and dissolving the being from one time frame and recreating them in another. She wasn't the only one of her kind either. The area beyond Leah was a desert, ruins of a city visible in the distance, almost gone from sight in shifting sand. Each computer was basically surrounded by an Oasis of plant life, specifically used to power themselves.

Apparently each computer was built on top of remaining sources of water to sustain the plants for the powering of the computers.
reminds me of a book titled "2150 ad" by Thea Alexandrea- fiction, but promoting Macro philosophy, they had a main computer that supervised their society, its personality was refered to as female, and she was called C.I. her memory banks included the 'askiak' records, an exact record of all time, past,present,and future. not exactly like your dream but close enough to mention, i hope.