I just watched the film. I did not see a paradox although.
For those who have not watched the film and plan to I would suggest not reading the following.
Pericules enters temporal disturbance, Leo enters temporal disturbance to recover Pericules, Oberan science/space station enters disturbances looking for Leo.
I believe that all 3 are propelled forward in time but all to the same time. With the Oberon science/station not going as far ahead as both Leo and Pericules.
I suppose the point you want to address is the very end.
I believe that there are three possibilities for this outcome.
One is that Leo actually travels forward in time. The other possibility is that Leo does in fact travel back in time but to an alternate universe where humans, homo sapiens, never came to power. The other possibility is that someone from the future, perhaps Thale, delibrately travelled back futher in time than Leo and changed the past to ensure that apes would be the dominate species.
I do not see a paradox. Of course, there are no paradoxes if you assume alternate universes.