time travel help please!


Temporal Novice
Hi, I am 17 years old and I am doing a research report on time travel for my Fanstasy Science Fiction class.
I have basic information on the theorys and concepts of time travel, but where to find better information than an actual time traveler himself?

Is there anyone who is from the future who would like to help me with this?
If so, here are a few questions

What is the point of your trip back to our time?

By what type of craft brought you back from the future? Did humans finally reach the speed of light?

Compare and contrast your future time to our present time.

One of the commonest objections to time travel are the so called paradoxes. Since being from the future there is some type of solution to these, what is it?

I am not a true believer of time travel as of right now though i believe it is possible. Any convincing information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks alot!
What is the point of your trip back to our time?
My mission is clear, I am to inform interested parties about time travel.

By what type of craft brought you back from the future? Did humans finally reach the speed of light?
Luckly your email system has caught up to my present so I did not need any special time machine. Humans themselves have not yet reached the speed of light.

Compare and contrast your future time to our present time.
There was some confusion in past. In the future a lot of the confusion in the past will be cleared up. Although the future will hold it's own confusion...but that's another story.

One of the commonest objections to time travel are the so called paradoxes. Since being from the future there is some type of solution to these, what is it?
The best solution to not getting caught up in a paradox, is if you travel to the past do not do anything that might cause a problem.

I am not a true believer of time travel as of right now though i believe it is possible. Any convincing information would be greatly appreciated.
The future is there waiting for you. Perhaps we will meet in your future and we can then discuss this "past" post.

I dont think you will find one here, underoath, from the future. However, if you search through the threads there are several different scenarios that may assist you with your report.

I favor the idea that a time traveller would utilize our electronic systems to accomplish his/her goals. The first step would be to create a transmitter/receiver that would function between the time traveller and his original time period. The addition of another satellite wouldnt even be noticed.

If technology reaches the point of having a computer chip installed into ones body, it would give the time traveller the ability to speak and write in any language. Or even download anything required to "fit in".

I dont think a craft will even be used to enter any period of any timeline. Just by a manipulation of energy could result with the time traveller arriving at whatever point he/she desires.

The question of paradox's that exist with regards to time travel are mysteries, indeed. There is a considerable amount of debate on what a time traveller could actually get away with in the timeline.

One popular theory is that if anything is changed, an alternative timeline is created.

I think maybe you should make one up...and give the time traveller whatever you want..or search the John Titor story. Maybe his claims would suffice.