As for "Does anyone know what has happened to another forum 'timetravelportal'? It seems time travel forum is going down one by one."
People are more interested in proving people FAKE than listening to the story they are trying to tell...
ART BELL and GEORGE NOORY don't post IPS or PHONE numbers of the callers /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
As for "Government pressure??"
From my government sources <I don't really have any>, they are torn between who is more of a threat.
The followers of Titor. The realize it is more a science fiction fan thing than subversive movement.
People trying to build TIME TRAVEL DEVICES. They believe it to be a SERIOUS THREAT.
We can't have people, states, terrorist organizations or governments all creating TIME TRAVEL DEVICES to screw with the TIMELINE.
That's the real reason we watch this site SO CLOSELY.
We have our sites on DARBY /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif