Time Travel, even if possible, is redundant.


Temporal Novice
Time Travel Institute,

Hello my name is Robert, I have recorded this message at 2:52 PM EST on July 12, 2003. I am writing to inform and warn future time travelers, Time travel is not possible, and if so it is redundant, consider the following:

Ex # 1: The World Trade Center is destroyed by Islamic radicals and seeming as how it had such a big impact on the world, in the future we try and go back to stop it from happening.... the date is set for September 11th, 2000 6:12 AM EST you inform the officials that islamic radicals are attempting to destroy the WTC via jets. thus September 11th is erased from history, however...there is a catch, since it never happened, you have no desire to go back to stop because at the time, nothing had happened... in result, September 11th was rewritten into the history books because you didnt stop it, causing you to go back and attempt to stop it again causing a time loop.

Ex # 2: Suppose we were able to go in the future, and suppose we saw a Nuclear Holocaust (Terminator scenario) and when you return to your time u are given a short amount of time to stop it, thus you alert congressman, the CIA, the FBI, and they attempt to disarm the country which poses a threat, however the country launches off nuclear bombs, causing your country to fire back, causing a Nuclear holocaust. therefore it was inevitable and you were apart of timeline of that event and couldnt stop it from happening.

Please note that this information is only a theory and not yet proven since we simply do not have the technology to do so, I hope this reaches some of the researchers, even if only a few.....

-Message Ended at 3:06 PM EST July 12, 2003-
Re: Caught in the fenris wheel called paradox

Friend The Architect of EarthTR125.0121

The ideas you are trying to convey to the TTI in essence are right, they are called paradoxes, however this do not prove at all that the notion of time travel is irrelevant.

Let me explain, when people travel in time, via standard time travel or timephasing methods, they do so in order to learn from the past, not to change it. They do so also to get an idea of how are things going to end up. People do not travel in time in order to change things. To do so would not be as smart as we think.

Let me explain. Our reality, and any other for that matter, are made up of tens of quadrillions of chronotonic particulate frames or patterns. I do not need to say that to go back and change something would affect the way the pattern is being created, no, but I do need to say that although the main pattern can withstand changes the more that they are introduced the more it will resonate differently in the stream. So far is not that complicated, nevertheless when you conceive the idea that there are myriads upon myriads of alternate realities all resonating with a particular frequency things could get up quite awry.

You see the more a reality resonates similar to another one, what do you think will happen? They will merge. It is true that the chances of this ever occuring is quite improbable does not eliminate the fact that it has happened before.

The funny thing about a merge of this magnitude is that the two realities are coallesced into an entirely different one. With things re-arranging themselves according to probable statistical math. That means that all that ever existed in the previous universes will be gone to give rise to a new one.

So you see dear old chap, messing with the timeframes of realities, going back to deliberatly change the timeline is a very risky bussiness.

Until later becomes now.