Time travel case of A. Moberly and E. Jourdain


Quantum Scribe
Time slip case of Anne E. Moberly (Principal of St Hugh's College, Oxford, 1886-1915) and Eleanor F. Jourdain (Principal of St Hugh's College, Oxford, 1915-1924):

The time-traveling English schoolteachers who claim to have been transported over one hundred years in the past, history and account of their story.

Short summary of the adventure:

Original papers of Moberly and Jourdain in Oxford library:

They didn't use any technology, or going beyond speed of light etc. Only by-pass a garden on foot.

What do you think about their story? Both witnesses were academics with logical mind, while both witnesses claimed the same event so it was not a single person's delusion.

What is the possible explanation of this time travel case study?
Just because they are teachers does not mean that they are above fabricating a story in order to garner for themselves attention.

This case would only be remotely believable if there was some sort of precedent or related case that you could compare this to. As it is the only two witnesses are the two schoolteachers, its too bad there were no one else in the garden that could account for their disappearance.
If it is a fabricated story, why do the 2 school principals keep traveling back there for answer and spent 10 years period to research the history of the area "after" the story went to public? Isn't that they should do the research before the story went out?

From the original documents in Oxford library, those research papers were not public "weird-news" stories in the daily newspaper. It was a private study of the incidents by themselves, and submitted to the library later in their lives.

Beside that, their adventure was not much a public attention in their life time. It only went a little more popular in the recent years...