<<Do you think that you are possessed. What do these voices say>>
The voices aren't very frequent with me anymore. A year ago, they were though. Since I'm working and going to school, it doesn't give me enough time to fully recharge my self, and pay attention to them.
<<Do they make you do anything. maybe you should see a priest. >>
No they don't make me do anything, and I'm not Catholic or claim any religion.
The voices I hear, versus a schizophrenic who hears voices, aren't at all wanting to cause harm to me.
<<This seems very bizarre. Why doesn't everyone see these numbers>>
Bizarre indeed. Just look at the time you posted…
If you want to believe in the New Age interpretation of it, then you will consider it as a time for you to change and "claim your power" ask Clara what the hell that means.
I asked her hundreds of times, and she's never answered me back
. As you can see with my last post to her. Go fig... Some women just hold grudges like that I suppose.
I guess she doesn't like others disagreeing with her, and questioning her New Age doctrine and Cult at Solara's. She's really showing her true love and compassion for her fellow "brother" as she once called me.
How easily her heart turned cold, as to forsake me just because I had a difference in opinion. I thought siblings fight all the time Clara?
Yes, she's really much more spiritually superior then us. Clara and Solara know what's best for us and the world. Let's all be like them, and not give a $hit what happens to people.
Unlike me, who believes that humanity should live completely free, and be able to govern them selves freely without the future dictating to us what we should do.
New Age view versus mine, states that there is no other choice, and as you can see, they show it too. (Thanks Clara, for proving my point and for being a great New Age representative of your kind). I say, screw that, there is another choice. If you want true spirituality, you gotta do it ethically. You can't be exploiting people, or allow them to be manipulated. What the hell is that? Saying that things will be uncomfortable for you at first, but its okay, because it's for your own good. That's putting a huge spin on slavery and selling out.
Alien Abductions, or as Clara likes to call them "our brothers and sisters from the sky" do this to us also in the background "guiding us." They've done a great monopoly on us as it is... Infiltrating their will in all forms of our main stream society, from spirituality, to acceptance of differences. All of which, are of course, designed intentionally to drive us to them and Clara's perspectives of a being one with the universe. Geesh, What choice will we have if everyone believes this?
No TimeTravelActivist to teach them of their true agenda?
Just accept, and allow.
Clara has stated many times that they are to be allowed to continue guiding us.
Meaning; abducting us. Allowing to be exploited for their own genetic manipulation, and our spiritual gain.
They want to speed up our human evolution, and our receptiveness to a higher frequency. How a CHIME in the wind blows beautiful sounds. The many wonderful tones and pitches to create a harmony and oneness that will one day be humanity. Is the sole intention for Time Traveling to the past. To perfect the future to allow us to pick up on true essence of creation and love.
You see, I understand both sides to this. I can speak for both, however I choose humanity. Clara calls this duality… Rather then have me and others succumb to this, I choose to make others aware of such things one will be giving up on if we do.
I've said many times in my posts, that it will be up to everyone someday to make the decision. I only wish to prepare them by informing them of both sides of this decision. Hopefully also to prevent spiritual brainwashing, that would cause you to forget your roots, and allow them to be changed with out considering the consequences.
<<Who is doing this I mean you say it is time travelers but are they from our future or a different future. What can you do to stop them. What happens when you see these numbers. >>
Aliens, Chrononuats from our future in the guise of our angels and spirit guides. They help to work the gears in the background, bringing things in order for us to come to the spot where they think it's best for us.
Let me ask you something: Are you pretty confident that you know what's best for you? Or do you sometimes need to be helped out and be given advice?
If your confident and know what your doing, and what's best for you. Wouldn't you want your independence and do things your way?
Wouldn't you expect all things to being your doing?
Wouldn't it feel like a taunting feeling, having your life to always seem fixed and be coincidental of everything you do?
Just look at the time you posted above… Did you feel you were in control of your thoughts and actions when you posted that?
You thought you were. But obviously, the time speaks for it's self. You were brought to the point you were meant to be, compliments of the Time Travelers.
Just look at the Sept. 11th connections with the number 11.
A seperat-biased consciousness is being applied to our actions. And that is Time Travel, that is manipulation. That is exploitation of an entire race to do what they are, being controlled to do. And that is, follow their will, and only their will.
Thinking that you had the freewill to do it all on your own, and to come to the conclusion or start of something, and see these numbers only shows you that you didn't.
Then again, we can follow Clara's message and say, you must of allowed this… Did you Manforce? Did you know it would post at 8:22?
Are we to say then, that 5,000 people on Sept. 11th chose to die on the same day?
To be the product of an end result (spiritual gain) that is sanctioned by New Age'rs and considered voluntary? Geesh, talk about the ends justify the means. That's a little extreme. Then again, Clara is pretty extreme her self.
What's that again Clara, you want to abolish religions and our Army??
Go ahead, admit it again. Or must I refer people to your post?
Well if they did allow this to happen to them in their lives to begin with, they sure got them selves in a whole lot of "trouble" ehh Clara?
I was being sarcastic if you didn't pick up on it.
I know of lots of people who never allowed this, and happens to them anyways (the double digits). I think Clara is just making excuses for it, because it's what she believes with a blind conviction of it's righteous (false) benevolence.
To only see that having to sacrifice your self to a spiritual life, you have given them the control to do with what they want with you. A human life, a life of passion and physical love, becomes non-existence. Having to rely now on spiritual instinct, you've lost who you once were.
A race of humans with the rights to morals and principles. Of freedom and choice. Now becomes a race of spiritual humans who wish only to aid in their search for oneness with the universe, at all costs.
Even if that means having to alter the past to do it. Even if that means having to manipulate and exploit ancient humanity to do it. Even if that means having to sacrifice thousands and millions of innocents to accomplish your goals.
Just look at the numbers, they don't lie, look at how beautifully it was all orchestrated. Right down to flight numbers… this is organized spiritual genocide. And to have no right to find those responsible and bring them to justice, and accept it, is just pathetic. Give me a break… it makes me sad and sick both at the same time.
If any of you were a New Age'r, would you consider this? Would you think about it as being Time Travel and wrong? If I have not been the TimeTravelActivist for these past 3 years, would the future humanity have become more accepted of altering the past and changing it for the future's benefit?
I hope that before I leave this world, I would have made a difference. I am only following my moral imperative as a human being and citizen of this world. There is great reason to be concerned, if some would just take the time to consider it.
I'd hate for something to happen to me, which will cause me to no longer be the TimeTravelActivist. This world will always need concerned citizens, who are impartial to spirituality but can understand it. This world needs people to criticize these New Age'rs, to ensure they are put in check when the time comes when they will implement their will upon us. Remember, keep technology away from Cults. Nothing good will come out of it. Only Slavery.
P.S. <<Have you found others besides your family who are seeing them.This is so scary. I'm sorry for you I wish I could help. >>
Yes, I know of a couple of people I met on the Internet who also see these. My good friend, the CAT is one of them. And Clara is another… But as you can see, there is a disagreement on who's interpretation is accurate, and who's isn't. I'll just say this, they both are. The only difference is, what path is morally right for humanity to take. Which side will do the most good and not force you to sell out?
Following humanity to the end, will be harder, and not be as spiritual as the latter. But at least you would live completely free and get to explore space and the stars, and be ready for what's out there. Instead of being pacifists and allowing our descendants to becoming more wusses and little Clara's and Solara's.
Bytheway, Clara, your not Solara her self are you? Just thought about that when I looked at both your names side by side. Very similar. Just change the So. to Cl, and there's your name