Time Travel and Life! (The Radioactive Boyscout)


Temporal Novice
Would time travel be more complicated that this? (Is the future buried in the past, already?)

Discrete connection system within the repeating numbers. Protected area of reception placement. Correct placement requirement on the grid. Reconstruction mechanism. Device activated for internal reception. Observation must reroute copy to origin of placement (opposite pathway system as reception). Construct pathway transfer equiptiment. Secure area. Calibrate and calculate correct timing. You would need a unit to receive first, correct? (O.K., I just lost myself)

Very few people hold a 3 page copy of "Chemistry Of Melanin Formation And Tanning" This article describes (MELANOTROPIN)a hormone which crosses the pathways of tyrosinase products, within the melanophore. A unique process which converts phoemelanin to Eumelanin. It will take people with imagination, persistance and excellant conceptual minds to construct any device which can manipulate time. They will have to be able to think and grasp, what has been, what is and what may be, all at once. A form of multifunctional thinking, so to speak.
"As you walk through life, just remember that you are of everything and everything is of you"
Re: Thanks for the post Thoritum!?

Correlated data perceive to Thortium.

Assistance in coloration return thought.

Copy>Would time travel be more complicated that this? (Is the future buried in the past, already?)

Error first stanza>Discrete connection system within the repeating numbers. Protected area of reception placement. Correct placement requirement on the grid. Reconstruction mechanism. Device activated for internal reception. Observation must reroute copy to origin of placement (opposite pathway system as reception). Construct pathway transfer equiptiment. Secure area. Calibrate and calculate correct timing. You would need a unit to receive first, correct? (O.K., I just lost myself)

>error second stanza>Very few people hold a 3 page copy of "Chemistry Of Melanin Formation And Tanning" This article describes (MELANOTROPIN)a hormone which crosses the pathways of tyrosinase products, within the melanophore. A unique process which converts phoemelanin to Eumelanin. It will take people with imagination, persistence and excellent conceptual minds to construct any device which can manipulate time. They will have to be able to think and grasp, what has been, what is and what may be, all at once. A form of multifunctional thinking, so to speak.
"As you walk through life, just remember that you are of everything and everything is of you"

Thank you Thortium, however this is the augmented truth.

Man as we know him here on Earth, is multiparted within pysio-genetic chemistries.

So on any given planet, within the cosmos, each particular planet is aligned to a sun, particular suns?

This degree and temperament of placement, to that series of beings living on each planet, interacts with their central sun, suns, in a certain way.

This many versions of melanin are produced.

The problem with Earthlings, is that they do no remember their collective past, with reference to some humans.

The biggest problem we do no remember now, is how badly war had effected the past kingdom of Atlantis?!

Some Earth humans are set here to relive these past mistakes all over once again?

So physiochemeistry, may not with respects to placement of some principles of attempted time travel, be able to realize time travel?

There is data, fro Dolores Cannon as well as other authors, that both some forms of Earth people can enter other realties physically if they desire.

There is also knowledge of some aliens that use a time travel belt, which enables time travel, as well as dimensional shift travel?

Your post are appreciated Thortium.