Time travel advice wanted


Temporal Novice

I am very serious about learning how to time travel. I am hoping that maybe some real time travelers or someone who knows a thing or two about time travel would be willing to give me some real authentic advice or tips that would help me to one day become a time traveler.

I'm really hoping that I won't attract a bunch or negative replies to this post I really hope that I might start to get some real answers on how to make my dream of time travel into a reality.

Any REAL authentic time travel advice is appreciated.


I am very serious about learning how to time travel. I am hoping that maybe some real time travelers or someone who knows a thing or two about time travel would be willing to give me some real authentic advice or tips that would help me to one day become a time traveler.

I'm really hoping that I won't attract a bunch or negative replies to this post I really hope that I might start to get some real answers on how to make my dream of time travel into a reality.

Any REAL authentic time travel advice is appreciated.

you got it at:

my dire advice to you is this: if you have anything in your life now that you love and can not do without, do not search out timetravel. Should your destiny require it of you, it will find you.

Learn remote viewing, free course at FIREDOCS.COM, learn astral time travel.

Here is a clue, the key is to see the future as opposed to seeing now. For example, Gold will hit 2000 soon, but right now it is going down. Most people think it will continue to go down, but they are in for a surprise.

source kitco.com

The future is not bigger buldings, because there are few people in the future. It is not faster cars because people teleport. It is not bigger malls because replicators are used, in fact soon you will see many malls close as the depression gets worse.
To Debunkers:

Gold tends to go up during wars and russia just invaded georgia. As I have said before WWIII is just around the corner, and now you are seeing russia is an aggressor. Expect russia to destroy america in 2015 as predicted by John Titor.

BTW did you know that russia claims alaska belongs to them? Time to stop yawning and wake up! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
To Darby:

I predicted it would go from border skirmish to full scale war and it has. The russian bear is no longer hibernating, he is fully awake and hungry. Georgia is the first victim, expect more. I told, yes I told you that russia would attack the US. What do you have to wait for? For russian tanks to be landing in Alaska?

God forbid that we have a weak neophyte like bambi as president. He will no doubt say "We must return the occupied territories now and pay reparations to avoid war, we must wage peace!" This pathetic wimp cannot lead a country in a time of war.

He makes Neville Chamberlian look like a he man. Remember that WWIII is a lot like WWII. We let Hitler invade country after country saying that all he wanted was his former territories back. Neville Chamberlain said "This means peace in our time." Well, months later London was being bombed.

Time to stop yawning debunker! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Stop thinking in terms of hair dryers, chipsets, and hardware.
Start learning what is available on quantum mechanics/physics, then expand your mind.
Next learn with a biased free mind about things such as astral projection/lucid dreaming etc.

If you would like to travel mastering the 4th dimension, then I'm sure harnessing the conventional energy of the 3rd through hardware manipulation will not do much in that pretext (perhaps contribute to an observation is as much as that will allow I'd imagine). To apply pratcial use of a "theory" gained from observation usually the means of it's utilization are much different than the means of learning/observation.
Expect russia to destroy america in 2015 as predicted by John Titor.

See that? Even here you admit it was Titor who predicted it. But that did not stop YOU from taking credit for this prediction as your own. Shame on you, kid. You are really a pro at making yourself look arrogant and stupid, aren't you?

BTW did you know that russia claims alaska belongs to them?

More ignorant stupidity. BTW, did you know there are signed papers in possession of the US Federal Government showing that Russia legally sold Alaska to us? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

To 4thfold99:
Using remote viewing I have found that most people in the future are living underground in shelters. There is much dust in the air and the large cities like NYC, LA, Rome, London, etc. are gone. The scale of the devastation is unimaginable, but you can RV the future and see for yourself.

To Rain:
Yes, I know we have a treaty, but russians are known for saying one thing and doing another. Check up on the Cuban missle crisis when Khruschev told Kennedy that they did not have any missles in Cuba. We almost had a nuclear war back then.

Right now, russia is gambling that Obama will be the next president and that he will not have the guts to stand up to exKGB Putin and his hand puppet President Dmitry Medvedev.

To Darby:
It is no longer front page news, but the russian bear is still hungry after his snack.

TAKEN FROM http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/aug/11/russian-aggression/
"The United States must proceed quickly along the path of resolving this conflict and then redoubling its efforts to integrate Georgia and Ukraine into NATO - rather than allowing Russia's appetite to grow."

Instead of calling for russians to withdraw and stop attacking their former satellites, Obama said both sides have to stop aggression. It is like when Hitler invaded Poland that clown would have said "Poles, stop that aggression against Germany!"

Obama's favorite song is "Back to the USSR".

Well, it's no wonder the communist party endorses Obama.
