The way I see things is the key to time travel. We look out into the night sky and see thousands of galaxies, light years away. And that's what we see. We see a galaxy as it was years ago. We all know what a light year is. I won't insult anyone's intelligence. A galaxy is 100 light years away, for instance, and by the time we see it on dear old Earth we see the galaxy as it was 100 years ago. So, to time travel we need to generate enough antimatter to create the equivalent of a black hole on the point that we wish to visit e.g. Bethlehem year 0. We activate our portable black hole and suck in light like rewinding a tape. The light (previously travelling in a straight line in all directions) is sucked into the black hole and we see past events replayed when we decide we've rewound enough.
However, we can only view the events, we cannot interact with them, because all we are seeing is the image via the light that has been recalled. The next problem is that it there are loads of problems associated with this and they are:
1. The "black hole" we have created will attract everything, not just light and is therefore highly destructive
2. It will take ages to "rewind" light
3. Once allowed to replay, the light will continue at the constant speed of light and we are stuck with a zone that never catches up to the real event (well, it will by reversing the polarity of our black hole and adding enough matter to our antimatter but that will produce a catastrophic explosion and likely to kill everyone - minor point)
There's probably loads of other problems too, but I'm too tired to think straight.
Thoughts on this?
Yours etc.
The Doctor <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]
The way I see things is the key to time travel. We look out into the night sky and see thousands of galaxies, light years away. And that's what we see. We see a galaxy as it was years ago. We all know what a light year is. I won't insult anyone's intelligence. A galaxy is 100 light years away, for instance, and by the time we see it on dear old Earth we see the galaxy as it was 100 years ago. So, to time travel we need to generate enough antimatter to create the equivalent of a black hole on the point that we wish to visit e.g. Bethlehem year 0. We activate our portable black hole and suck in light like rewinding a tape. The light (previously travelling in a straight line in all directions) is sucked into the black hole and we see past events replayed when we decide we've rewound enough.
However, we can only view the events, we cannot interact with them, because all we are seeing is the image via the light that has been recalled. The next problem is that it there are loads of problems associated with this and they are:
1. The "black hole" we have created will attract everything, not just light and is therefore highly destructive
2. It will take ages to "rewind" light
3. Once allowed to replay, the light will continue at the constant speed of light and we are stuck with a zone that never catches up to the real event (well, it will by reversing the polarity of our black hole and adding enough matter to our antimatter but that will produce a catastrophic explosion and likely to kill everyone - minor point)
There's probably loads of other problems too, but I'm too tired to think straight.
Thoughts on this?
Yours etc.
The Doctor <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]