Time To Say Goodbye


Rift Surfer

My efforts to track 'Titors' predictions have come to end.

What started out as fun research project has now reached an end as tbe prediction list is at "Civil War 2004/2005 till 2008 - Not Yet" is the next prediction.

I asked the moderators that the 'Titor Prediction - Track Record To Date' list be deleted along with my other posts. The board does not allow deletions or editing after a period of time.

I never believed 'Titor' would get the predictions fulfilled to date regardless of vague phrasing as some believe.

I can no longer update the 'Titor Prediction - Track Record To Date'

Goodbye and Good Luck
God Bless America


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For the record, I do not believe 'Titor' was a time traveller but a remote viewer, had foreknowledge of a plan or just lucky.
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But before I go I would to remind people the following:

JOHN - Y2K Disaster

Never Happened

JOHN - DEC, 13, 2000: Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election."

No Serious Unrest Occurred in 2000 or 2004

JOHN: FEB 6, 2001 -The West will become very unstable which gives China the confidence to "expand". ... Japan to list China as major threat James Brooke NYT. ...
johntitor.com/News4.html - 84k - Supplemental Result

China Annexing Taiwan was ommitted from the original list - 2008?

"JOHN - NOV. 25, 2000: Yes there were biological and chemical weapons used. No mind control weapons but there are new "non-lethal" weapon systems that turn out to be quite lethal.

JOHN - FEB. 8, 2001: Sometimes I watch your television programs that show SWAT teams using new non-lethal weapons. They usually start out with, "In the future, the army and police will fight its enemies with new weapons systems…" When they use the word "enemy", they're talking about YOU! You don't really think the Marines are going to jump out of helicopters overseas with sticky goop, pepper spray and seizure lights, do you? "

Sonic 'Lasers' Head to Flood Zone
02:00 AM Sep. 02, 2005 PT

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, California -- Air-raid sirens, Frank Sinatra songs and Muhammad Ali trash talk blared over the Southern California desert in a demonstration of new acoustic technology for crowd control and disaster communications.

In mid-90's morning heat at Edwards Air Force Base, HPV Technologies (http://www.getmad.com) and American Technology (http://atcsd.com/)
demonstrated prototypes of non-lethal sonic devices for a group of military and law enforcement guests, including representatives of the U.K. Home Office. Representatives of both companies say that within days, they will ship some units of their respective products to areas hit by Hurricane Katrina, so authorities can use the tools for crowd control, aid distribution and rescue operations.

Costa Mesa, California-based HPV showed off three sizes of its Magnetic Acoustic Device, or MAD, a black square panel composed of multiple speakers. The units on display ranged from about 4 to 10 feet across.

Al-Cajun? Army Times calls NOLA Katrina victims "the insurgency"
Saturday, September 3, 2005

An article in the Army Times is referring to American citizens in New Orleans as "the insurgency".

NEW ORLEANS - Combat operations are underway on the streets "to take this city back" in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
I don't know why I am doing this, but here are a few more items more to add to the list:

<font color="red">
1. There was civil unrest after the 2004 elections, but it was not reported. Here are the events: one, there were tanks drivent odwn the streets of LA and New York to break up peace and anti-bush demonstrations. There was a riot in Ohio when the capital building was captured by "pissed off voters" after Ken Blackwell ended the voter recount.

2. Attorneys against Bush and the Patriot act were jailed (at least 2 that I know of) for several years seemingly for speaking out.

3. Bombs were exploded in Utah and New Mexico or Arizona. One was a truck with 35,000 pounds of explosives headed for the Western White House and the other was a fuel truck headed for a similar destination permitted to cross the Mexican border by the Mexican officials.

4. Civil war breaks out, September 3, 2005. The first attacks on the people have started.

5. After the death toll of Katrina is finalized, there probably will be 100,000 dead

I say this because (1) There were over 150,000 homes inundated and the people WERE left to die

Please see this website for the reasons: &lt;a href="http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk" target="_blank"&gt;www.thetruthseeker.co.uk&lt;/a&gt;, Voice of the White House

6. Oh and the non-lethal weapons? View project sunshine dot org. They have tried to manufacture some, but many have proven accidentally lethal, because dosage is tricky. The sonic thing tends to cook the brain and the "anaesthesia" tends to put people to sleep on a rather "permanent" basis. The stinky spray is promising, but it makes the soldiers sick, too. John laughed about it, probably because he knew that these weapons do kill.

<font color="blue"> John Titor, or whatever his real name was, was foolish to try to warn us.
We are too cynical to be saved from ourselves. We chose not to believe him, because the facts were too scary.

If you choose not to believe me about the civil war, maybe you will believe Howard Dean (go check his letter on Katrina and pay special attention to the part of his letter that begins, "Be Warned.")

This all fits in with a very strange email that I got last week from someone in the know in D.C.
Here's the unacceptable TRUTH: STATISTICALLY, it is IMPOSSIBLE to make that many "GUESSES" correctly. Period.

Either John was someone who had reasons to know all these facts which, given the "future" nature of these facts, meant that either he was in the government research biz, NSA, CIA or a think tank or he was from a different time or PLACE. The problem that I have with the government think tank thing is his ENGLISH. It was too perfect for this time and place.

It was too much like someone from a foreign country in its phraseology. Or it was like the English of someone who was very well educated and that cannot be from out time except for PRIVATE schools and most of them don't teach English THAT well. Many of the words that he chose had angle or Latinate origins, so I am guessing that either he was home schooled by very well educated people, that he learned Egnlish from a book or that he was part of the German or French secret service. His syntax was more like Spanish or English than German, but who knows? What does make sense was being educated at home by his parents from a book during a time when schools weren't available.

The only time that he made any mistakes, real mistakes, grammatically, was a night when he posted was inebriated. Most secret agents would not post in that condition. It is too dangerous. But someone who knew that where they were going,
they could not be followed...it made more sense.

Whoever he was, he gave up trying to educate us for fear of discovery and because it was hopeless. In the end, where he was from was not as important as the fact that he was trying to wake us up.

That is all that I have to say...except that I am pretty good at solving riddles and I have kept track of all of this and I
know that whoever this person was, he was trying to help.

1. There was civil unrest after the 2004 elections, but it was not reported. Here are the events: one, there were tanks drivent odwn the streets of LA and New York to break up peace and anti-bush demonstrations. There was a riot in Ohio when the capital building was captured by "pissed off voters" after Ken Blackwell ended the voter recount

Er, there were never any tanks driven into Los Angeles to stop any civil unrest. I dont mean to put a damper on this, but, as a resident OF Los Angeles, I can tell you first hand this did not happen.

And we havent really had any civil unrest as you would think. I cant speak for New York since I DONT live there, but if one event is incorrect, than that puts a shadow on the others.

Since I came on the scene of J.Titor too late, I dont know exactly when he made his first predictions. But it seems ironic that Dr. Samuel Doctorian published his prophecies in 1998 and the date I see mentioned regarding J.T. is 1998.

Just makes me wonder if the two are linked, one used to formulate the other.

And to CigSmokingMan, sorry you will be going, I read your posts with interest. I hope you still pop in once in awhile to post or just to say hi.
4. Civil war breaks out, September 3, 2005. The first attacks on the people have started.

Oh yes, I agree. Operation Katrina was a complete success on the part of the Empire, but don't worry the Soviets will save us all in the upcoming war.
tanks, etc.

<font color="brown"> Whew,

I feel like I traveled through time just to make this post. Okay, here's what ACTUALLY happened and if I took the time to go forum-crawling, I could get you the exact dates. It's summer 2004, as usual, I'm on my son's iMac because we couldn't get DSL in the little berg that we moved to from SAN JOSE' CA and some dummie who claimed to be a phone repair guy cut the phone wires to my office, so I am sitting at my son's kid-sized desk with the iMac attached to the only working phone line and reading by the light of the monitor, so that he can go to sleep. I'm wishing that we had DSL. The little berg is in my home state of Texas. I'm roving around trying to collect info from people who are registering voters, trying to put together economic stuff for my candidates in Texas and just being my normal highly political self. There are a couple of reasons for this, one, I am afraid that if we don't get rid of the Shrub, I will never get another good job in my life and two, we would have had DSL if Shrubbish had not decided to give his oil friends a tax cut. I can 't believe that he won the Presidency because he's such a feeb. He's decimated Texas before I got there and managed to use Rove's mojo to turn it into the texas miracle. Hah! The only miracle is that the state is not bankrupt. The reason that it is not, is mostly because they overturned a lot of Bush's stupid legislation, but even so things are BAD. [/COLOR]

So, it is about 11:00 pm in Texas which means that is it 9:00 pm in California. There are a bunch of us posting to what then was a sort of underpowered server running the Democratic Underground. Between the slowness of the server and the sloweness of my dial-up, I am about to age 40 years. All of the sudden, somebody from the LA Peace and Justice or Anti-War people comes crashing in with this email that it is an emergency something about their march that night in WeSTWOOD or Hollywood, I honestly don't remember exactly where, he pastes these pictures of armd troop transports and tanks that are parked in the middle of some street blocking the peace marchers. He's taken the pictures and is sending them to us. He's freaking out because if he had not been there, he would not believe it.

Any way, he asks us to get them out, so we do. We post them all over the web. He said that the troop guys told the marchers to clar the streets that the parade is over. The next day, there are articles that say that the troops ordered them out, but then the DoD changes the story to be that a couple of units that were supposed to be shipped out (from the port of?) had gotten lost in westwood or hollywood (yes, I know that they aren't close, but I don't remember exactly) Who knows? Maybe it was near the Miracle mile or san Pedro, I can't remember.

But, it did happen. A very similar thing happened with the New York thing, there was a march, these troop carriers (not taks) showed up, the people that had cameras or phone cameras sent the pix to people at their organization and they hit the web with them. I prowl a lot of strange websites monitoring what's going on and I correlate stuff that most people NEVER hear about... <font color="red">such as there is rumor tonight that soldiers in Iraq who have family in New Orleans started a mutiny...because they are terrified that their families are victims. [/COLOR]

You won't see that on TV tommorrow, but I just checked it out on a website in Iraq and a feed from an Italian news service. There are three different sources reporting on it. If it happened, it won't hit the wires for three or four more days, if at all.

<font color="blue">So, there you have it. Now, let me make a point about all of this. This incident DID happen. It may still be posted on the Democratic Underground site for all I know. First of all, LA is huge. It is possible for something to happen there that did not get reported. I know, I've lived in big cities and little towns and I've written about stuff that I know won't hit the mainstream press for a while. That doesn't mean that it is not happening.[/COLOR]

PS: I'm going to miss Ciggie 2. I liked his acerbic posts. The history that I got on Titor was that he began to post in 1999. \
Civil War, Attacks on the Civilians

Update on the civil war: waynemadsenreports.com (I think that's the correct URL). He mentions that civilians are being moved out of areas of New Orleans that ARE NOT FLOODED.

I don't know if Russia will save us, but I do know that if we don't stop this loon, somebody is going to bomb us.
Re: tanks, etc.

There was only 1 'tank' in the video that I saw, and in the photos as well. Even though L.A. is a big city, I know alot of people that live all over the region. The incident was not as reported. Someone was trying to inflate the incident and cause trouble that didnt pan out.

The only worth while tank story down this way is when that guy stole one and went on a rampage down the San Diego Freeway.

The police in L.A. have their own 'tanks' and would have used them if any crowd control was to be done. Heck, they almost kill people for speeding, ask Rodney King. And that incident led to a real uprising that resulted in people wishing there had been tanks.

The important thing to keep in mind is to remain calm and in control. By spreading stories that are distorted will cause more trouble and actually lead to situations that could be avoided. Tesla used to do experiments of causing a crowd to riot by placing people at strategic locations and shouting out specific comments at just the right moments.

This is why we at TTI are here, to work on building a time travelling device and get the hell out of Dodge. But instead, we argue over inane issues that wouldnt matter if we pulled together and actually built the damn machine. We certainly have the talent in here. To bad all that intellectual strength is used for childish rants.

Not meaning you Sad 1...we know who is at fault.
Question: Does the events happening in the Middle east concerning the Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war?

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election.

Titor would not know first-hand. He would have heard about it or read it. This is his history.

Could he have meant: Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This (degrading US foreign policy and consistency) becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops (in fallujah, iraq) near the next presidential election (November 2004).

Only days after bush won the election he unleashed the USA military on fallujah, iraq. It does not seem like much came of this action. But looking in hindsight it is possible that this was deemed the start of unrest in the middle east.

Remember the start of ww1. Archiduke Ferdinand was shot and killed. At the time no one would believe that this was the start of ww1. I know, ww1 started 30-60 days later and nothing happened 30-60 days after fallujah. That's not the point. The point is pinpointing the start of a war or unrest or whatever is difficult to do at the time and is usually identified only after the fact.

I am not saying that this is what titor meant to say. Only that it is one of many possible interpretations of his writings.
All good things come to an end.... except for maybe time, unless there is an end, and the universe, but I guess that would end when time does, but is there an end to time? Oh man, I'm going in circles, I should jsut stop while I'm behind.
Question: Does the events happening in the Middle east concerning the Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war?

This is a very complex question, MEM. There are so many underlying influences that can effect future events. What I mean by this is that here in the U.S., there is a strong political faction with ties to Isreal.

How much of their financial influence can they use to effect decisions of involvement? I think we have seen the answer to that with weapons and finances the Isrealies have received. Another aspect of this are the Masons ( or related groups ), of whom are taught principles based on ancient Jewish Theology.

This raises the question of what those in influencal positions are able to do with the power of their office.

Once again, I think we have witnessed the answer to that question as well.

It is seemingly obvious that a plan is under effect and being implemented by these powers. As RainmanTime could confirm, I speak to many different "experts" in various fields of study. A Bio-Technologist told me that people sure are stupid to buy the AIDS virus from having a source of a green monkey. Which 'group' was most and still is being most effected?

I havent heard of many top government officals or those who control industry around the world having suffered from the AIDS virus...have you?

With Katrina, same scenario, different source of destructiion. May have been an accident that Katrina hit New Orleans..or not. But once again, who was effected the most?

I believe this leads us to the other portions of your post. The "powers" of influence will become egotistical to the point 'they' will do things that are based on almost the same ideals the suicide bombers have when blowing themselves up.

Obviously, this planet is full of people that could be considered sacrifices for the cleansing of the human race. ( Seen from the perspective of those with "the power"). If a major war did erupt that involved using all types of weapons of mass destruction, who would be left...or who thinks they would be left. vThis is also why there is such a push on who gets WND's and who doesnt. Dont want the wrong people remaining after a war, eh?

John Titor, I believe, wasnt from the future. I think he just was good at assimulating information we ourselves can get if we took the time to do it. This is why sometimes his predictions seem close to some events, and sometimes not. He was just following the results of statistics and specific knowledge of who is in control of events around the globe.

The middle-east has always been a powder keg. Nothing is any different now, then in the past. The one difference is that in order to maintain financial integrity, the oil fields must not be allowed to fall into the hands of anyone who would detract from the strength of said factions.

Thus we see why North Korea is pretty much not a concern. What financial gain would the "factions" gain even if they took it out?

The thing I see creating a civil war is when the people in gemeral finally realize what is going on, and hopefully it wont be too late. Even under this situation, who will be left standing? And what opportunities will be available to "them" if we do break out into mass violence, killing each other off?
There are many possibilities. I've given one. You mention others. They may or may not happen.

If titor, repeat if, not is, was real and his story true then events must start happening in 2005. Given that 2005 is more than half over, something dramatic would have to happen to cause the "collapse of western stability" in 2005. Either a big natural disaster, bigger than Katrina, or some terroist attack that impacts the whole country.

This is not a prediction. I hope titor is a fake. If he is not I'm prepared. Everyone should be prepared for the unexpected.

I still maintain that our future is ours to choose. With the many worlds theory, that too could actually allow for Titor's worldline to exist. But if it really does exist in an alternate timeline, don't you think our government knows about it? And if our government does know about it (thanks to Titor) don't you think they would take steps to avoid world war three? Now there is something in the recent past that just could have put a big damper on any possible civil war here in the U.S. As I recall President Bush did not renew the restrictions on quite a large number of very lethal firearms. If you do not reside in a state that prohibits owning one, you can aquire a machine gun if your heart so desires. So it appears the federal government has backed away from stepping on your second amendment rights. Just remember that it is the balance of power that allows freedom to exist. A balance of power creates a forced peace. Good for the people, but not so good for the power hungry.
Titor may not be far off from what may happen, whether he is a time traveller or not. John Titor obviously is a real person, identity unknown by us, who also is very good at putting a whopper of a story together.

As mentioned, many prophecies exist as far as our future, and anyone could try to figure out exactly what they really mean, with regard to real time events. This is what I think J.T. has done. He used some prophecy somewhere and tried to make it fit into his time travel construct. This is why some may be wrong/some may be wrong.

The thought that is in the back of my mind is this; what happens if another disaster strikes, such as Yellowstone blowing up ?....our resources would not be able to respond to such an event that co-incides with Katrina. Especially with alot of our military equipment commited to other regions around the world. That would certainly spell our doom as a Nation.

Something is definitely going on..the swarm of Earthquakes near the Salton Sea, the Earthquake just across the border of the U.S. and Mexico. I also think we all have that feeling that something really bad is going to happen, intuition in overdrive.

Those in the esoteric disciplines also are adamant that we are nearing a catastrophic event sometime in the near future. We are certainly living in interesting times. It may be good that the price of ammunition is a rather stable commodity.
I also think we all have that feeling that something really bad is going to happen, intuition in overdrive.
There has never been a generation that has not thought that it was about to hit the fan.
I will agree that it seems like a runaway train at the moment.
It most likely will hit the fan sooner or later but I won’t waste my smiles on worries if I can avoid it. There may well come a time when the memories of good times are the sustenance of new hope. So always have a good time if you can. "Let the children play!"

Having said that, I still do believe in being prepared, aware and ready.

Yes you guessed it! I’m stocking up on beer!
Yes you guessed it! I’m stocking up on beer!
Uh oh. You Aussies go through beer like us Yanks go through gas.. if beer prices start skyrocketing I'm going to have to get out the brewing equipment!

But if it really does exist in an alternate timeline, don't you think our government knows about it?

No. I do not think the gov't knows about it.

I still maintain that our future is ours to choose.

Yes. But not everything happens as a result of choices people make. Natural disasters do not happen because people choose them to happen.
But not everything happens as a result of choices people make. Natural disasters do not happen because people choose them to happen.
Not true. People make choices to live in certain places, and thus nothing that happens to people is completely devoid of their choices.

Gee, I am getting the hang of this MEM thing. Would it be appropriate to throw a few insults right here?
Question: Do you have an increase in tornados and earthquakes than what we have now?

Answer: That’s one area I’ve decided not to talk about...sorry.

Gee. I wonder why?
Now that IS very interesting. Hmmm...good find on the net. Definitely put me in ponder mode.

Hey, wait a minute, that is your website. So you are a stockbroker? ... From what I could glean from looking around the site.