I've been surfing and grabing idea from this board since months, I do know many of you, some registred, some not, by your ideas and attitudes. Sometime the topics are cool, sometimes the sames, new people seems to come without reading older posts (I've read them before saying a word).
I'm glad to be part of this happy mess and discoveries. I still wanna know;
-All those who are from the futur raise your hand.
-All those from the past (at least from 100 years ago) raise you hand ( big silence ).
-All those who believe that time travel isn't possible without O.B.E. please stand up!
-All those you believe that a human creation device will make us travel in time please tell it.
-And ect.
Just because we've talk a lot since a while, and it's time to bring back the red meat.
I'm glad to be part of this happy mess and discoveries. I still wanna know;
-All those who are from the futur raise your hand.
-All those from the past (at least from 100 years ago) raise you hand ( big silence ).
-All those who believe that time travel isn't possible without O.B.E. please stand up!
-All those you believe that a human creation device will make us travel in time please tell it.
-And ect.
Just because we've talk a lot since a while, and it's time to bring back the red meat.