cooldude1001 Temporal Navigator Oct 2, 2017 #1 i herd in a rumour that time will stand still at some point in the future i dont have an exact date but it willl happen
i herd in a rumour that time will stand still at some point in the future i dont have an exact date but it willl happen
T Teretere Temporal Novice Oct 3, 2017 #2 If time stood still we would remain in that current moment. We would still remember the past and expect the future and to us it would seem that time was moving forward.
If time stood still we would remain in that current moment. We would still remember the past and expect the future and to us it would seem that time was moving forward.
cooldude1001 Temporal Navigator Jan 14, 2018 #4 found out the date 06/07/2050ish i would like to see that actually
cooldude1001 Temporal Navigator Jan 14, 2018 #5 i probably got the years wrong but i think im close?????