Time-space, not Space-time


Chrono Cadet
This is an extended quote fro the book by Gary E.R. Schwartz and Linda G.S. Russak; The Living Energy Universe.

Reconsider Einstein's notion of Spacetime. Maybe Einstein had it backwards. Maybe it is actually “TimeSpace”.

In order to have three dimensions of space, or even one dimension of space, one needed to have “time” first. If space did not continue to exist over time, there would be no space. Space exists in time, over time. If time is the first dimension, before space-not the fourth dimension, after space-then potential futures can exist along the time dimension.

These implicate orders would simultaneously exist along a sequential dimension, waiting to be potentially manifested in space.

Extending John Wheeler's quote at the beginning of this book, maybe God invented time not only so that everything that was possible wouldn't happen all at once, but also so that everything that was possible could potentially exist in the first place.

Time moving in a direction orthogonal to our perceived direction of time, would appear to be standing still. So perhaps orthogonal time is SPACE.

Another extended quote by Gary E.R. Shwartz and Linda G.S. Russek, from the book The Living Energy Universe.

What has been called the Second Law of Thermodynamics (called Entropy), that things tend to wear's out, may prove to be evidence for the accumulation of information and energy beyond a particular system's capability to contain it. Remember, the components of so-called “worn out” systems still engage in complex resonant interactions, and they still contain, in theory, living energy systems. Hence “entropy” may actually be very complexly ordered-the challenge for future science will be to uncover it. It is worth remembering that the order of digits in “Pi” has been precisely defined to millions of digits, and yet no one has discovered the “formula” for revealing it's replicable order...yet (and if the mathematician Godel is correct, we may never be able to calculate certain very complex ordering processes). Our inability to find the hidden order in Pi should remind us to be humble about concluding that “entropy” lacks order. Of course, entropy “looks” disordered, but that does not make it so.

The light that came from our sun on your birth date raced out across the universe at a speed and continues on and at your age now is how many kilometers away. The calculation leads to a single point mathematically. Light from millions of years ago reaches our hubble telescope and is captured to view. Constant , consistent repeatable , these are what science wants out of math time , space time , observation definitions. Time may have an acceleration curve and Entropy could have some reason for light from the past to arrive , catch up to the present.

You got response from Einstein. I think space time.

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