Time Radio


Chrono Cadet
To: Time Travel Institute Readers:

Electromagnetic field may be able to send some radio energy through time.
These signals from other times may be electromagnetic background white noise that can be dected by
a communications receiver or radio. You can detect this background white noise with
a receiver like the Realistic DX 302. This radio has a signal sensitivity of 0.5 microvolts
at 10 decibel signal to radio noise ratio and an input impedance of 50 ohms. The white noise
signal are strongest at the citizen band channel frequencies. The citizen band frequencies are at 5 kilohertz intervals from 27.125 megahertz such as 27.115, 27.120, 27.125, and 27.300 megahertz. The citizen band transmitters transmit at these frequencies. The white noise amplitudes are
strongest at these channel frequencies. This indicates that these white noise signals
are generated artificially by the transmitters from other times. Some radio white noise may come from
the sun. These signal differences can be
heard in Calgary in the evening. These background white noise may be due to electromagnetic
fields from citizen band transmitters from other times.
See: http://www.spots.ab.ca/~belfroy/TSScience.html for Realistic DX 302 picture.