'Time Pieces' by Adventure Books of Seattle


Temporal Novice
\'Time Pieces\' by Adventure Books of Seattle

'Time Pieces' is an illustrated collection of time travel stories published in six-by-nine inch paperback. It was just released by Adventure Books of Seattle, in collaboration with Bewildering Stories Magazine. You can see the preview and links over at Current Titles at Adventure Books. Check the menu there and hit 'Current Titles.'

The book was created by inviting authors from around the globe to submit for a 2006 contest. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: \'Time Pieces\' by Adventure Books of Seattle

Link here seems dead, probably since the post is a year and a half old.

Anyways, I stumbled onto their new site recently and thought I'd be a good samaritan and do a fellow author a favor by updating it on their behalf. The book can now be found here:

Adventure Books of Seattle