Bookkeeper time (scalar vector) is as you say, But...According to another institute member, time (magnitude vector) is the following:
Theory: F = {[(m/ (1-(v^2/c^2)) ^(1/2)]-m}a
Where F (energy time) is the force of the ground state energy (length) on mass as it approaches the speed of light.
So, time (dark energy/dark mass energy perhaps) is the gamma function equation, sort of.
More info on the gamma function:
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How is the Gamma function is related to string theory?
2 Answers
Jay Wacker, high energy physicist with some knowledge of String Theory
Answered Mar 3 2017
The Veneziano amplitude describes the quantum mechanical amplitude for two strings scattering off of each other as a function of the in-going and out-going momenta of the particles.
This amplitude is shockingly simple:
where s,t,u
are Mandelstam variables and
and B(x,y)
is the beta function
B(x,y)=Γ(x)Γ (y) Γ(x+y)
Here you see the appearance of Gamma functions. Here α
is a linear function known as a Regge trajectory:
The reason why it is a Gamma function is that poles (singularities that behave like 1/(x−x0)
as x→x0
) are really important for the analytic structure of scattering matrices. The periodic (single) poles along the negative real axis of the Gamma function are the reason why this relatively simply special function appears. Amusingly, it’s the behavior of the negative axis that is important not the relation to factorial behavior (if you could separate the two).
Amazingly, this amplitude wasn’t derived, instead was inferred by simply properties like “cross symmetry” which says that if you exchange an in-coming particle with one of the out-going particles, the amplitude should be the same.
Another amazing aspect is that this amplitude had been discovered before by Mahiko Suzuki for the exact same purpose as Gabriele Veneziano had been trying to solve. Mahiko Suzuki was a young postdoc in Japan and went ot his supervisor and described his discovery to him, and the response was: you
derive amplitudes from first principles, you don’t just
guess them. Obviously, this is an important lesson about listening to old people about the importance of achievements.
You can read more about the early history of string theory
Daniel Bamberger, Astronomer at Northolt Branch Observatories (2015-present)
Answered Mar 3 2017
The important property of the Gamma function is that it has poles on a straight line (the real line).
The property of world-sheet duality in String Theory requires a scattering amplitude that has poles where particles appear, which is on a straight line. It were
Gabriele Veneziano, Joel Shapiro and
Murray Gell-Mann who found a combination of Gamma functions that was a possible solution to this problem. Amazingly, their solution later turned out to be unique in the sense that no other possible solution has ever has been found. Their work is now known as the
Veneziano amplitude, with the following formula:
Veneziano’s discovery is nicely explained in this video: